The document discusses strategies for improving parks and recreational opportunities in communities. It recommends offering free or low-cost programming, improving park facilities, adding amenities like shade and exercise equipment for all ages, and providing examples of successful bike sharing programs and adult exercise areas in various cities. It also outlines strategies for generating support like engaging leaders and businesses, utilizing media attention, social media promotion, partnerships, and research.
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Dunton Q8
1. Genevieve Fridlund Dunton, Ph.D, MPH
Assistant Professor
Department of Preventive Medicine
University of Southern California
2. ï‚ž Offer free and low-cost programming (e.g.,
classes, organized activities, events)
ï‚ž Improve quality of facilities (e.g., remove
litter/graffiti, upgrade play areas)
ï‚ž Offer shaded areas
ï‚ž Improve safety (e.g., lighting, surveillance)
ï‚ž Plant more trees and increase vegetation
ï‚ž Offer amenities for all age groups and ability
levels (e.g., adult fitness zones)
3.  Denver, CO : B-Cycle — 500 bikes, 50
stations, 102,000 rides in 7 months
 Minneapolis, MN : Nice Ride — 700 bikes, 65
stations, 100,000 trips in 7 months
 Chicago, IL : B-Cycle — 100 bikes, 6 stations
 Washington DC : Capital Bikeshare — 1,100
bikes, 110 stations
4.  Trust for Public Land's Fitness Zones® (i.e.,
Adult Playgrounds) in 29 public locations in
Los Angeles
5. ï‚ž Buy-in and support from local policy-makers,
community leaders, and business owners.
ï‚ž Media attention (e.g., TV, radio)
ï‚ž Social media endorsement (e.g., Facebook,
YouTube, Twitter, Yelp)
ï‚ž Partnerships with local organizations, non-
profits, and schools.
ï‚ž Research-based evidence demonstrating