Sergi Palomar (Barcelona, 1980), M.Sc in Telecommunication & Electronic Engineering by ETSETB-UPC 2005, Catalonia-Spain in collaboration with BCIT (Bristish Columbia Institute of Technology). Working both as researcher in Toulouse-France at LAAS (Laboratoire d´Analyse et d´Architecture des Systèmes - CNRS) inside the group TMN (Micro et NanoStructures), to design new generation of power dispositive, and in IMB-CNM-CSIC deeping inside SiC JFET for spatial applications.
From 2006 to 2008 he worked in SERRA SOLDADURA & AERONAUTICS as R&D Electronic Power Engineer, in order to design a new generation of power inverters. In 2008 he moved to PTA -Technological Park of Andalusia to join R&...