6. 社區獨立自主生活的衍進
1989 獨立生活歐洲會議
(European Parlianment Independent Living Resolution)
著重support service, community living, social inclusion
1982 美國獨立生活全國會議national council on independent living
1970 發展獨立運動
1960 社區照顧式服務 community care
1950(大型集中式) institution care
8. 很多研究指出:
資料來源:Cost-effectiveness of community living for people with
disabilities: an international perspective(Jim Mansell and Julie Beadle-Brown
? Tizard Centre, University of Kent,2009) Paper given at the National Disability
Authority Annual Conference, Dublin 6 October 2009
60. 服务人员如何提供服务
(Felce, 1996, 1998; Felce, de Kock and Repp, 1986; Felce et al., 1991; Mansell, 1994, 1995), in
experimental studies within houses (Bradshaw et al., 2004; Jones et al., 2001; Jones et al.,
1999; Mansell et al., 2002) and in regression studies (Felce et al., 2000; Hatton et al., 1996;
Mansell et al., 2003).
61. 成效指标
當外在的 物質的 形式的
(Brown, Toogood and Brown, 1987; Felce, Jones and
Lowe, 2000; Mansell et al., 2005; Mansell et al., 1987)