Jan20 mb sintro [compatibility mode]moirajacobsThis document summarizes AT&T's mobile barcode and mobile marketing services. It describes how AT&T allows companies to create, publish, and manage barcode campaigns to drive traffic to mobile websites from print, TV, and other media. It also explains how AT&T provides tools to measure campaign results and insights into user demographics and behaviors. The services aim to help companies better connect with customers using their mobile devices.
simu4wisdom learning consultants co.david maweisimu4wisdon is a shanghai based consulting and training design firm. we only do 2 things.
1. Convert the transitional learning program into simulation and games.2 . tailor made simulation and games for strategy alignment ant competence develop.
UNAICO-Ofc:BANGLADESHsitetalk-bangladesh49% of the OFC's Market has been set aside for members and individual investors, and its value is affected by new members joining Unaico, commissions paid, I-Investor Club profit, and turnover generated from member purchases. If every free member has a value of 25 euros and there are 100 million members in 2012, then the value of shares would be 25 euros x 100 million members = 2,500,000,000 euros.
The document discusses how the value of the OFC's Market is determined based on membership levels and purchasing activity, and provides an example calculation of what the total value would be if there were 100 million members each valued
Who is tariqteaching2learningTariq is a new teacher who completed a MAT program to get certified. He started as a substitute and was then hired to take over a class mid-term in a small, remote upstate town. As a new teacher, he focuses on using inquiry-based approaches when possible within time constraints. He teaches a variety of learners and works to keep them engaged using technology like PowerPoint, while closely monitoring classroom management. Safety is a top priority, especially in science classes where equipment is used. Tariq is looking forward to continuing his teaching career and extending his professional network.
Plan of salvation english missiondearl1The document provides an overview of key doctrines in the Plan of Salvation according to Latter-day Saint theology, including:
1) We lived as spirit children of heavenly parents before coming to earth. A third of the spirits followed Lucifer and were cast out.
2) On earth, we are tested and can progress towards different kingdoms of glory in the afterlife based on our obedience.
3) Little children who die before the age of accountability will be saved in the celestial kingdom without testing.
3 3 Core Skill 3: Unlock the CircuitJoe MellinThe document discusses EBT Connect Basic Certification and strengthening the core. It states that repeating core exercises trains the brain in resilience circuits and facilitates discovering these circuits. Repeating the exercises also eases stress and develops a secure emotional connection to oneself.
ClientesangiedaianaEste documento presenta una lista de 20 clientes con su información básica como nombre, edad, documento de identidad, dirección, teléfono, estado civil, empresa y detalles adicionales como años de antigüedad, vehículos y propiedades. La información está organizada en tablas con columnas para cada tipo de dato.
Informe numero teléfonicoangiedaianaEste documento presenta un informe general de números de teléfono de 35 contactos diferentes identificados por su nombre, tipo de contacto (familiar, personal o profesional) y número telefónico. La información se presenta en una tabla con las columnas Código de identificación, Nombre, Contacto y Número telefónico.
Partha Iyengar Highlights from RetreatSadique NeelgundRecently Partha Iyengar, Founder and CEO, Accretus Solutions attended the FPA Retreat held in Palm Springs in California, USA. On request, he shared his learnings with the study group in Mumbai and has also prepared this excellent presentation which is kind of self explanatory to some extent. With permission... we are sharing this with all Network FP members. We would like to thank Partha for same.
Discover Malaysia with kuala Tripmart.comtripmartMalaysia Holidays - Book Malaysia Tours & travel packages at Tripmart. Largest number of Malaysia Tour & holiday Packages available. Go for a Hoilday, travel to Malaysia and its various tourist attractions with Malaysia holiday packages. Explore Malaysia Tourism with cheap vacation packages.
Doc1apichaya413This document provides instructions for a training course, listing 6 main points. It includes the dates and contact numbers for the course, the software that will be covered which are Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Photoshop, and indicates there will be assessments and certificates awarded upon completion.
Presentation1carolinebirksatworkThroughout working on the preliminary task and final product, the author learned about the media industry and improved their skills. The final product front cover looks more professional than the preliminary one - it is brighter, uses white as the dominant color, has easily readable text, and a more interesting photo. Features like the barcode and small price font make the final cover look like a real magazine.
Newspaper analysis 2SaraMcgranaghanThe document summarizes key elements from a local newspaper called the Salford Advertiser:
1) The front page features a photo of the Broughton Rugby Team, showing members of the local community. It also advertises Salford City College.
2) Stories include a woman having her IVF rejection overturned, and a man from Eccles being arrested for murder in Cambodia.
3) Photos and advertisements reflect local people and organizations, showing the newspaper focuses on the Salford community.
Webinar: Increase research efficiency and enable collaboration with the IDBS ...IDBSStreamline patient stratification together with omics and sample management
Find out how the solution enables research scientists and clinicians across Healthcare, Pharma and other Life Sciences organizations to create a comprehensive research platform that empowers high quality decision-making. It provides the building blocks to allow clinical researchers to capture and curate their data, to manage ontologies, and to integrate, search and visualize data from clinical, biobanks and omics data sources.
In this webinar you will see how to:
- improve sample management
- capture Data Provenance
- stratify patient populations
- explore omics data in the context of clinical phenotype
- facilitate a results sharing culture between departments and collaborators
To view the webinar: http://www.idbs.com/en/news-events/list-of-webinars/2014/03/increase-research-efficiency-and-enable-collaboration-with-the-idbs-translational-science-solution/
Cast Iron for NetSuite Sales TrainingSean O'ConnellIBM acquired Cast Iron Systems to gain its cloud integration capabilities and establish itself as the leader in cloud integration. Cast Iron has pioneered integration-as-a-service and offers a complete integration platform that bridges cloud and on-premise applications. Its integration solutions are proven, trusted, and strategic for connecting leading cloud and on-premise systems. The acquisition will benefit Cast Iron by providing access to IBM's large customer base, channels, resources, and global reach.
Newspaper analysis 3SaraMcgranaghanThe document summarizes the characters, settings, and events portrayed in images on the cover and pages of a newspaper called the Tameside Advertiser. The main image shows a proud father and son holding a turkey, representing a positive Christmas story. Another image shows the serial killer Shipman, representing a villain. An old photo of a soldier in uniform depicts a patriotic hero. The layout and design principles used in the newspaper are also analyzed.
Problemas genética mendeliana resueltosPaquito PloubrouEl documento trata sobre problemas de genética mendeliana relacionados con cruces de plantas y humanos. Describe cruces entre plantas con diferentes colores de flores, texturas de piel de guisantes y grupos sanguíneos humanos. Solicita esquemas de cruzamiento para predecir los resultados en cada caso.
Cast Iron for BigMachinesSean O'ConnellThe document discusses how the Cast Iron integration platform can help maximize the value of integrating BigMachines applications. It summarizes Cast Iron's capabilities, including its speed and ease of integration across cloud and on-premise systems. Examples are given showing how Cast Iron delivered real-time integrations for a customer between Salesforce and Oracle in just days without any custom coding.
Who is tariqteaching2learningTariq is a new teacher who completed a MAT program to get certified. He started as a substitute and was then hired to take over a class mid-term in a small, remote upstate town. As a new teacher, he focuses on using inquiry-based approaches when possible within time constraints. He teaches a variety of learners and works to keep them engaged using technology like PowerPoint, while closely monitoring classroom management. Safety is a top priority, especially in science classes where equipment is used. Tariq is looking forward to continuing his teaching career and extending his professional network.
Plan of salvation english missiondearl1The document provides an overview of key doctrines in the Plan of Salvation according to Latter-day Saint theology, including:
1) We lived as spirit children of heavenly parents before coming to earth. A third of the spirits followed Lucifer and were cast out.
2) On earth, we are tested and can progress towards different kingdoms of glory in the afterlife based on our obedience.
3) Little children who die before the age of accountability will be saved in the celestial kingdom without testing.
3 3 Core Skill 3: Unlock the CircuitJoe MellinThe document discusses EBT Connect Basic Certification and strengthening the core. It states that repeating core exercises trains the brain in resilience circuits and facilitates discovering these circuits. Repeating the exercises also eases stress and develops a secure emotional connection to oneself.
ClientesangiedaianaEste documento presenta una lista de 20 clientes con su información básica como nombre, edad, documento de identidad, dirección, teléfono, estado civil, empresa y detalles adicionales como años de antigüedad, vehículos y propiedades. La información está organizada en tablas con columnas para cada tipo de dato.
Informe numero teléfonicoangiedaianaEste documento presenta un informe general de números de teléfono de 35 contactos diferentes identificados por su nombre, tipo de contacto (familiar, personal o profesional) y número telefónico. La información se presenta en una tabla con las columnas Código de identificación, Nombre, Contacto y Número telefónico.
Partha Iyengar Highlights from RetreatSadique NeelgundRecently Partha Iyengar, Founder and CEO, Accretus Solutions attended the FPA Retreat held in Palm Springs in California, USA. On request, he shared his learnings with the study group in Mumbai and has also prepared this excellent presentation which is kind of self explanatory to some extent. With permission... we are sharing this with all Network FP members. We would like to thank Partha for same.
Discover Malaysia with kuala Tripmart.comtripmartMalaysia Holidays - Book Malaysia Tours & travel packages at Tripmart. Largest number of Malaysia Tour & holiday Packages available. Go for a Hoilday, travel to Malaysia and its various tourist attractions with Malaysia holiday packages. Explore Malaysia Tourism with cheap vacation packages.
Doc1apichaya413This document provides instructions for a training course, listing 6 main points. It includes the dates and contact numbers for the course, the software that will be covered which are Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Photoshop, and indicates there will be assessments and certificates awarded upon completion.
Presentation1carolinebirksatworkThroughout working on the preliminary task and final product, the author learned about the media industry and improved their skills. The final product front cover looks more professional than the preliminary one - it is brighter, uses white as the dominant color, has easily readable text, and a more interesting photo. Features like the barcode and small price font make the final cover look like a real magazine.
Newspaper analysis 2SaraMcgranaghanThe document summarizes key elements from a local newspaper called the Salford Advertiser:
1) The front page features a photo of the Broughton Rugby Team, showing members of the local community. It also advertises Salford City College.
2) Stories include a woman having her IVF rejection overturned, and a man from Eccles being arrested for murder in Cambodia.
3) Photos and advertisements reflect local people and organizations, showing the newspaper focuses on the Salford community.
Webinar: Increase research efficiency and enable collaboration with the IDBS ...IDBSStreamline patient stratification together with omics and sample management
Find out how the solution enables research scientists and clinicians across Healthcare, Pharma and other Life Sciences organizations to create a comprehensive research platform that empowers high quality decision-making. It provides the building blocks to allow clinical researchers to capture and curate their data, to manage ontologies, and to integrate, search and visualize data from clinical, biobanks and omics data sources.
In this webinar you will see how to:
- improve sample management
- capture Data Provenance
- stratify patient populations
- explore omics data in the context of clinical phenotype
- facilitate a results sharing culture between departments and collaborators
To view the webinar: http://www.idbs.com/en/news-events/list-of-webinars/2014/03/increase-research-efficiency-and-enable-collaboration-with-the-idbs-translational-science-solution/
Cast Iron for NetSuite Sales TrainingSean O'ConnellIBM acquired Cast Iron Systems to gain its cloud integration capabilities and establish itself as the leader in cloud integration. Cast Iron has pioneered integration-as-a-service and offers a complete integration platform that bridges cloud and on-premise applications. Its integration solutions are proven, trusted, and strategic for connecting leading cloud and on-premise systems. The acquisition will benefit Cast Iron by providing access to IBM's large customer base, channels, resources, and global reach.
Newspaper analysis 3SaraMcgranaghanThe document summarizes the characters, settings, and events portrayed in images on the cover and pages of a newspaper called the Tameside Advertiser. The main image shows a proud father and son holding a turkey, representing a positive Christmas story. Another image shows the serial killer Shipman, representing a villain. An old photo of a soldier in uniform depicts a patriotic hero. The layout and design principles used in the newspaper are also analyzed.
Problemas genética mendeliana resueltosPaquito PloubrouEl documento trata sobre problemas de genética mendeliana relacionados con cruces de plantas y humanos. Describe cruces entre plantas con diferentes colores de flores, texturas de piel de guisantes y grupos sanguíneos humanos. Solicita esquemas de cruzamiento para predecir los resultados en cada caso.
Cast Iron for BigMachinesSean O'ConnellThe document discusses how the Cast Iron integration platform can help maximize the value of integrating BigMachines applications. It summarizes Cast Iron's capabilities, including its speed and ease of integration across cloud and on-premise systems. Examples are given showing how Cast Iron delivered real-time integrations for a customer between Salesforce and Oracle in just days without any custom coding.
Портфолио воспитателя МДОУ детский сад 62 Громовой А.А.ds62Общие сведения:
Громова Анжела Александровна
Дата рождения:
21.02.1979 год.
Место жительства:
город Тверь
1).Средне-специальное, Тверской педагогический колледж, по специальности “Воспитатель с правом преподавания изодеятельности”, 1999 г.
2). Высшее Тверской государственный педагогический университет, по специальности “Преподаватель дошкольной педагогики и психологии”, 2003г.
3). Высшее Тверской государственный политехнический институт по специальности “Бухгалтерский учет, анализ, аудит”, 2006г.
Стаж работы
В МДОУ д/сад № 62 г. Твери 15 лет
Квалификационная категория:
Высшая (присвоена 2010 г. )
Сегодня свой праздник отмечает
самая красивая и умная, заботливая
и всегда понимающая женщина,
в совместимости наша строгая в то
же время справедливая начальница.
Примите, уважаемая глава
коллектива, самые искренние
и тёплые пожелания радости,
здоровья, успехов в карьере, любви,
семейного благополучия и железной
выдержки. Пусть ваш рабочий день
красят улыбки и хорошее настроение
благодарных подчинённых,
а выходной — дарит незабываемые
минуты отдыха.
2. Учить детей — нелегкий труд.
Директору сложнее вдвое.
Вам благодарность воздадут
За Ваше сердце золотое.
В Ваш праздник поздравляют Вас
И школьники, и педагоги.
Они Вас любят, пусть подчас
С ними бываете Вы строги.
Пусть школа — тонкий механизм,
Душевный, чуткий и ранимый,
Но Вы в него вдохнули жизнь
И школу сделали любимой
3. Уважаемая наша и дорогая Наталя Петровна! От всего
нашего дружного коллектива примите самые искренние
поздравления с днем рождения! Желаем вам самого
крепкого здоровья, бодрости духа, радости в сердце,
теплоты в душе! Пусть утра ваши будут чистыми
и ясными, дни успешными и плодотворными, а вечера
теплыми и уютными! Уважения вам безмерного, любви
самой светлой, радости и много разных удовольствий
в жизни!
Искренне хотим пожелать удачи во всех
начинаниях, успеха в делах, любви и
доброты от близких. Пусть негатив и все
плохое остается позади, пусть этот день
станет началом только для самого лучшего,
приятного, радостного и светлого. Желаем
головокружительного успеха в карьере, а в
личной жизни — понимания и теплоты.
Поздравляем с днем рождения!
4. С днем рожденья поздравляем,
Счастья женского желаем.
Чтоб здоровье крепким было,
Никогда не подводило.
Также море позитива,
Меньше в жизни негатива.
Чтоб в любви всегда вы жили,
Не грустили, не тужили.
Чтоб в работе был успех,
Чтоб вы были краше всех.
Чтоб веселой жизнь была,
Длилась долгие года!