14. Xamarin.iOS 亳仗仂仍亰亠 仗仂仍仆
Ahead Of Time (AOT) 从仂仄仗亳仍亳
亟仍 仂亰亟舒仆亳 仗舒从亠舒 亟仍 Apple App
Xamarin.Android 亳仗仂仍亰亠 Just In
Time (JIT) 从仂仄仗亳仍亳 仆舒 Android
and Link
仂从舒 仗仂亳亰于仂亟亳亠仍仆仂
48. 舒亰仆仂仂弍舒亰亳亠 iOS
3D Touch
iPhone 6s s
eries only
Apple pencil
iPad Pro only
Multi Tasking
Only select iPads
Form factors iOS 9 features
49. 丐亳 API 仆亟仂亳亟舒 亳 iOS
弍仍亳仆亠 于亠弍 API
仆亠亞舒亳亳 弍从亠仆亟仂仄
弌仂仂仆仆亳亠 弍亳弍仍亳仂亠从亳
仂仄仗仂仆亠仆 仂亶于
弌仍仂亢仆仂 仗亳仍仂亢亠仆亳亶
際際滷 Objectives:
Explain the three established industry terms for cloud services
Speaker Notes:
There is a lot of talk in the industry about different terms like Platform as a Service, Infrastructure as a Service, and Software as a Service.
Since PDC08 when we first announced the Windows Azure our focus has been on delivering a platform as a service offering where you can build applications. Where the platform abstracts you from the complexities of building and running applications.
We fundamentally believe that the future path forward for development is by providing a platform. In fact, as youll see in a few minutes, we believe that there are a number of new capabilities that should be delivered as services to the platform.
There is a lot of confusion in the industry when it comes to the cloud.
Its important that you understand both what is happening in the industry and how we think about the cloud.
This is the most commonly used taxonomy for differentiating between types of cloud services.
The industry has defined three categories of services:
IaaS a set of infrastructure level capabilities such as an operating system, network connectivity, etc. that are delivered as pay for use services and can be used to host applications.
PaaS higher level sets of functionality that are delivered as consumable services for developers who are building applications. PaaS is about abstracting developers from the underlying infrastructure to enable applications to quickly be composed.
SaaS applications that are delivered using a service delivery model where organizations can simply consume and use the application. Typically an organization would pay for the use of the application or the application could be monetized through ad revenue.
It is important to note that these 3 types of services may exist independently of one another or combined with one another.
際際滷 Objectives:
Explain the three established industry terms for cloud services
Speaker Notes:
There is a lot of talk in the industry about different terms like Platform as a Service, Infrastructure as a Service, and Software as a Service.
Since PDC08 when we first announced the Windows Azure our focus has been on delivering a platform as a service offering where you can build applications. Where the platform abstracts you from the complexities of building and running applications.
We fundamentally believe that the future path forward for development is by providing a platform. In fact, as youll see in a few minutes, we believe that there are a number of new capabilities that should be delivered as services to the platform.
There is a lot of confusion in the industry when it comes to the cloud.
Its important that you understand both what is happening in the industry and how we think about the cloud.
This is the most commonly used taxonomy for differentiating between types of cloud services.
The industry has defined three categories of services:
IaaS a set of infrastructure level capabilities such as an operating system, network connectivity, etc. that are delivered as pay for use services and can be used to host applications.
PaaS higher level sets of functionality that are delivered as consumable services for developers who are building applications. PaaS is about abstracting developers from the underlying infrastructure to enable applications to quickly be composed.
SaaS applications that are delivered using a service delivery model where organizations can simply consume and use the application. Typically an organization would pay for the use of the application or the application could be monetized through ad revenue.
It is important to note that these 3 types of services may exist independently of one another or combined with one another.