The document discusses how world-class loyalty programs use automated marketing and why businesses should adopt this approach. It recommends segmenting customers based on their value and ensuring frequent, relevant communications. Automated marketing allows personalized outreach at different stages of the customer journey to drive sales and retain customers.
The document discusses managing loyalty for Metro Cash and Carry Bulgaria. It explains that loyalty is built on awareness, consideration, preference, and advocacy. The first step in building loyalty is creating awareness through marketing channels like television, radio, internet, social media, and billboards. The document emphasizes that awareness alone is not enough, and companies must also give people reasons to consider them over competitors.
The document discusses incentive and rewards programs for customer loyalty. It describes how such programs work for both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) models. An example incentive program from Xerox is provided that showed a 55% subscription rate among partners and a 49.7% success rate in increasing purchases of Xerox products after one year. The document advocates for long-term incentive strategies and wide reward catalogs to improve customer and partner loyalty over time.
A multi-partner coalition loyalty program allows retailers to pool resources and customers. It provides advantages like lower costs, a larger customer base, and more customer data. However, retailers lose some control and branding. The document discusses the key components of a coalition program, including how partners issue and redeem points, how the financial model works, and examples of existing programs around the world.
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Branding in the Digital Age, HBR
Zero Moment of Truth, Google
22. 2007 2012
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Source: Nielsens Global Trust in Advertising Survey - 28,000 Internet respondents in 56 countries
24. 2007 2012
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Source: Nielsens Global Trust in Advertising Survey - 28,000 Internet respondents in 56 countries