Merry Xmas!
Element: human
Type: Undefined
Symbol: TzK
Kingdom: Animalia
Family: Teoh
Species: Zhen Khai
Physical properties: 174cm, 62- kg,fit,normal BMI(relatively extended adipose in abdomen.)
Chemically properties: reacts well with pheromone, food.but very stable against aqua organism.(seafood)
annual energy intake: 99MJ
annual output (respiration) : 80MJ
Net increase: 19MJ
never judge me based on what u hear.
never judge me based on what u see.
never judge me thinking that i'm similar to you.
never judge me on the basis of your perception of a "gang" to which i belong.
never judge me based on a single characterictic.
never ever judge me or anyone till you get to kno