judge me and i'll prove you wrong!
fifteen yrs leaving in dix DENIAL WORLD. you can col me watever word dat'll cum out from eur mouth. im jux a SIMPLE yet BRATTY teenager. i live my life like derx no tomorow. living my life tu da fullext en FOOLING others.
im willing tu teik eni consequenses for my luvd ones. wer not brother nor sister, but it does not min dat i dun love yu. haha. im also a joker ghurl. but sumtymx, i juz wan tu be al0ne, jux by myself. sumtymx i fil much comfortable by myself dan wid a companionship.
wer not po0r en not rich either. living wid my parentx away, i still survive. but den, i stil nid sum1 to col unto. en datx ho