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Chile Chile
PhD Chemistry (Postdoc) in Center for the Development of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Cedenna-Usach)
Simonet: Simonet received her PhD degrees in Chemistry from the University of Santiago of Chile in 2011. She was a research scholar at the Radiation Laboratory, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, EEUU from January to March 2010. She worked as a researcher at the company Quimas S.A. in 2011 in developing intelligent packaging for the preservation of fresh grapes. She was also a researcher at Desert Bioenergy S.A. in 2012. Her research interests are focused on the production of biofuels and biorefinery. She is currently researching potential value-added co-products resulting from microalgae biodiesel production, with a focus on the development of novel bio-composites with microalgae and ...
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