Okily Dokily, Matt "The Dubz" Wrighty Wright hurr, and this is mrs. Skylars fb of course, and yeah ima say it i love this girl cuz shes such a gangsta for shizzle my nizzles and shes like #2 on top bestest buddies list for me. She be dating my ex secret lover Kyle "That Homo" Does BuBois, but yeah she celebrates her birth sometime in 1996 cuz shes like 12, so she hangs out at the gay skate alot and all. Oh yeah shes totally
the sexiest guy ive ever seen ;) jk im thinking kyle is of course yo.
Oh yeah shes like bi and all but thats straight i dont dissapprove or nothing and she likes the color sea weed green and all oh and shes totally into blue eyes and all and blonde haired nazis for s