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Cover Letter:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to inquire whether you have any HSE Engineer vacancies within your organization,either now
or possiblyinthe nearfuture,foran individual of my skillsandexperience.
As you will see from my enclosed CV, I am a highly skilled in HSE management with extensive Experience
in the Industrials and constructions project as HSE Teams, database administration, System
administration,andmore acquiredfrom a diverse andrewarding career.
Throughout my career I have demonstrated the ability to manage HSE Department how to promote
Multiple sites of HSE and am proficient in all aspects of large portal hosting management for them HSE
I am creative thinker skilled in the leadership of multi-functional HSE teams and experienced in the
delivery of valuable Technical support. I now wish to develop my career further and am therefore looking
for a newand suitably challengingposition.
I believe that my key qualities are my excellent interpersonal skills and strong communicative ability,
Combined with my talent for effective organization and prioritization. I see myself as a highly Dedicated
I would very much welcome the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your organization And I
Look forwardto hearingfromyou.
ShivaRaj Thapa Magar
Republicof Uzbekistan
Email: shivaraj_ukt@yahoo.com &shivarajhsem@gmail.com
Name: Shiva Raj Thapa Magar
Address: Ramechhap Districts Lakhanpur-6 Nepal
CurrentlyAddress: Republicof Uzbekistan.
Mobile: 977-9841611023
Email: shivaraj_ukt@yahoo.com and
Website: qa.linkedin.com/pub/shivaraj-thapa-
Date of Birth: 24/12/1988
To work for the position as HSE Engineer in order to promote Safety as value & as a way of life in any
job of which I Made an Excellent performance from various Experiences in the field Of Industrial onshore
plant construction and Civil construction project & Offshore marine project, in the prevention of accidents
and lossof manpowerandmaterialsresources.
Intend to build career with leading corporate of hi-tech environment with committed and dedicated
people, which will help me toexplore myself fully and realize my potential and to contribute my education
and managementskills.
I wish to consolidate on my experience gained in this field. I am currently looking for an even more
challenging & rewarding role where I can apply my skill that I have acquired throughout my career &
satisfymybossesby honest& hardwork inefficientmanner.
Project: UGCCEthylene PlantProject.
Designation: HSE. Engineer
Clint: UZ-KOR
Contractor: GS/Engineering&Construction Co.,Ltd.
Company: DAEAH Engineering&ConstructionCo.,Ltd.
Period: 02/May/2014 to Continue
Project: BNPP/Intake/MixingBasin Shore Protection & Phase 2 Construction Wharf
Designation: HSE.ENGINEER
Clint: Enec & Kepco
Main Cone: HSJV (Hyundai SamsungJointVenture),KEPCO&ENEC
Sub-Cone: AthenaEmirate
Company: Lima ContractingL.L.C.UAE-Abu-Dhabi
Period: 01/01/2014 to 30/03/2014.
Project: Takreer Carbon Black & DelayedCoker (CBDC) project-(EPC- 3)
Designation: HSE.ENGINEER
Clint: Takreer
Main Cone: SamsungEngineering
Company: Lima ContractingL.L.C.UAE-Abu-Dhabi
Period: 26/09/2013 to 31/12/2013
Project: Ruwais RefineryExpansionProject-(EPC- 4) Tankage & Associated Interconnecting
Designation: HSE.ENGINEER
Clint: Takreer
Main Cone: DaewooEngineering&Construction (Takreer)
Company: LimaContractingL.L.C.UAE-Abu-Dhabi
Period: 25/02/2013 to 25/09/2013
Project: [BNPP] BrakahNuclearPowerPlantProjectU.A.E.
Designation: HSE.ENGINEER
Clint: Enec.& Kepco
Main Cone: HSJV (Hyundai SamsungJointVenture),KEPCO&ENEC
Period: 24/05/2012  25/02/2013
Projects: Qatar Petroliam(QP.) Simaisma, Bellini,al-dhakhira, Al-wakra, Samos, GolarMaria,
HighGlow,Al-KhorRig,Al-DohaRig. ZikreetRig,Ejnan,Al-Shoua,Al-Sheehania,
Gulf-1,Al- Marrouna& LNG Doha
Designation: HSE. SUPERVISOR
Client: (N-KOM) NakilatKeppelOffshore Marine (NakilatShip RepairerYard/DryDock)
Company: MuehlhanDehanW.L.L.(Qatar)
Period: 2010-2011
Projects: Qatar Gas Qcs 3&4 Onshore Projects
Designation: HSE. CO-ORDINATOR
Client: Qatar Gas
Main Cone: ChyodhyaTechnipJointVenture (CTJV) &Gama
Company: MuehlhanDehanW.L.L (Qatar)
Period: 2008 to 2010.
Projects: Ras Gas (RGX) Onshore Projects
Designation: HSE. OFFICER
Client: Ras Gas
Main Cone: ChyodhyaTechnipJointVenture (CTJV) &Belleli
Company: MuehlhanDehanW.L.L. (Qatar)
Period: 2007 to 2008
Graduate Bachelor of Arts from (University) Patan Multiple Campus Patandhoka Lalitpur
Kathmandu Nepal.
Intermediatefrom(University) PatanMultipleCampusPatandhokaLalitpurKathmandu Nepal.
HighSchool from Shree KalikaHigherSecondarySchool Lakhanpur.
(NEBOSH) International General Certificate in Occupational Health & Safety from
National Training Center Abu-Dhabi LLC. On July 27, 2013.
(OSHA) Health & Safety Construction from Diss Institute of Doha Education Centre On 10Feb-
H2s/BA Familiarization Course on21-Feb-2010,
PermitTo Work(PTW) from (Qatar Gas) on June  03 - 2010,
Accident,IncidentReporting&NearMissfrom BNPPProjecton11 Jul,2012.
Compress Gas Fire FightingfromBNPPProjecton09 Jul, 2012.
Health& hygiene trainingfromHSJV on25 Dec, 2013.
SafetyCulture trainingfromHSJV on24 Sep,2012.
(AGT.) Authorized Gas Test Awareness Level from Total Safety U.S. Institute Doha Qatar 2207
Firefighting or, Introduction to fire safety level (ii) From Total Safety U.S. Institute Doha Qatar on
28  07  2010.
Safety Leadership for HSE Personnel Course by Qatar/Gas 3 & 4 Joint Asset Development Project
on 13 Aug,2009.
Certificate of completion basic fire warden from Diss Doha Industrial safety Service issue on 15
June 2008.
Certificate of completion basic MEDICAL FIRST AID with 8 Hr. CPR from Diss Doha industrial
safetyservice issue on25 January 2008.
Certificate of basic first Aid from Emirates Technical & Safety Development Centre (E.T.S.D.C.) on
29 Nov,2012 to 08 Nov,2015
Certificate of Fire Warden from ETSDC (Emirates Technical & Safety Development Centre) BNPP
Project on 14 Jul, 2012 to 13Jul, 2014.
SEA Water 132 Main Header from CTJV Chiyoda Technip Joint Venture Ras Laffan
Onshore Expansion Project Awards for Best of worker On Dec.17 2008.
Painting certificate For HSE Officer from CTJV Qatar Gas 3&4 Onshore Project
AwardedOn 30th
Qatar Gas 3 & 4 Project Ras Laffan Industrial City Certificate of Appreciation
From Gama Qatar HSE Departmentawards For Bestof Worker on
Certificate of Appreciation from CTJV-QCS Project, Ras Laffan, Qatar HSE Department
Awards for Best of Worker On September 2010.Certificate of recognition from Ras gas
RL (3) common off lot Projects Awarded On 15 March 2008.
ComputerliterateMSOffice (Word,Excel,PowerPoint),Windows, Internet,andPhotoshop.
 Multi tasking, motivated, hardworkinggoal oriented,
 Good communications andinterpersonal andhumanrelations Skills,
 Proficientinoral andwritten English&
 Organized andcapable handlingstaff.
HSE Rules and Regulations in accordance With the Owners Coordinating with the Field Safety Officers,
and recommending Officers, and Recommending specific Safety measures whenever Necessary and
Applicable. Conduct regular site Inspection to identify safety and job related Problems, Hazardous areas,
and working conditions. Recommend appropriate measures to the Management to improve safety and
welfare Conditions of the Project and Subcontractor Personnel and equipment from accident and damage
Ensuringthat the requirementsof training /safety Procedures.
 To protect all employee from foreseeable work hazards like unsafe work methods, unsafe posture
or improperUse of safety equipments.
 To provide all concernwith information,Instruction,Training andsupervisiontoworksafely.
 To promptly investigate regarding the cause and nature of accident as well as to identify accident
 Carry out accident/incident investigations in accordance with the Company Accident/Incident
ReportingProcedure andanalyzingall data,makingrecommendationstoavoidany recurrences.
 Ensure compliance with all requirements stipulated in the Construction Phase Health and Safety
 Maintain records as necessary to ensure compliance with Statutory Legislation and Contract
 Participate inthe workof safety committeesandjointconsultationsaffectingthe workforce.
 Assistinthe preparation&review of projectH&Sdocumentsincludingthose of 3rd
 Advise and assist all appropriate Managers to discharge their responsibilities for the Health and
Safety of employees and others to whom they have a duty as defined by Statutory Regulations
and Companypractice.
 To inspectfirefightingequipmentsand tosee that they are in workingcondition.
 To ensure the personal protective equipment in Working condition and being used by workers in
Hazardous situations.
 To monitor working environment & ensure Work performance is under safe condition by making
Inspection of the workshop (machines, floor condition and lighting provision, working under
overhead Crane etc).
 Ensure that all personnel are aware of their statutory duties and responsibilities, and to provide
advice as andwhenrequired.
 Liaise withthe HealthandSafetyManager.
 Remindingall workersthatthe safetyinthe bestpolicyandto Target zeroaccident.
 Conduct daily inspection in the work areas to ensure the health of the workers protection of
environmentare properly takencare of.
 Advice &co-ordinate implementationof WorkPermit.
 Determine the required Personal Protective Equipmentin the project and ensure its proper use all
 To ensure the personal protective equipment in working condition & being used by workers in
hazardous situation
 Carry out regular inspections of sites and work places to determine whether work is being carried
out inaccordance withCompanyPolicy,Proceduresandthe relevantStatutoryProvisions.
 Informto employees, locationof mainmusterpoint.
 Prepare & conductsafety orientation classesof newly hiredemployees.
 To promote standers of safety& health work place & safe system.
 To monitor working environment & ensure work preference is under safe condition by making
inspection of the workshop (machines, floor condition & lighting provision, working under
overheadcrane etc.)
 Create HSE awareness through Tool box talks,
 Preparingjobsafetyriskassessment, jobhazardanalysis orjobsafety Analysis.
 Prepare Daily, weekly &Monthly reporttoClint.
 Prepare accident, incident&NearMiss reportto Client.
 Passportnumber: 3470191
 Place of issue: Ramechhap,Nepal
 Date of issue: May, 30/05/2007
 Date of expire: May, 29/2017
 Name: ShivaRaj Thapa Magar
 Permanent Address: RamechhapDistrictLakhanpur-6Dorkhani
 Sex: Male
 Age: 26-Years old
 Date Of Birth: 24-12-1988
 Father: Hari NarayanThapa Magar
 Mother: SantaMaya Thapa Magar
 Nationality: Nepali
 Qualification: Bachelorof Arts
 College: Patan Multiple CampusPatanDhokaLalitpur, Nepal
 Secondary: Shree KalikaHigherSecondary School Ramechhap District
Lakhanpur-6Dorkhani, Nepal
 Job: Health& Safety Environmental Engineer
 Experience: 8-Years
): MuehlhanDehan Qatar W.L .L.
): LimaContractingL.L.C. UAE. Abu-Dhabi
) : Daeah Engineering&ConstructionCo.,Ltd.
 Language: English,Hindi &Nepali,
 Mobile no. of Nepal: 977-9841611023 & 9849946026
 Email Address: shivaraj_ukt@yahoo.com
 Height: 54
 Weight: 65 (kg)
 Civil Status: Single
 PresentAddress: Republicof Uzbekistan.
 Mobile no.: +998932084315
 Expect Salary:
I hereby declare that the above furnished particulars are true to the best of my Knowledge and
The role of the safety professional is to ensure that work can proceed without stoppage due to poor safety
performance. This can be achieved by taking a proactive approach to safety; the safety professional
should be advised of the work planned so that the necessary precautions can be implemented in advance,
thereby eliminating incident, which may lead to unnecessary delays & coats. This can be achieved
withoutcompromisingsetsafety standards.
DATE: 23/10/2014 yoursfaithfully
Place: Nukus, Republicof Uzbekistan. ShivaRaj Thapa Magar
CV.Attachment with Certificate_ENGINEER
CV.Attachment with Certificate_ENGINEER
CV.Attachment with Certificate_ENGINEER
CV.Attachment with Certificate_ENGINEER
CV.Attachment with Certificate_ENGINEER
CV.Attachment with Certificate_ENGINEER
CV.Attachment with Certificate_ENGINEER
CV.Attachment with Certificate_ENGINEER
CV.Attachment with Certificate_ENGINEER
CV.Attachment with Certificate_ENGINEER
CV.Attachment with Certificate_ENGINEER
CV.Attachment with Certificate_ENGINEER
CV.Attachment with Certificate_ENGINEER
CV.Attachment with Certificate_ENGINEER
CV.Attachment with Certificate_ENGINEER
CV.Attachment with Certificate_ENGINEER

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CV.Attachment with Certificate_ENGINEER

  • 1. Cover Letter: Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to inquire whether you have any HSE Engineer vacancies within your organization,either now or possiblyinthe nearfuture,foran individual of my skillsandexperience. As you will see from my enclosed CV, I am a highly skilled in HSE management with extensive Experience in the Industrials and constructions project as HSE Teams, database administration, System administration,andmore acquiredfrom a diverse andrewarding career. Throughout my career I have demonstrated the ability to manage HSE Department how to promote Multiple sites of HSE and am proficient in all aspects of large portal hosting management for them HSE Culture. I am creative thinker skilled in the leadership of multi-functional HSE teams and experienced in the delivery of valuable Technical support. I now wish to develop my career further and am therefore looking for a newand suitably challengingposition. I believe that my key qualities are my excellent interpersonal skills and strong communicative ability, Combined with my talent for effective organization and prioritization. I see myself as a highly Dedicated Andstronglydrivenindividual. I would very much welcome the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your organization And I Look forwardto hearingfromyou. ShivaRaj Thapa Magar Designation:HSEEngineer Republicof Uzbekistan Mobile:+998-91-208-4315 Email: shivaraj_ukt@yahoo.com &shivarajhsem@gmail.com
  • 2. CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Shiva Raj Thapa Magar Address: Ramechhap Districts Lakhanpur-6 Nepal CurrentlyAddress: Republicof Uzbekistan. Mobile: 977-9841611023 Email: shivaraj_ukt@yahoo.com and shivarajhsem@gmail.com Website: qa.linkedin.com/pub/shivaraj-thapa- Magar/25/a06/a78 Date of Birth: 24/12/1988 POSITION: HEALTH AND SAFETY ENVIRONMENT ENGINEER OBJECTIVE: To work for the position as HSE Engineer in order to promote Safety as value & as a way of life in any job of which I Made an Excellent performance from various Experiences in the field Of Industrial onshore plant construction and Civil construction project & Offshore marine project, in the prevention of accidents and lossof manpowerandmaterialsresources. Intend to build career with leading corporate of hi-tech environment with committed and dedicated people, which will help me toexplore myself fully and realize my potential and to contribute my education and managementskills. I wish to consolidate on my experience gained in this field. I am currently looking for an even more challenging & rewarding role where I can apply my skill that I have acquired throughout my career & satisfymybossesby honest& hardwork inefficientmanner. EXPERIENCE: Project: UGCCEthylene PlantProject. Designation: HSE. Engineer Clint: UZ-KOR Contractor: GS/Engineering&Construction Co.,Ltd. Company: DAEAH Engineering&ConstructionCo.,Ltd. Period: 02/May/2014 to Continue Project: BNPP/Intake/MixingBasin Shore Protection & Phase 2 Construction Wharf Designation: HSE.ENGINEER Clint: Enec & Kepco Main Cone: HSJV (Hyundai SamsungJointVenture),KEPCO&ENEC Sub-Cone: AthenaEmirate Company: Lima ContractingL.L.C.UAE-Abu-Dhabi
  • 3. Period: 01/01/2014 to 30/03/2014. Project: Takreer Carbon Black & DelayedCoker (CBDC) project-(EPC- 3) Designation: HSE.ENGINEER Clint: Takreer Main Cone: SamsungEngineering Company: Lima ContractingL.L.C.UAE-Abu-Dhabi Period: 26/09/2013 to 31/12/2013 Project: Ruwais RefineryExpansionProject-(EPC- 4) Tankage & Associated Interconnecting PipingAgreementNo.09-5578-E-4 Designation: HSE.ENGINEER Clint: Takreer Main Cone: DaewooEngineering&Construction (Takreer) Company: LimaContractingL.L.C.UAE-Abu-Dhabi Period: 25/02/2013 to 25/09/2013 Project: [BNPP] BrakahNuclearPowerPlantProjectU.A.E. Designation: HSE.ENGINEER Clint: Enec.& Kepco Main Cone: HSJV (Hyundai SamsungJointVenture),KEPCO&ENEC Period: 24/05/2012 25/02/2013 Projects: Qatar Petroliam(QP.) Simaisma, Bellini,al-dhakhira, Al-wakra, Samos, GolarMaria, HighGlow,Al-KhorRig,Al-DohaRig. ZikreetRig,Ejnan,Al-Shoua,Al-Sheehania, Gulf-1,Al- Marrouna& LNG Doha Designation: HSE. SUPERVISOR Client: (N-KOM) NakilatKeppelOffshore Marine (NakilatShip RepairerYard/DryDock) Company: MuehlhanDehanW.L.L.(Qatar) Period: 2010-2011 Projects: Qatar Gas Qcs 3&4 Onshore Projects Designation: HSE. CO-ORDINATOR Client: Qatar Gas Main Cone: ChyodhyaTechnipJointVenture (CTJV) &Gama Company: MuehlhanDehanW.L.L (Qatar) Period: 2008 to 2010. Projects: Ras Gas (RGX) Onshore Projects Designation: HSE. OFFICER Client: Ras Gas Main Cone: ChyodhyaTechnipJointVenture (CTJV) &Belleli Company: MuehlhanDehanW.L.L. (Qatar) Period: 2007 to 2008
  • 4. ACADEMIC WQALIFICATION: Graduate Bachelor of Arts from (University) Patan Multiple Campus Patandhoka Lalitpur Kathmandu Nepal. Intermediatefrom(University) PatanMultipleCampusPatandhokaLalitpurKathmandu Nepal. HighSchool from Shree KalikaHigherSecondarySchool Lakhanpur. COURSE & SEMINAR ATTENDED (NEBOSH) International General Certificate in Occupational Health & Safety from National Training Center Abu-Dhabi LLC. On July 27, 2013. (OSHA) Health & Safety Construction from Diss Institute of Doha Education Centre On 10Feb- 2010. H2s/BA Familiarization Course on21-Feb-2010, PermitTo Work(PTW) from (Qatar Gas) on June 03 - 2010, Accident,IncidentReporting&NearMissfrom BNPPProjecton11 Jul,2012. Compress Gas Fire FightingfromBNPPProjecton09 Jul, 2012. Health& hygiene trainingfromHSJV on25 Dec, 2013. SafetyCulture trainingfromHSJV on24 Sep,2012. (AGT.) Authorized Gas Test Awareness Level from Total Safety U.S. Institute Doha Qatar 2207 2010. Firefighting or, Introduction to fire safety level (ii) From Total Safety U.S. Institute Doha Qatar on 28 07 2010. Safety Leadership for HSE Personnel Course by Qatar/Gas 3 & 4 Joint Asset Development Project on 13 Aug,2009. Certificate of completion basic fire warden from Diss Doha Industrial safety Service issue on 15 June 2008. Certificate of completion basic MEDICAL FIRST AID with 8 Hr. CPR from Diss Doha industrial safetyservice issue on25 January 2008. Certificate of basic first Aid from Emirates Technical & Safety Development Centre (E.T.S.D.C.) on 29 Nov,2012 to 08 Nov,2015 Certificate of Fire Warden from ETSDC (Emirates Technical & Safety Development Centre) BNPP Project on 14 Jul, 2012 to 13Jul, 2014. AWARD CERTIFICATE SEA Water 132 Main Header from CTJV Chiyoda Technip Joint Venture Ras Laffan Onshore Expansion Project Awards for Best of worker On Dec.17 2008. Painting certificate For HSE Officer from CTJV Qatar Gas 3&4 Onshore Project AwardedOn 30th June2010. Qatar Gas 3 & 4 Project Ras Laffan Industrial City Certificate of Appreciation From Gama Qatar HSE Departmentawards For Bestof Worker on 01/September/2010. Certificate of Appreciation from CTJV-QCS Project, Ras Laffan, Qatar HSE Department Awards for Best of Worker On September 2010.Certificate of recognition from Ras gas RL (3) common off lot Projects Awarded On 15 March 2008.
  • 5. OTHER QUALIFICATION: ComputerliterateMSOffice (Word,Excel,PowerPoint),Windows, Internet,andPhotoshop. SKILLS / ABILITIES: Multi tasking, motivated, hardworkinggoal oriented, Good communications andinterpersonal andhumanrelations Skills, Proficientinoral andwritten English& Organized andcapable handlingstaff. DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES: HSE Rules and Regulations in accordance With the Owners Coordinating with the Field Safety Officers, and recommending Officers, and Recommending specific Safety measures whenever Necessary and Applicable. Conduct regular site Inspection to identify safety and job related Problems, Hazardous areas, and working conditions. Recommend appropriate measures to the Management to improve safety and welfare Conditions of the Project and Subcontractor Personnel and equipment from accident and damage Ensuringthat the requirementsof training /safety Procedures. To protect all employee from foreseeable work hazards like unsafe work methods, unsafe posture or improperUse of safety equipments. To provide all concernwith information,Instruction,Training andsupervisiontoworksafely. Preparingdailyobservationreport. PreparingPreliminaryAccidentReportandAccidentInvestigationReport. To promptly investigate regarding the cause and nature of accident as well as to identify accident provesworkers. Carry out accident/incident investigations in accordance with the Company Accident/Incident ReportingProcedure andanalyzingall data,makingrecommendationstoavoidany recurrences. Ensure compliance with all requirements stipulated in the Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan. Maintain records as necessary to ensure compliance with Statutory Legislation and Contract Requirements. Participate inthe workof safety committeesandjointconsultationsaffectingthe workforce. Assistinthe preparation&review of projectH&Sdocumentsincludingthose of 3rd parties CoordinationwithConsultantandmaincontractor. Advise and assist all appropriate Managers to discharge their responsibilities for the Health and Safety of employees and others to whom they have a duty as defined by Statutory Regulations and Companypractice. To inspectfirefightingequipmentsand tosee that they are in workingcondition. To ensure the personal protective equipment in Working condition and being used by workers in Hazardous situations. To monitor working environment & ensure Work performance is under safe condition by making Inspection of the workshop (machines, floor condition and lighting provision, working under overhead Crane etc).
  • 6. Ensure that all personnel are aware of their statutory duties and responsibilities, and to provide advice as andwhenrequired. Liaise withthe HealthandSafetyManager. Remindingall workersthatthe safetyinthe bestpolicyandto Target zeroaccident. Conduct daily inspection in the work areas to ensure the health of the workers protection of environmentare properly takencare of. Advice &co-ordinate implementationof WorkPermit. Determine the required Personal Protective Equipmentin the project and ensure its proper use all times. To ensure the personal protective equipment in working condition & being used by workers in hazardous situation Carry out regular inspections of sites and work places to determine whether work is being carried out inaccordance withCompanyPolicy,Proceduresandthe relevantStatutoryProvisions. Informto employees, locationof mainmusterpoint. Prepare & conductsafety orientation classesof newly hiredemployees. To promote standers of safety& health work place & safe system. To monitor working environment & ensure work preference is under safe condition by making inspection of the workshop (machines, floor condition & lighting provision, working under overheadcrane etc.) Create HSE awareness through Tool box talks, Preparingjobsafetyriskassessment, jobhazardanalysis orjobsafety Analysis. Prepare Daily, weekly &Monthly reporttoClint. Prepare accident, incident&NearMiss reportto Client. PASSPORT DETAIL: Passportnumber: 3470191 Place of issue: Ramechhap,Nepal Date of issue: May, 30/05/2007 Date of expire: May, 29/2017 PERSONNAL DETAILS: Name: ShivaRaj Thapa Magar Permanent Address: RamechhapDistrictLakhanpur-6Dorkhani Sex: Male Age: 26-Years old Date Of Birth: 24-12-1988 Father: Hari NarayanThapa Magar Mother: SantaMaya Thapa Magar Nationality: Nepali Qualification: Bachelorof Arts College: Patan Multiple CampusPatanDhokaLalitpur, Nepal Secondary: Shree KalikaHigherSecondary School Ramechhap District
  • 7. Lakhanpur-6Dorkhani, Nepal Job: Health& Safety Environmental Engineer Experience: 8-Years Company(1st ): MuehlhanDehan Qatar W.L .L. Company(2nd ): LimaContractingL.L.C. UAE. Abu-Dhabi Company(3rd ) : Daeah Engineering&ConstructionCo.,Ltd. Language: English,Hindi &Nepali, Mobile no. of Nepal: 977-9841611023 & 9849946026 Email Address: shivaraj_ukt@yahoo.com Height: 54 Weight: 65 (kg) Civil Status: Single PresentAddress: Republicof Uzbekistan. Mobile no.: +998932084315 CurrentSalary: Expect Salary: DECLARATION: I hereby declare that the above furnished particulars are true to the best of my Knowledge and belief. PHILOSOPHY TOWARDS SAFETY: The role of the safety professional is to ensure that work can proceed without stoppage due to poor safety performance. This can be achieved by taking a proactive approach to safety; the safety professional should be advised of the work planned so that the necessary precautions can be implemented in advance, thereby eliminating incident, which may lead to unnecessary delays & coats. This can be achieved withoutcompromisingsetsafety standards. DATE: 23/10/2014 yoursfaithfully Place: Nukus, Republicof Uzbekistan. ShivaRaj Thapa Magar