Got a "Killer" Value Proposition?
Not if you...
1. Face sales objections you can't overcome
2. Have long sales cycles and resort to discounting to win
3. Don't stand out as unique in your industry
4. Can't get people to listen to your sales reps
A killer value proposition is the foundation of ALL effective sales and marketing efforts.
No sales team, product launch or marketing program can succeed without it.
7. What IS a Value Proposition? A clear statement of how your product or service: 1. Solves a customers business problem 2. Delivers some business benefit, or 3. Improves their situation presented in a simple, compelling way that moves a prospective customer to take action, engage in further discussions or buying activity with you.
8. A long list of features Techno-latin Acronyms Corporate babble A tagline What it ISNT
9. Why do you need one? What will a KVP do for you? How do you know you DONT have one? What question does a KVP answer? KVP Questions
10. For the Numbers People In The Room 10 30,000 1 Ex: Huthwaite
11. Short, Specific, Relevant In the customers language Hits the head AND the heart Passes the Seat of the Pants Test What makes it Killer?
17. Some BAD ones We provide world-class, best-of-breed solutions that maximize profits, ROI and yield on technology investments for maximum competitive advantage. We are the global leader in delivering productivity solutions which drive operational throughput, competitive advantage, and ROI from all enterprise activities via cross-functional communications.
18. Help Building Your Killer Value Proposition Upcoming Webinars Upcoming Teleclass KVP Toolkit
19. Questions & Answers Type your question in the box on the right hand side of your computer screen.
20. Contact: Steve Rankel, Email: [email_address] Sign up for webinars: For slides: e-mail us @ For audio: