*th!s y3ar i'm 17
y3ars old...
* i was born on 25 june 1996...
* i live at somewhere in c-b0o,the swan city........
* my favourit3 CarTo0n is Sp0nGeb0B SquarePaNTs....
*i will shut up my mouth whenever i've no m0od......
* my fav0uRiTe c0lour iS pUrple N i L0ve choc0lates very mUch...
*i'm a c00l pErs0n
* i'm a sImPle guRL..
*10 Things ab0ut me that y0u have t0 kn0w are:
1.i'am a s3nsitiv3 girl....
2.i'am ch0osY n aLwAYs wAnts the best....
3.I'am p3rs0n that easiLy bor3d.....
4.i'am funNy n L0ves t0 j0kEs...hehehehehe....
5.I'am talkative n a d