This document summarizes key features of the online version of The Sun newspaper. It discusses how The Sun uses synergistic advertising with the iPad to mutually benefit both companies. It also describes how The Sun allows personalized news access, incorporates videos and search bars, and makes it easy for readers to respond and share content through social media and commenting. Visual elements like images are prominently featured to engage readers.
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2. SynergyThis is an advertisement found on the sun newspapers online homepage less obviously advertising the iPad and enforcing the benefits of having an iPad with the mutual advertisement of the suns downloadable application which allows iPad users to read the sun on their iPads.This double advertisement is called synergy, the combination of two companies in order to mutually benefit them both (:
3. Online FeaturesA interest specific menu. Menus like this online give the audience a chance to directly access stories and information that they are most interested in. Another key feature that only online newspapers can incorporate are videos. streamed footage and interviews are a good way of backing up stories, these cannot be accessed on paper view. Search bars like this, again give the audience a chance to access the specific information relevant to their search or general interests.
4. PersonalizationThe my sun section of the online newspaper allows readers to directly access news that they are specifically interested in. Logging into mysun also allows readers to save their preferences in order to personalize the news that they read.
5. AdvertisingThings like laser surgery are now accessible by all people of a majority of age groups , aiming this advertisement at a wide range of people indicating that a wide range of people read the sun.There are not very many adverts online, on the homepage there were only two and one was indirectly advertising an ipad whilst directly advertising new sun apps.
6. imageryAs you can see there a lot of images in comparison to the amount of text on the main page. The images are clearly used to draw the readers to the story and the small amount of text is also very attractive as it uses bold, underlined, and colored fonts. The sun newspaper also uses a lot of humorous pictures. The stories usually aid the pictures when in other newspapers it is the other way around.
7. How easy is it for people to respondThere are a numbers of ways for people to respond through RSS feeds, twitter, face book, directly printing, sharing and e-mailing. There was also a comment board for people to directly state their opinion and interact with other loyal sun readers.
8. Also.. As I was browsing, this popped up and I found it kind of interesting that although they use minimal advertising they felt the need to go the extra mile with extra super cool advertising whilst people were trying to browse.. It was literally unmissable.