The document describes a workshop called "Playing the Cards You're Dealt: Appreciating Life with a Physical Disability". The workshop is led by Steve Wilkinson, who was born with Spina Bifida and uses a wheelchair. In the workshop, Steve shares his experiences of living with a physical disability and overcoming challenges to lead a full, active life. He discusses how perceptions of disability can make life difficult, but simple solutions can make a big difference. The workshop aims to help attendees better understand physical disability and the daily issues faced by disabled people.
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Playing The Cards You're Dealt - Appreciating Life with a Physical Disability
1. Playing The Cards Youre Dealt
Appreciating Life with a Physical Disability
Workshop Overview
Every day, as you go through life playing the cards youre dealt, challenges
arise that mean you may have to adapt the way you play your cards to be
successful in the game of life.
Imagine if you were dealt cards that meant you had a physical disability!
Would you know how to cope with the challenges in that situation? As people live
longer, it becomes increasingly more likely you will encounter cards that disable
you personally, or your friends and family, or people you encounter at work or in
your leisure time. Do you know how to play those cards so you or other people
have as good a quality of life as possible? What can you do to make life easier?
Steve Wilkinson, who was born with Spina Bifida in
the 1950s and now a full-time wheelchair user, is a
professional inspirational speaker and trainer.
In this interactive workshop, Steve will share some
of his life experiences playing the cards hes been
dealt. You will learn how a positive spirit of
determination led him to overcome the challenges
his physical disability created, so he could have a
full, active and independent life.
Steve will highlight how perceptions and assumptions many people make about
disability can sometimes make life even more challenging. However, there are
some simple, often inexpensive, solutions that can make a really big difference.
Benefits from the workshop and who should attend?
The workshop is aimed at employers, employees and the general public to help
them gain a better understanding of disability and an appreciation of the issues
and challenges disabled people regularly face. By the end, attendees will have:
a better understanding of different types of physical disability
an awareness of the impact of disability legislation
an appreciation of day-to-day issues faced by disabled people
some ideas as to how they can help make life easier for people
For further information, please contact Steve Wilkinson on 07834 760375 or
send an email to
WheelchairSteve Limited 1 Warbeck Close, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 2FF UK Company No: 05810378
tel: +44 (0) 7834 760375 e-mail: web:
2. Playing The Cards Youre Dealt
Appreciating Life with a Physical Disability
Feedback 2013
I really enjoyed Steves session and found it very enlightening to meet someone so refreshing
who simply accepts his disability for what it is and gets on with it
I found it really informative and quite an eye-opening experience. It really helps you empathise
with the needs of disabled people, and gets you to critically evaluate your own behaviour and the
working environment, to ensure it is supportive of the needs of disabled people
The training wasnt dry at all, which these things can be and he told some interesting stories.
Something like that being delivered by someone whos experienced it always makes it more
I thought it was a great session. A good balance of humour and forthright discussion of some
topics that are often difficult to address
I personally have very little experience of working or dealing with disability so I found the session
really enlightening.
Staff of NCFE, Newcastle upon Tyne
I liked hearing about Steves childhood and seeing the photos of him when he was little
It was shocking to hear that the authorities werent going to let him go to his local school and that
they wanted to send him miles away down south
I thought all the photos of Steve were interesting and finding out about his life
All the things he has done even though he is in a wheelchair like the Great North Run and
walking on hot coals
I liked that Steve was really positive and he has achieved loads. That makes me think that
anything is possible if you put your mind to it
Things on the video made me think about how I treat people in wheelchairs
Me and my friends thought the lesson was great. Its much better when theres someone there
who actually experiences life in a wheelchair as its easier to see things from their point of view
It made me think about the facilities available for disabled people and that sometimes they arent
good enough
Steve prepared for the session very thoroughly and ensured that the content suited our students
and our school. He tailored it to our needs perfectly. The delivery was very professional, the
content inspirational, and the response from students 100% positive. I would highly recommend
his workshops to all schools (Melanie Robinson, Head of Citizenship and PSHE)
Year 9 students and staff at Heaton Manor School, Newcastle upon Tyne
WheelchairSteve Limited 1 Warbeck Close, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 2FF UK Company No: 05810378
tel: +44 (0) 7834 760375 e-mail: web: