El documento define varios t辿rminos clave relacionados con la inform叩tica como datos, procesos, software, hardware, computadora, usuario, programador, programa, CPU, memoria, internet e intranet. Explica que un dato es un elemento suelto que sirve para obtener informaci坦n, un proceso es un conjunto de pasos ordenados para llegar a un fin, el software son programas que no se pueden tocar, el hardware son componentes f鱈sicos que se pueden tocar, la computadora es un conjunto de dispositivos electr坦nicos, el usuario es la persona que usa la computadora,
Manifest destiny was the belief that American expansion westward was inevitable and beneficial. A famous painting depicts an angel guiding colonists westward, representing the concept of manifest destiny. Pictures show colonists traveling west on trails, demonstrating their drive to move in that direction as the sun set, in line with the principle of manifest destiny.
Manifest destiny was the belief that American expansion westward was inevitable and beneficial. A famous painting depicts an angel guiding colonists westward, representing the concept of manifest destiny. Pictures show colonists traveling west on trails, demonstrating their drive to move in that direction as the sun set, in line with the principle of manifest destiny.
This 4 sentence document discusses a PowerPoint presentation about combat during the Civil War. It describes how combat was brutal and often man-to-man, and explains that an image was chosen that shows man-to-man fighting and how violent combat was, as well as how men would line up.
During the Civil War, women were left to run businesses in the North and plantations in the South while the men were away fighting, as depicted in a photograph of two women outside their home taking a break from work and childcare. The photo provides a glimpse of what women's roles and dress were like on the home front during the war.
El documento define los principales componentes de hardware y software de una computadora. Define t辿rminos clave como datos, proceso, informaci坦n, hardware, software, usuario, programador, programa, computadora, software base, software aplicaci坦n, memoria, CPU e intranet.
El documento define varios t辿rminos clave relacionados con la inform叩tica como datos, procesos, software, hardware, computadora, usuario, programador, programa, CPU, memoria, internet e intranet. Explica que un dato es un elemento suelto que sirve para obtener informaci坦n, un proceso es un conjunto de pasos ordenados para llegar a un fin, el software son programas que no se pueden tocar, el hardware son componentes f鱈sicos que se pueden tocar, la computadora es un conjunto de dispositivos electr坦nicos, el usuario es la persona que usa la computadora,
Manifest destiny was the belief that American expansion westward was inevitable and beneficial. A famous painting depicts an angel guiding colonists westward, representing the concept of manifest destiny. Pictures show colonists traveling west on trails, demonstrating their drive to move in that direction as the sun set, in line with the principle of manifest destiny.
Manifest destiny was the belief that American expansion westward was inevitable and beneficial. A famous painting depicts an angel guiding colonists westward, representing the concept of manifest destiny. Pictures show colonists traveling west on trails, demonstrating their drive to move in that direction as the sun set, in line with the principle of manifest destiny.
This 4 sentence document discusses a PowerPoint presentation about combat during the Civil War. It describes how combat was brutal and often man-to-man, and explains that an image was chosen that shows man-to-man fighting and how violent combat was, as well as how men would line up.
During the Civil War, women were left to run businesses in the North and plantations in the South while the men were away fighting, as depicted in a photograph of two women outside their home taking a break from work and childcare. The photo provides a glimpse of what women's roles and dress were like on the home front during the war.
El documento define los principales componentes de hardware y software de una computadora. Define t辿rminos clave como datos, proceso, informaci坦n, hardware, software, usuario, programador, programa, computadora, software base, software aplicaci坦n, memoria, CPU e intranet.
Prospettive del nuovo web: web 2.0, collaborative filtering, wikipediaGino Roncaglia
Gino Roncaglia (Universit della Tuscia) - 際際滷 dell'intervento per il convegno 'Strumenti collaborativi e scrittura storica nella fase del web 2.0', Firenze 15 febbraio 2008. Il video dell'intervento 竪 disponibile su Zentation: http://www.zentation.com/viewer/index.php?passcode=fqd88n7erh
1. Aggregare le informazioni sul Web esperienze a confronto Bonaria Biancu Seminario CNBA Biblioteche come conversazioni: 2.0 intorno e oltre lachitettura Roma - 18 maggio 2007
2. Web 2.0 O'Reilly What is web 2.0? Web as Platform Rich user experience Data is the next Intel inside Support lightweight programming models Design for "hackability" and remixability Cooperate, don't control Trusting users as co-developers DATA HACKABILITY USERS AS DEVELOPERS MASH-UP!
3. Mashup: un ecosistema per gli sviluppatori Mix di contenuti ed elementi provenienti da molteplici fonti ( TechWeb ) Il primo mash-up, all'inizio del 2005 竪 HousingMaps che combina dati di Google Maps con informazioni da agenzie di real estate Nata come una competition, il primo "Mashup Camp" 竪 stato sponsorizzato da Adobe, AOL, Sun, Microsoft, Google, Yahoo! e altri. Si 竪 tenuto al Computer History Museum a Mountain View, California, nel febbraio 2006
4. Web Service Estrarre i dati API (Application Programming Interface): definizione di metodi, oggetti e propriet per accedere ai dati devono essere aperte (i.e. pubbliche e possibilmente semplici!) RSS Scraping Protocolli Web SOAP REST E per le biblioteche: SRU(REST-like), SRW (SRU+SOAP), CQL ( Library of Congress )
5. Ciclo del Mashup Informazioni (siti, wiki, feed RSS etc.) A pplication P rogramming I nterface Richiesta Processo Risultato (con vari formati di output)
6. Lo stato dellarte Programmable web 1912 mashup al 16.05.2007 3.19 nuovi mashup al giorno Decine di API Metadati relativi a funzionalit, metodi, protocolli
7. Qualche esempio... Big players: Google ( AJAX Search API , Froogle , Google Maps !) Amazon web services: Historical pricing (a pagamento) Amazon Product Feed (gratuito) eBay Yahoo Flickr Del.icio.us YouTube ...
8. Tool di sviluppo Pipes moduli drag&drop per creare mashup OpenKapow - creazione, condivisione e ri-uso di Web service QEDWiki - mashup-maker di IBM basato su wiki Proto - applicazione desktop per creare mashup in ambiente visuale CogHead - applicazione business basata sul Web Dabble - database per creare, gestire ed esplorare dati sul Web DataMashups.com - portali personalizzati, integrazione di SOA, Web service, widgets e applicazioni Web RSSBus - feed dinamici da database, fogli di calcolo e directory Community Walk , MapBuilder , Wayfaring creazione di mashup dedicati alle mappe ...
11. Biblioteche su Del.icio.us Biblioth竪que de l'Universit辿 Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) (2292 post al 16.05.2007) http://del.icio.us/bibliparis4 Thomas Ford Memorial Library http://del.icio.us/thomasford Biblioteca di Milano-Bicocca GdL Sfx http://del.icio.us/bonaria/sfx ...
12. Flickr per le biblioteche Onmouse over Query to the OPAC
15. Biblio-bar @ Bicocca LibX toolbar: estensione di Firefox che consente l'accesso diversificato alle risorse della biblioteca Toolbar & right-click menu Menu che si adatta ai contesti Supporto all'OpenURL Supporto a Google Scholar Localizzazione sul Web grazie a pulsanti embedded Autolinking Supporto a COinS
19. LibraryThing for libraries! Funzionalit Opac 2.0 per le biblioteche Raccomandazioni di libri Browsing per tag Recensioni e ratings FREE: Altre edizioni e traduzioni Coming soon... Recensioni, tagging e rating di utenti LT + utenti locali
20. OPAC La pi湛 grande base di informazioni strutturate Non basta costruire verticalmente sul catalogo Occorre disseminare i nostri dati e combinarli con altri (database, e-journal, siti di social tagging, servizi commerciali...) L'unico limite 竪 la fantasia!
21. Domande? http://del.icio.us/bonaria/mashup Bonaria Biancu -- aka The Geek Librarian Biblioteca di Ateneo -- Universit di Milano-Bicocca mail: [email_address] blog: http://bonariabiancu.wordpress.com library web: http://www.biblio.unimib.it