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Organization / Workplace
helloh ppl...welcum! im "SHYAM" OR "Dr. UNPREDICTABLE"
bout me...
M A boy OF JUS "19"...... on seein me 1st tym...AS IF ITS WRITTEN ON MA FACE KI ....HOW IM DECENT....
i luv simplicity....who supprt masti khor... haan
little bit emotional fool I get attatched to people very easily. I have my own idea of living which mostly nobody UnderStand....
any ways
i luv listning 2 musik.
ohh...yeaa I Love Counter Strike.
well...i luv 2 mke ppl laugh.. ahhaan i want 2 b famous, noticed, known by evry1...although this wud make a bad no..i hav a real bad choice waise..
d things ppl hate i luv em d mst !!
m evr1 is....m a bit diffrnt frm other..
People laugh at me coz
Users following Ghanshyam Hatwar