Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Software Developer
Technology / Software / Internet
well.... to start wid me...m a dreamer....lyf s a fairy tale fr me n m d princes of frankly i don care if ne1 els also thnk so....
i bleive dat lyf has loads to offer never evr hold on to ya past...i jussz hate gettn up earle in d mornin ....thts lyk m very laz sum tymys ....(nopes its nt sumtyms bt most of d tyms)......somtyms i can b d worst person on dis earth n if u cnt accept me lyk tht then u dont deserve d bst of me either....i hv no patience....not e1 1%......i talk sumtyms utter still sum ppl thnk i hv got a reasonable sense of humour.... I juzz hate peupl who throw offf a lott of attitude wen dey dont evn dserv one!!!!and ya d bst part or u call it
Users following Sonia Jain