
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
2012 - Fibromyalgia
2008  Crohns disease
1996  Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
and hypermobility syndrome
1983  Polymyositis, lupus, TB
2018  Pancreatic cancer
2014 - Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
2006  Bilateral hip replacements
A meeting at Liverpool Lime Street station!
National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Research Network (CRN):
Children/Versus Arthritis Paediatric Rheumatology (PRh) Clinical Studies Group (CSG)
Whats a consumer
What am I supposed to
National Advisory Group
MobApp Project
How do I represent
young people with JIA?
How do I get to be as
good as these other
National Research Project
Transitional care for young people with
juvenile-onset rheumatic diseases
I get to go to Zurich!
How am I going to
afford this!?
How much time do I
need to spend
International Recommendations
Which organisation do
I represent?
Is this what care is like
across Europe?
How do I fit in among
these 200 delegates?
International Advisory Group
University of Leeds
Which hat should I
Why am I here?
2017-2019 Take offEULAR
My involvement in research has
sparked a whole new interest and
passion in my life

Bringing about change

Short sightedness
1. We make people fit into existing structures. Shouldnt
it be the opposite way around?
2. Its time to truly value the voice of people with lived
experience, just like we value the voice of employees.
3. We need to ask ourselves, why are we really doing
4. Dont judge, or criticise. Lets nurture and support.
Were all heading in the same direction, after all
Research has
Made me a better person
Made me an empowered patient
Helped me to fight to save
my mums life

We have the chance to
transform lives. I am
living proof of what a
difference it can make.

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Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn
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Lukenote Practice: Free yourself. Let your practice run on autopilot. Scale y...
Emitlogic Technologies Private Limited
Precede - Proceed Model; Nola Pender's Health Promotion Model.pptx
Precede - Proceed Model; Nola Pender's Health Promotion Model.pptxPrecede - Proceed Model; Nola Pender's Health Promotion Model.pptx
Precede - Proceed Model; Nola Pender's Health Promotion Model.pptx
Puja Kumari

Seven Years To Transform