This document outlines the career path for a Salesforce tech writer, breaking down the roles and responsibilities into content creation (40%), impact (25%), innovation (15%), and collaboration (20%). It provides contact information for the director of documentation and a lead writer to learn more about opportunities.
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Salesforce tech writing career path (print-out)
1. Salesforce Tech Writing
Career Path Print-Out
Sue Warnke, Director, Documentation
Seth Katz, Lead Writer, Documentation
swarnke@salesforce, @suewarnke, #stc14
#2: Catchy opener: Misceptions vs. Reality (Seth)Introductions (Both) & Agenda and Message (Sue) and Audience participationWhat we did about it (Sue)Define rolesDid it work?How?Message & AgendaQ&A
#3: Revamped our ladder in 2012How? Gathered feedback through interviews and surveys, industry research <#s of paths we looked at, etc.)Message: Careers are a jungle gym. A clear career path can help you communicate the value of tech writing with your company and drive your own career. Restate message: Tech writers are a critical resource. A clear career path can help you communicate the value of tech writing with your company and drive your own career. ---------------------Evidence: Has this worked for Salesforce?Yes -- career planning and transparency was common complaint of writersCareer path led to immediate increase in career planning satisfaction and has stayed steady
#4: Broke up into 4 categories to capture the different kinds of impact and skillsUsed color scheme to visually represent skill progressionSkills: Writing and Technical <specific technical skills, like API doc experience, XML, etc.>Impact and Scope:How does your work impact our team, our customers, our company? How complex are your responsibilities? <Identifying requirements from several sources: support, PM, customer forums>Innovation:What ideas do you propose and implement to improve team efficiency and customer success? <thinking outside the box, like coming up with a solution for collaborative content>Collaboration: How do you interact with the doc team, your scrum team, cross-functional groups, and the external community?