Personal Information
Associate Professor
8 years in Teaching Experiance
2 Years in Research Experiance
dte karnataka
c 20 syllabus
dte karnataka c-20 syllabus
4th semester
dte syllabus
mechanical engineering
diploma in mechanical c-20 syllabus dte karnataka
automation and robotics
computer science
lab manual
elements of industrial automat
c20 syllabus
fundamentals of automation
refrigeration cycles: (i) vapor compression refri
(iii) types of refrigerants (iv) refrigerants and
(ii) cop
(i) capacity or units of refrigeration
refrigeration and its terminologies
superheated steam table interpolation
interpolation method
steam table interpolation method
inter-cooling and reheating in gas turbine cycles.
description and analysis. regenerative
types and analysis. gas turbine (actual brayton)
module 02: gas power cycles & jet propulsion conte
viii. need and methods of compounding
vii. stage efficiency
vi. condition for maximum blade efficiency
modal 02: question number 5 a & 5 b i. steam turb
vii. expression for degree of reaction and utiliza
vi. general analysis of axial flow pumps and compr
v. effect of blade discharge angle on performance
iv. effect of blade discharge angle on degree of r
ii. effect of blade discharge angle on energy tran
modal 02: question number 4 a & 4 b general analys
modal 02: question number 3 a & 3 b i. basic intro
stage efficiency and polytropic efficiency for bot
modal 01: question number 2 a & 2 b i. static and
c) vapor absorption refrigeration system. previou
b) reversed brayton cycle
a) reversed carnot cycle
(iii) deviation of the actual vapor compression r
refrigerating effect. (ii) vapor compression refr
c programming lab manual
dte board
15 me47p
polytechnic college
c-20 20me12p
materials for engineering
non ferrous metals and alloys
non metallic and advanced materials
polymeric materials
ceramics materials
composite materials
advanced engineering materials
orthographic projection
introduction to engineering drawing
projections of lines
parallel to both the planes
parallel to one and perpendicular to another
parallel to one and inclined to another
projection of planes.
types of planes.
initial position
1.0 air standard cycles: definitions 1.1 carnot
mean effective pressures. 1.2 otto
mean effective pressures. 1.3 diesel
mean effective pressures. 1.4 dual and stirling
p-v and t -s diagrams
5 semester
5th semester mechanical engine
dte karnataka c 20
plc ladder diagram
specialization pathway
dte 5th semester;
c-20 syllabus
product development and design
dte bangalore c15 casa lab
thanmay j s
vidya vikas polytechnic mysore
d. applications of fem-concept of discontinuity 1
need-back ground b. methods employed in fem- step
compression & shear test i. conduct bending test
vtu dte
computer hardware
electrical engineering
multimedia and animation lab
portfolio record
fundamentals of computer
dte c 20 syllabus
first semester
solved question papers
ladder diagram
elements if industrial automat
mechanical department
iv. theoretical head – capacity relationship
ii. different heads of centrifugal pump iii. diffe
modal 05: question number 9 a & 9 b centrifugal pu
numerical problems. v. francis turbine – prin
maximum efficiency design parameters
velocity triangles
modal 04: hydraulic turbines (question number 7 a
unit 1: theory of metal removal types of cutting
iv. reaction staging. v. numerical problems. pre
modal 03: question number 5 a & 5 b i. reaction t
demonstrate sheet metal operation and estimate the
and casting of a given component drawing and estim
mechanical engineering semester iii 20me33p man
xi. numerical problems. previous year question pa
x. expression for maximum blade efficiency
ix. multi-stage impulse turbine
draw stress- strain diagram for the above paramete
yield stress maximum stress - % reduction in lengt
draw stress - strain diagram for the above paramet
yield stress- maximum stress – breaking stress - %
hooks law & young's modulus e. conduct tensile te
stress and strain types
parallelogram law and lami's theorem c. balancing
section 01: strength of material a. force-types of
x. pumps in series and parallel. problems. previou
ix. need for priming
viii. cavitation
vii. net positive suction head
vi. maximum suction lift
v. minimum speed for starting the flow
mean effective pressures. 1.5 comparison of otto
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