February has been designated Heart Health Month since 1963. Heres an excellent opportunity to align your marketing with a highway of heart health awareness activities on tap at the American Heart Association, AARP and retailers like Macys and Walgreens. Synchronize your strategy with the national push for heart health and leverage activities driving multi-million-dollar campaigns. Lead time is running out, so dont hesitate. Engage Carestruck today.
2. The weeks approaching Valentines Day
will find many of us booking romantic
settings in celebration of love (hint, hint.)
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While sales of exotic roses
and chocolates surge, for
millions February brings a
painful reminder of loved
ones lost too soon to
heart disease.
3. In addition to the occasion of
Valentines Day, February has been
designated as Heart Health Month
since 1963.
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4. Heres an excellent opportunity
to align your marketing efforts
with heart health awareness
initiatives on tap at American
Heart Association, AARP, and
retailers, like Macys and
2015 www.carestruck.org 4
5. Every year, nearly 720,000 Americans have a
heart attack. Of these, about 515,000 are a first
heart attack; 205,000 happen in people who
have already had heart attacks. (CDC DHDSP)
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Heart disease is the
leading cause of death
in the US, killing 600,000
people annually, or 1 in
every 4 deaths.
6. Were executing 2-month
campaigns branding
heart health awareness
campaigns to client
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Campaigns can be tailored to nearly
any healthcare specialty, from surgery to
primary care.
7. Included:
Heart Health Month focused website page
3-Channel social media engagement
Video integration across all channels
Print advertising through local outlets
Email and direct mail campaigns
Referral networking event
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8. Multi-channel execution
begins on site, engaging
the satisfied patients
youve already impacted
for word-of-mouth referrals
and testimonials.
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Leverage video-enhanced multimedia
with community outreach to extend your
referral network and broaden your
9. Addressing Heart Health Month aligns
your organization with a tidal wave of
initiatives to drive organic growth.
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Use the opportunity to
revive core elements
of your practice and
reconnect with
patients you havent
seen in a while.
10. The result is growth, and we can help.
Read more on LinkedIn
Call Today.
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