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This page is under the patronage of the following Saints and Holy Persons: St. Paul of Tarsus, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Gemma Galgani, St. Dymphna, St. Maria Goretti, St. Lydwine of Schiedam, St. Giles, St. Bernadette of Lourdes, and St. John of the Cross, and the Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich. Instead of frequently praying for me, please pray to Jesus via them for any other person.
My priorities are Jesus, Mary, and you, so why talk about me? I don't know anyone that well, but I love you. I am a sinner. I do not like men romantically, but have no problem befriending them.
I laugh in church and elsewhere in public for no reason, and love to laugh for no reason. Some say of me
Users following Joshua Lindsey