Founder-CEO TheAppGuruz, a game dev company. Speaker at Dell Futurist, GDG, GBG.
Founder-CEO, The AppGuruz, a mobile gaming company with 500+ games and over 7 million players globally. Built the company ground up towards its success in iOS, Android and other platforms
Pioneer of game development ecosystem in Gujarat region
Bohemian leader, 24x7 experimenter
Speaker at Dell Futurist, GDG, GBG and other events
Provider of strategic inputs to own company and elsewhere
Mentor to Startups
Blogger at The AppGuruz and other sites
Business Management graduate, Computer Science post-graduate from Nirma University
Co-founder, Yudiz Solutions
Pragmatic yet creative. Flexible. Risk-taker
Reads continuously and extensively
Sees a wider picture. Always