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Country: Fiji
Laboratory name: Fiji Agriculture Chemistry
Laboratory (FACL)
Name of the presenter: Mere Tauvoli
 FACL was established in 1962 under the Primary Industries now the Ministry of Agriculture.
 FACL conduct tests for
 Agriculture farmers, agriculture researchers, private sectors, universities, public
enterprises and regional bodies.
 Only laboratory in Fiji providing fertilizer recommendation to non-Sugar Agriculture
farmers through soil and plant analysis
 Soil, Plant, Animal Feed, Other agriculture samples, Water, Food, Food products analysis.
 FACL became a member of SPACNET / ASPAC in 2004, hosted the SPACNET workshop in 2008.
 Has been accredited for various tests in both plant and soil exchange programs
Soil analysis in FACL lab
Average capacity = 3000 samples
Soil analysis in FACL lab
Tests Tests methods Instrument priority 1 Instrument Priority 2
EC / pH 1:5 soil water Benchtop pH meter
Organic Carbon Walkey & Black Manual Titration
Phosphorous Olsen Available
Lamda 365 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer
Nitrogen Total Kjeldhal Dumas Distillation Unit + manual titration
Exchangeable bases Pinnacle 900 Spectrometer ICPOES 8000
Extractable Traces Pinnacle 900 Spectrometer ICPOES 8000
Sulphate Lamda 365 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer
Boron Lamda 365 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer
Particle Size * Currently not
* Instrument not available yet
Cation Exchange
Extraction by
Automatic extractor
FACL is not a position to support projects but welcomes collaboration with various research bodies..
Two main Laboratories serving the agriculture sector
1. FACL  for non sugar sector
2. Sugar Research Institute of Fiji (SRIF)  for sugar sector
Other Laboratories
1. Universities
2. Private Companies  small scale
 There are no mobile laboratory
 Soil test kits
1. FACL  for field work (currently only 3)
2. SPC  for training and workshops
3. AGChem  for commercial purpose
Majority of the soil test kits are used for limited purposes only ( eg. Only for pH measurements)
The low uptake of mobile soil facilities are mostly due to
lack of continuous financial support.
Soil analysis in Fiji
FACLs capacity
 A team of experienced personnel to carryout various required tests
 Direct support of the Government and supporting bodies (SPC, ASPAC, FAO, etc)
 A laboratory that facilitates all necessary soil tests.
 A long history of continued participation with SPACNET and ASPAC
 In the process of obtaining ISO certification
 To carry out complete nutrient analysis
Strengths and Weaknesses
FACL is Limited to
 Healthy financial support
 Training and capacity building on specialized expertise
 Availability of consultants, experts, advanced instrument
 Availability of research resources (latest books, research forum membership, etc)
Vision on improvements in FACL
Strengths and Weaknesses
 Introduction of laboratory Information Management System
 Upgrade of instruments in par with global standards
 Upgrade of laboratory technicians in par with the latest methods of
 Introduction of new methods.
 Broadening samples to be analysed in relation to agriculture nutrient
 Implementation of Laboratory Accreditation
Expectations out of this meeting and GLOSOLAN?
 A platform to exchange knowledge and experience will be developed
 South Pacific Laboratory Network will be revived in the not too distant
 More opportunities for capacity building on analytical techniques and
data interpretation
 A direction of when activities in GLOSOLAN will be implemented.
 Availability of support in carrying out the forecasted activities.
Pictures from your laboratory
Item 6: FACL
Thanks for your attention

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Item 6: FACL

  • 1. Country: Fiji Laboratory name: Fiji Agriculture Chemistry Laboratory (FACL) Name of the presenter: Mere Tauvoli
  • 2. FACL was established in 1962 under the Primary Industries now the Ministry of Agriculture. FACL conduct tests for Agriculture farmers, agriculture researchers, private sectors, universities, public enterprises and regional bodies. Only laboratory in Fiji providing fertilizer recommendation to non-Sugar Agriculture farmers through soil and plant analysis Soil, Plant, Animal Feed, Other agriculture samples, Water, Food, Food products analysis. FACL became a member of SPACNET / ASPAC in 2004, hosted the SPACNET workshop in 2008. Has been accredited for various tests in both plant and soil exchange programs Soil analysis in FACL lab Average capacity = 3000 samples
  • 3. Soil analysis in FACL lab Tests Tests methods Instrument priority 1 Instrument Priority 2 EC / pH 1:5 soil water Benchtop pH meter Organic Carbon Walkey & Black Manual Titration Phosphorous Olsen Available Phosphorus Lamda 365 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer Nitrogen Total Kjeldhal Dumas Distillation Unit + manual titration Exchangeable bases Pinnacle 900 Spectrometer ICPOES 8000 Extractable Traces Pinnacle 900 Spectrometer ICPOES 8000 Sulphate Lamda 365 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer Boron Lamda 365 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer Particle Size * Currently not done * Instrument not available yet Cation Exchange Capacity Extraction by Automatic extractor Automatic extractor FACL is not a position to support projects but welcomes collaboration with various research bodies..
  • 4. Two main Laboratories serving the agriculture sector 1. FACL for non sugar sector 2. Sugar Research Institute of Fiji (SRIF) for sugar sector Other Laboratories 1. Universities 2. Private Companies small scale There are no mobile laboratory Soil test kits 1. FACL for field work (currently only 3) 2. SPC for training and workshops 3. AGChem for commercial purpose Majority of the soil test kits are used for limited purposes only ( eg. Only for pH measurements) The low uptake of mobile soil facilities are mostly due to lack of continuous financial support. Soil analysis in Fiji
  • 5. FACLs capacity A team of experienced personnel to carryout various required tests Direct support of the Government and supporting bodies (SPC, ASPAC, FAO, etc) A laboratory that facilitates all necessary soil tests. A long history of continued participation with SPACNET and ASPAC In the process of obtaining ISO certification To carry out complete nutrient analysis Strengths and Weaknesses FACL is Limited to Healthy financial support Training and capacity building on specialized expertise Availability of consultants, experts, advanced instrument Availability of research resources (latest books, research forum membership, etc)
  • 6. Vision on improvements in FACL Strengths and Weaknesses Introduction of laboratory Information Management System Upgrade of instruments in par with global standards Upgrade of laboratory technicians in par with the latest methods of analysis Introduction of new methods. Broadening samples to be analysed in relation to agriculture nutrient management. Implementation of Laboratory Accreditation
  • 7. Expectations out of this meeting and GLOSOLAN? Expectations A platform to exchange knowledge and experience will be developed South Pacific Laboratory Network will be revived in the not too distant future More opportunities for capacity building on analytical techniques and data interpretation A direction of when activities in GLOSOLAN will be implemented. Availability of support in carrying out the forecasted activities.
  • 8. Pictures from your laboratory
  • 10. Thanks for your attention