SPEAK Africa is a Pan-African media platform designed to improve young people's participation in advocacy, decision-making, and development through multimedia tools and the arts. It conducted a consultation process on investing in agriculture for the 13th African Union Summit that engaged youth across Africa through in-person discussions, an online classroom connection initiative, an online discussion forum, SMS polls, and youth-produced documentaries. The results were consolidated recommendations from African youth and their documentaries to feed into the AU Summit.
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2. SPEAK Africa
A Pan-African media-focused, communication platform
designed to improve young peoples opportunities for
expression, exchange and meaningful participation in
advocacy, decision-making and development using multi-
media tools and channels as well as visual and performing
arts and culture.
3. SPEAK Africa Strategies
Peer exchange of ideas
Advocacy and Media training
Media production and broadcast
Knowledge sharing and knowledge management
4. Case Study: Young Africa Forum
The Young Africa Forum (YAF) was conceived as
an ongoing process of consultation and
engagement of young people in important
continental matters, the outcome being a
consolidated set of thoughts and opinions of
young people across the continent that could
feed into continental debates.
5. The Consultation Process
The 2009 consultation focused on the theme of the 13th
Ordinary Summit of the African Union: Investing in
Agriculture for Economic Growth and Food Security
The consultation process included input and engagement
from youth from the five (5) regions of Africa
SPEAK Africa Secretariat Produced a consultation booklet
on the Summit theme to provide youth with background
information on the topic (consolidating the latest issues
on agriculture)
6. Youth Engagement Platforms
Face to Face exchange/Focus Group Discussions
Connecting Classrooms Initiative
Xpress Xchange (on-line) Discussions
SMS Opinion Polls
Youth Produced Documentaries
7. Face to Face
Consultations/Focus Group
Discussions with young people in rural areas
For youth with limited access to technology in rural areas
SPEAK Africa resource pack (consultation booklet, facilitation
guidelines) with key information, documents, processes and
structures related to the children and youth agenda in the
African continent were compiled
8. Connecting Classrooms
Web-based platform that links classrooms in countries in the five
AU regions
8 countries, 2 schools each (Uganda, Egypt,
Madagascar, Ethiopia, Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria
and South Africa)
Internet based research
Out of classroom activities and field trips
Interviews with farmers
Profiling urban food producers
Discussions of findings
9. Xpress Xchange
on www.speakafrica.org
Preparation process to familiarize moderators on the
Debates through online discussions on Summit theme
Posting of relevant additional research
Establishing views on videos related to agriculture with
links to other existing well established websites for young
people (e.g. A24 website-CamerPix)
The website was used as the main platform for
communication and information for the Young Africa
10. SMS Polls
Mobile phone survey on the theme of the Summit
Toll-free numbers were established in selected countries
Predetermined questions were sent via SMS to solicit
responses from young people. e.g. Have you or your
family ever had trouble buying food? Explain
Young people used text messaging from their mobile
phones to respond to the survey questions
SMS responses posted on www.speakafrica.org
11. Youth Produced
Documentaries filmed in 5 countries:
Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, South Africa, and
SPEAK Africa Youth produced documentaries related
to Agriculture, Economic Growth and Food Security
Included interviews with Young Farmers, Government
officials, Agricultural Experts, and other stake holders
12. SPEAK Africa Continental
Consultation Process
Face to Face Connecting Xpress Xchange on SMS polls Youth
consultations classrooms the Speak Africa Produced
website Documentaries
Speak Africa Young People
Recommendations AND Youth Produced