The document summarizes an employee referral program at Lohika. Employees and external referrers are eligible to receive bonuses for referrals that result in hires. There are some exceptions - referrers will not receive bonuses if the referral is a self-recommendation, if the candidate was recently contacted by the company, or if contact information is incorrect. Referrers should submit referrals through a special email to have their referral date recorded in case of disputes. Bonuses are paid after a referred candidate completes their probation period.
2. Who is eligible to do EXTERNAL REFERRALS
• Who is eligible to do external referral? All non- employees
are eligible to do referrals for all open (Active) positions in all
• Are there any exceptions in receiving bonuses? -Yes,
Candidate can’t do “Self-Recommendation”
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3. Are your referral deserves the referral bonus?
In what conditions my referral will not be considered as one
which deserves the referral bonus?
• If the referral was not sent through the special e-mail:!!!
• If the candidate was contacted* within last 3 months by corporate recruiter
(this information is fixed in our corporate Data Base)
• If the candidate was already recommended by somebody else within last 3
• In case when the reference contains lack of necessary contact
information, false or incorrect contact information
• In case of referencing himself
* Effective Recruiting Contact – Candidate respond recruiter within 2 weeks about any
decision (positive/negative) regarding proposed job opportunity. This “respond “should be fixed in
Jira Data Base. If the candidate doesn’t give any answer within 2 weeks – he may be referred.
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4. Why I ought to send information through the e-mail?
• The date of the e-mail will be the proof in case of dispute between the two
referees who made the referral at the same time. Who made this referral
early this person will receive the referral bonus.
• If 2 referees sent the referrals through the e-mail at the same moment –
they will share this bonus in equal parts.
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5. If Lohika doesn’t have any active openings so far?
Can I expect on referral bonus in case if I provided you with Candidate’s
CV (contact information) for whom Lohika doesn’t have any active
openings so far?
• NO, Referral Bonus Program covers only referrals which were made for
the active opened positions in Lohika.
How can I know that candidate was not contacted by corporate recruiter
or somebody else was not making any recommendations regarding this
candidate within last 3 months?
• You can verify it with our recruiters writing an e-mail to
“” indicated the candidate’s name & surname.
Recruiter will verify this information for you
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6. When can I receive my bonus?
How can I know that recruiter provide me with truthful information?
• By your demand, Recruiter is ought to make a copy (“Print Screen “) of
the last update regarding this candidate which was made in the corporate
Data Base. There will be mentioned the date of last updating and
When can I receive my bonus?
• 100% of bonus sum will be paid after the candidate successfully pass trial
(probation) period. Duration of the average probation period is 3 months.
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7. REFERRAL BONUS Matrix starting from 4’April 2011
Position Bonus ($)
Junior Engineer/TC Intern/Non-engineering Positions 500
Engineer 1000
Internal Senior Engineer 1500
Critical Priority Positions (specific for each location)/Team Lead/Tech Lead/PM
Junior Engineer/TC Intern/Non-engineering Positions 500
Engineer 1000
External Senior Engineer 1500
Critical Priority Positions (specific for each location)/Team Lead/Tech Lead/PM
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8. Referral Letter Template
• TO:
• Subject: Location/Position (e.g. Lviv / Mid Java Engineer)
• Attachment: CV-Name Surname or
Name, Surname
Current candidate’s employer & position
Years of experience in the relevant technology
Correct Cell Phone
E-mail/Skype/LinkedIn Profile
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