St. Mary's University has experienced overcrowding in residence halls, with occupancy over 110% in 2012. This has forced students to live in converted study rooms and lounges not meant for housing. Overcrowding is also pushing more students to seek off-campus housing, which can negatively impact students' academics, social integration, and finances. Construction of a new residence hall would alleviate these issues and ensure students have housing and opportunities to grow. Research shows living on campus has academic, social, and financial benefits for students. It is linked to higher GPAs, graduation rates, campus involvement, and overall satisfaction with college. However, living off campus can cost thousands more per year in rent, utilities, commuting,
This document provides an overview of news and events from the Reginald F. Lewis College of Business at Virginia State University for the Fall 2014 semester. It discusses the appointment of an interim president, the search for a new dean, industry engagement opportunities for students including Project Shadow and Dynex Capital Business Week, and accomplishments of alumni such as a Fulbright Scholarship recipient and someone named to the Top 40 Under 40 list.
The document provides information on the following:
1) Scholarship opportunities at various universities including Georgia College, University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, Slippery Rock University, University of Nevada Reno, and College of Staten Island.
2) Campus news items from George Washington University, University of Colorado Denver, University of Nebraska, and advice for students waiting on college acceptance decisions.
3) Information on registering for webinars on financing studies in the United States.
Bruce Smith responded effectively to three challenging incidents at Millikin University - a student was targeted in racial hate crimes, students were assaulted in homophobic attacks, and a student died in a fraternity house fire. He demonstrated knowledge of media needs while maintaining student privacy. Bruce strengthened the university's relationship with media and raised its stature through press conferences and stories about gifts, student achievements, and national recognition. As marketing director, he updated publications and created a new university website to match, gaining faculty involvement. Bruce collaborated well and presented the university favorably.
Using a case based approach, a panel of DL administrators discuss change management in relation to online course and program delivery at three different institutional settings.
This document provides information about the Florida Community College Foundation and its donors and activities in 2008. It begins with introductions of the Foundation Board of Directors and its mission statement. It then discusses several donors who established scholarship funds to support FCCJ students, including Henri Landwirth, Robert and Winette Odom, and the Rayonier Foundation. These scholarships aim to help students from low-income families or those facing job displacement to achieve their educational and career goals. The Foundation works to enhance opportunities for FCCJ students and respond to community needs.
This is a sample of a type of presentation I often put together using forms of new media (in this case a podcast, combined with internet and print exposure) to help build awareness and business for the client and a new revenue stream for my employer.
The document proposes funding a Microsoft scholarship fund for the BYU Computer Science Department. It outlines challenges computer science students face including the need for mentorship and involvement in research labs. Scholarships would help offset costs and allow students to focus on their studies rather than off-campus jobs. Donations would create an endowed scholarship fund supporting both current and future students, leaving a lasting legacy. The proposal asks the reader to donate to help gifted students and help the department attract more talented men and women.
This document provides an introduction to a collection of essays on digital discourse and culture published by the Center for Digital Discourse and Culture (CDDC) at Virginia Tech to commemorate its 10th anniversary. It discusses the origins of the CDDC in the late 1990s from initiatives like Cyberschool that aimed to develop online education. It highlights Virginia Tech's pioneering adoption of a mandatory electronic thesis and dissertation requirement in 1997. The introduction sets the stage for the essays in the collection that offer critical, historical and technical perspectives on digital discourse and the transition from print to digital formats for knowledge production and sharing.
Le confront les 辿tats unis et la chine en era contemporainFernando Alcoforado
Le d辿clin 辿conomique des tats-Unis a 辿largi dans la premi竪re d辿cennie du 21e si竪cle, le moment o湛 il a eu lieu l'essor 辿conomique de la Chine que peut prendre la condition de grande puissance mondiale dans le milieu du 21e si竪cle. On ne sait pas, cependant, s'il y aura une fin heureuse pour l'humanit辿.. Si la prosp辿rit辿 de la Chine viennent au d辿triment de la non-viabilit辿 de la reprise des 辿conomies des tats-Unis et l'Union europ辿enne et de l'辿conomie mondiale, pourrait conduire les Etats-Unis et d'autres pays pour y faire face la Chine dans les domaines 辿conomiques et militaires.
Genevieve, formerly of the band Company of Thieves, performed songs from her upcoming solo EP at The Basement in Columbus. The concert was an emotional experience, with Genevieve sharing personal stories and memories that inspired her lyrics. She performed with passion, interacting genuinely with the audience. Her vocals and performances of songs like "The Enemy" and "Colors" brought audience members to tears. The concert highlighted Genevieve's talent for using her music to create intimate connections and share her experiences with listeners.
Este documento resume los resultados de una persona en varias redes sociales como parte de una clase. Reporta m辿tricas como visitas, likes, seguidores y videos para plataformas como p叩gina web, blog, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, CRM y YouTube. Tambi辿n resume aprendizajes sobre las t辿cnicas efectivas en cada red social y c坦mo conectarlas, y concluye que las redes sociales son una herramienta fundamental para la promoci坦n cuando se usan de manera integrada.
El documento describe el accidente de Apolo 1 de 1967, donde tres astronautas murieron en un incendio durante un simulacro de lanzamiento. El resumen es: El incendio se debi坦 a un fallo en los sistemas de la nave espacial que no fue detectado ni corregido durante las pruebas. Los controladores de vuelo tomaron la decisi坦n err坦nea de continuar el simulacro a pesar de las fallas detectadas, lo que llev坦 al tr叩gico accidente que se podr鱈a haber evitado verificando que todos los sistemas funcion
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre drogadicci坦n. Explica que la drogadicci坦n es una enfermedad que produce alteraciones en el comportamiento y las funciones cerebrales. Identifica algunas causas comunes que llevan a las personas a consumir drogas, como huir de problemas personales. Tambi辿n describe se単ales para identificar a un drogadicto y las consecuencias negativas del abuso de drogas como trastornos fisiol坦gicos y psicol坦gicos, y el deterioro de las relaciones personales y el rendimiento acad辿mico/laboral
The document discusses the textile and garment industry in India. It provides background on the history and structure of the industry. Some key points:
- The textile industry is one of India's largest, providing employment to over 45 million people and accounting for 14% of industrial production.
- The garment industry is highly fragmented, with over 27,000 domestic manufacturers. Exports of garments have increased significantly since quotas were removed in 2004.
- India is the second largest producer of textiles globally, with a major share of the world market in products like cotton yarn. The garment industry focuses on ready-made exports and is a large foreign exchange earner.
Los especialistas recomiendan comer adecuadamente con frutas y vegetales, tomar vitaminas como la C, hacer ejercicio y caminar al menos 30 minutos diarios, lavarse las manos a menudo y tomar aire fresco para evitar enfermarse. El documento luego sugiere mantener altos niveles de alcohol para mantener alejados los g辿rmenes, aunque esto claramente no es un consejo m辿dico v叩lido.
This document discusses the usage of various phrasal verbs in English. It provides examples of common phrasal verbs such as "to ask out" meaning to invite someone on a date, "break down" meaning when an appliance stops working, and "cheek out" meaning to look at something in an informal way. The document also discusses other phrasal verbs like "do something over" meaning to redo something, "eat out" meaning to eat at a restaurant, and "get back" meaning to return from a place. In total, the document examines several English phrasal verbs and their meanings through short examples.
Maia Sanchez Perez describes her weekly exercise routine which includes playing badminton and basketball in PE class. On different days of the week she does activities like basketball, flute lessons, rollerblading, and swimming. On the weekends she enjoys watching basketball matches and going swimming with her family. During sports day at school she participates in various ball sports like basketball, volleyball, and circuits.
1. El documento describe conceptos relacionados con el delito como acciones contrarias a la ley que merecen un castigo. 2. Explica que existen diferentes m辿todos para evaluar y medir el delito como estad鱈sticas oficiales, encuestas de victimizaci坦n y otros m辿todos. 3. Tambi辿n analiza correlatos demogr叩ficos del delito como edad, sexo, raza y estatus socioecon坦mico y su relaci坦n con la tasa de criminalidad.
Este documento presenta una introducci坦n al derecho penal, incluyendo definiciones de conceptos clave como el hecho punible, principios de la teor鱈a general del delito, caracteres del delito, y una clasificaci坦n del delito seg炭n la escuela cl叩sica. Explica que el hecho punible es una acci坦n sancionada por la ley con una pena, y que para que exista un delito se requiere que la conducta sea t鱈pica, antijur鱈dica y culpable. Adem叩s, resume los or鱈genes y principales autores de la escuela cl
El documento describe el m辿todo del World Caf辿, una metodolog鱈a para la creaci坦n de redes de conversaci坦n e intercambio de ideas entre grupos. Surgi坦 en 1995 en California como un proceso para generar ideas e innovaciones en un ambiente relajado similar a una cafeter鱈a. Implica conversaciones en peque単os grupos que rotan entre mesas para compartir y conectar ideas con el objetivo de identificar oportunidades y soluciones a temas organizacionales.
Los Est叩ndares Curriculares de Ciencias para la educaci坦n secundaria en M辿xico buscan desarrollar en los estudiantes cuatro categor鱈as de competencias:
1. Conocimiento cient鱈fico sobre temas de biolog鱈a, f鱈sica y qu鱈mica.
2. Capacidad de aplicar el conocimiento cient鱈fico y tecnol坦gico para mejorar la calidad de vida y cuidar el medio ambiente.
3. Habilidades asociadas a la ciencia como representar, interpretar y comunicar fen坦menos naturales.
4. Actitudes de valoraci坦n de la
Albolushi 1
Othman Albolushi
ENG 101
Dr. Janet Starner
October 13, 2014
Learning Online
Education has been repeatedly touted as the key to a better world. If that were not the case, then the United States may not have thought to increase its higher learning institutions from less than one thousand at the turn of the 20th century to the current staggering number of 4000 (Hjortshoj). Similarly, students would not be working themselves into a stupor in high school if education were not an important factor in their lives. And in our world today, the highest form of learning is usually in institutions such as colleges and universities where one can receive undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate diplomas and degrees. Learning online in your class is important because it will increase the skills of students in their jobs
Whichever mode of study a high school graduate student will choose, whether they opt for going for the physical classes themselves or going digital and pursuing their studies online, one thing that stands out is how their high school education and experience has prepared them for college. According to Keith Hjortshoj, students who join high school, no matter how prestigious or unknown the school was, appear seemingly unprepared for the norms and way of the academic college life. He gives examples of two of his students, from two different backgrounds, who despite their different performances from high school, perform differently in school. Eduardo came from a tough neighborhood, attended a similarly tough school but was successful and went on to college. In college, he performed much better than was expected of him, based on his background. Maria, on the other hand, came from a wealthy home, attended a prestigious high school and did very well in her finals. However, when she went to campus she failed her sophomore year (Hjortshoj).
Hjortshoj goes on to explain that students fresh from high school think that the same methods they used in high school, be it during assignments or exams, will work in college. The sad reality is that they do not necessarily do. Of course, virtues like hard work and determination are universal, and as such should be applied everywhere, but in regards to how work is actually done, the rules are somewhat different (Hjortshoj). Those that opt for online learning may find that they are more willing to rely on the course notes and lectures given by their teachers when tackling assignments and preparing for exams. But as Hjortshoj explains, this tactic will not work because they fail to understand what the questions and assignments really ask for. Although learning online could be useful in one way it can also be unfair in another way.
Traditionally, going to university entailed physically going to the institutions and attending classes offered there. This has been the norm since universities and colleges were established. However, thanks to the ever dynamic and progressive technology in our .
The document discusses how online education is transforming colleges and universities in the United States. It begins by cautioning institutions not to "perfect the irrelevant" and to know what business they are in. It then provides statistics on internet and social media usage to illustrate how ready society is for online learning. Several studies are cited showing online and blended students perform equal or better than face-to-face students. Examples are then given of several universities that have experienced growth and strategic benefits from online education, including increased access, flexibility, and revenues. The document advocates for a focus on quality using a collaborative consortium approach.
This document outlines the course details and schedule for COMMUNICATIONS 3310: Communication, Communities and Social Change. The course will examine how communication shapes communities and drives social change through analysis of popular culture, poetry, and critical theory. It will be delivered through weekly lectures and will evaluate students based on essays, discussions, a case study, and a final exam. Topics over the semester will explore issues like technology and youth culture, urbanism and street culture, countercultures and social change, politics and rhetoric, and more.
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Le confront les 辿tats unis et la chine en era contemporainFernando Alcoforado
Le d辿clin 辿conomique des tats-Unis a 辿largi dans la premi竪re d辿cennie du 21e si竪cle, le moment o湛 il a eu lieu l'essor 辿conomique de la Chine que peut prendre la condition de grande puissance mondiale dans le milieu du 21e si竪cle. On ne sait pas, cependant, s'il y aura une fin heureuse pour l'humanit辿.. Si la prosp辿rit辿 de la Chine viennent au d辿triment de la non-viabilit辿 de la reprise des 辿conomies des tats-Unis et l'Union europ辿enne et de l'辿conomie mondiale, pourrait conduire les Etats-Unis et d'autres pays pour y faire face la Chine dans les domaines 辿conomiques et militaires.
Genevieve, formerly of the band Company of Thieves, performed songs from her upcoming solo EP at The Basement in Columbus. The concert was an emotional experience, with Genevieve sharing personal stories and memories that inspired her lyrics. She performed with passion, interacting genuinely with the audience. Her vocals and performances of songs like "The Enemy" and "Colors" brought audience members to tears. The concert highlighted Genevieve's talent for using her music to create intimate connections and share her experiences with listeners.
Este documento resume los resultados de una persona en varias redes sociales como parte de una clase. Reporta m辿tricas como visitas, likes, seguidores y videos para plataformas como p叩gina web, blog, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, CRM y YouTube. Tambi辿n resume aprendizajes sobre las t辿cnicas efectivas en cada red social y c坦mo conectarlas, y concluye que las redes sociales son una herramienta fundamental para la promoci坦n cuando se usan de manera integrada.
El documento describe el accidente de Apolo 1 de 1967, donde tres astronautas murieron en un incendio durante un simulacro de lanzamiento. El resumen es: El incendio se debi坦 a un fallo en los sistemas de la nave espacial que no fue detectado ni corregido durante las pruebas. Los controladores de vuelo tomaron la decisi坦n err坦nea de continuar el simulacro a pesar de las fallas detectadas, lo que llev坦 al tr叩gico accidente que se podr鱈a haber evitado verificando que todos los sistemas funcion
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre drogadicci坦n. Explica que la drogadicci坦n es una enfermedad que produce alteraciones en el comportamiento y las funciones cerebrales. Identifica algunas causas comunes que llevan a las personas a consumir drogas, como huir de problemas personales. Tambi辿n describe se単ales para identificar a un drogadicto y las consecuencias negativas del abuso de drogas como trastornos fisiol坦gicos y psicol坦gicos, y el deterioro de las relaciones personales y el rendimiento acad辿mico/laboral
The document discusses the textile and garment industry in India. It provides background on the history and structure of the industry. Some key points:
- The textile industry is one of India's largest, providing employment to over 45 million people and accounting for 14% of industrial production.
- The garment industry is highly fragmented, with over 27,000 domestic manufacturers. Exports of garments have increased significantly since quotas were removed in 2004.
- India is the second largest producer of textiles globally, with a major share of the world market in products like cotton yarn. The garment industry focuses on ready-made exports and is a large foreign exchange earner.
Los especialistas recomiendan comer adecuadamente con frutas y vegetales, tomar vitaminas como la C, hacer ejercicio y caminar al menos 30 minutos diarios, lavarse las manos a menudo y tomar aire fresco para evitar enfermarse. El documento luego sugiere mantener altos niveles de alcohol para mantener alejados los g辿rmenes, aunque esto claramente no es un consejo m辿dico v叩lido.
This document discusses the usage of various phrasal verbs in English. It provides examples of common phrasal verbs such as "to ask out" meaning to invite someone on a date, "break down" meaning when an appliance stops working, and "cheek out" meaning to look at something in an informal way. The document also discusses other phrasal verbs like "do something over" meaning to redo something, "eat out" meaning to eat at a restaurant, and "get back" meaning to return from a place. In total, the document examines several English phrasal verbs and their meanings through short examples.
Maia Sanchez Perez describes her weekly exercise routine which includes playing badminton and basketball in PE class. On different days of the week she does activities like basketball, flute lessons, rollerblading, and swimming. On the weekends she enjoys watching basketball matches and going swimming with her family. During sports day at school she participates in various ball sports like basketball, volleyball, and circuits.
1. El documento describe conceptos relacionados con el delito como acciones contrarias a la ley que merecen un castigo. 2. Explica que existen diferentes m辿todos para evaluar y medir el delito como estad鱈sticas oficiales, encuestas de victimizaci坦n y otros m辿todos. 3. Tambi辿n analiza correlatos demogr叩ficos del delito como edad, sexo, raza y estatus socioecon坦mico y su relaci坦n con la tasa de criminalidad.
Este documento presenta una introducci坦n al derecho penal, incluyendo definiciones de conceptos clave como el hecho punible, principios de la teor鱈a general del delito, caracteres del delito, y una clasificaci坦n del delito seg炭n la escuela cl叩sica. Explica que el hecho punible es una acci坦n sancionada por la ley con una pena, y que para que exista un delito se requiere que la conducta sea t鱈pica, antijur鱈dica y culpable. Adem叩s, resume los or鱈genes y principales autores de la escuela cl
El documento describe el m辿todo del World Caf辿, una metodolog鱈a para la creaci坦n de redes de conversaci坦n e intercambio de ideas entre grupos. Surgi坦 en 1995 en California como un proceso para generar ideas e innovaciones en un ambiente relajado similar a una cafeter鱈a. Implica conversaciones en peque単os grupos que rotan entre mesas para compartir y conectar ideas con el objetivo de identificar oportunidades y soluciones a temas organizacionales.
Los Est叩ndares Curriculares de Ciencias para la educaci坦n secundaria en M辿xico buscan desarrollar en los estudiantes cuatro categor鱈as de competencias:
1. Conocimiento cient鱈fico sobre temas de biolog鱈a, f鱈sica y qu鱈mica.
2. Capacidad de aplicar el conocimiento cient鱈fico y tecnol坦gico para mejorar la calidad de vida y cuidar el medio ambiente.
3. Habilidades asociadas a la ciencia como representar, interpretar y comunicar fen坦menos naturales.
4. Actitudes de valoraci坦n de la
Albolushi 1
Othman Albolushi
ENG 101
Dr. Janet Starner
October 13, 2014
Learning Online
Education has been repeatedly touted as the key to a better world. If that were not the case, then the United States may not have thought to increase its higher learning institutions from less than one thousand at the turn of the 20th century to the current staggering number of 4000 (Hjortshoj). Similarly, students would not be working themselves into a stupor in high school if education were not an important factor in their lives. And in our world today, the highest form of learning is usually in institutions such as colleges and universities where one can receive undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate diplomas and degrees. Learning online in your class is important because it will increase the skills of students in their jobs
Whichever mode of study a high school graduate student will choose, whether they opt for going for the physical classes themselves or going digital and pursuing their studies online, one thing that stands out is how their high school education and experience has prepared them for college. According to Keith Hjortshoj, students who join high school, no matter how prestigious or unknown the school was, appear seemingly unprepared for the norms and way of the academic college life. He gives examples of two of his students, from two different backgrounds, who despite their different performances from high school, perform differently in school. Eduardo came from a tough neighborhood, attended a similarly tough school but was successful and went on to college. In college, he performed much better than was expected of him, based on his background. Maria, on the other hand, came from a wealthy home, attended a prestigious high school and did very well in her finals. However, when she went to campus she failed her sophomore year (Hjortshoj).
Hjortshoj goes on to explain that students fresh from high school think that the same methods they used in high school, be it during assignments or exams, will work in college. The sad reality is that they do not necessarily do. Of course, virtues like hard work and determination are universal, and as such should be applied everywhere, but in regards to how work is actually done, the rules are somewhat different (Hjortshoj). Those that opt for online learning may find that they are more willing to rely on the course notes and lectures given by their teachers when tackling assignments and preparing for exams. But as Hjortshoj explains, this tactic will not work because they fail to understand what the questions and assignments really ask for. Although learning online could be useful in one way it can also be unfair in another way.
Traditionally, going to university entailed physically going to the institutions and attending classes offered there. This has been the norm since universities and colleges were established. However, thanks to the ever dynamic and progressive technology in our .
The document discusses how online education is transforming colleges and universities in the United States. It begins by cautioning institutions not to "perfect the irrelevant" and to know what business they are in. It then provides statistics on internet and social media usage to illustrate how ready society is for online learning. Several studies are cited showing online and blended students perform equal or better than face-to-face students. Examples are then given of several universities that have experienced growth and strategic benefits from online education, including increased access, flexibility, and revenues. The document advocates for a focus on quality using a collaborative consortium approach.
This document outlines the course details and schedule for COMMUNICATIONS 3310: Communication, Communities and Social Change. The course will examine how communication shapes communities and drives social change through analysis of popular culture, poetry, and critical theory. It will be delivered through weekly lectures and will evaluate students based on essays, discussions, a case study, and a final exam. Topics over the semester will explore issues like technology and youth culture, urbanism and street culture, countercultures and social change, politics and rhetoric, and more.
The proposal outlines plans for the James B. Dykes Communicator Awards Banquet and Student Film Festival organized by III Oaks Studios. Key details include:
- Hosting the event in the new Communication Studio to save costs and showcase the department.
- Including a student film component where students can submit work in categories like PSAs, films, documentaries and music videos.
- Presenting alumni and faculty awards as well as awards for top students in concentrations like broadcast journalism, PR, and photojournalism.
- Coordinating closely between student leaders and faculty to ensure a smooth execution that gives students practical experience and takes pride in their work.
Dr. William Allan Kritsonis, Editor-in-Chief, NATIONAL FORUM JOURNALS - www.n...William Kritsonis
This document discusses the pros and cons of mobile classrooms in higher education. It addresses how mobile classrooms can affect pedagogy and the costs for students and faculty. While mobile classrooms provide flexibility and save travel costs, they lack faculty-student interaction and require faculty and students to spend additional time and money on technology. Effective mobile teaching requires visible organization, compassion, analytical skills, and leading by example. Mobile classrooms can be implemented effectively if they encourage contact between students and faculty, develop cooperation, encourage active learning, provide prompt feedback and communicate high expectations.
This document discusses the rising costs of textbooks and their negative impact on student access and success. It notes that textbook prices have increased 812% since 1978, far outpacing inflation, and that high costs often lead students to not purchase required books or take fewer courses. The document advocates for open textbooks, which are freely accessible online and can be legally adapted and distributed, as a way to significantly reduce costs for students while maintaining quality. It provides several examples of universities and states that have implemented open textbook programs, finding improved access and equal or better student outcomes compared to traditional textbooks.
Status of Students Boarding Houses in the University of Eastern Philippines...Martin Nobis
Student boarders satisfaction has been regarded as the most important indicator in
evaluating student housing quality and services. This study determined the status of students
boarding houses in the University of Eastern Philippines Laoang Campus. The respondents
were students residing in boarding houses using universal sampling. The research design
employed is a descriptive method, using a survey questionnaire, and the statistical tools used
are frequency counts, percentages, and mean. Findings revealed that the respondents were in
their late teenage years, there were more females, most were still single, majority has a family
income of 5000-below, and most were BSEd. Only a few completed the needed requirements
have a distance 1kilometer-below from the school, 4-5 room occupants, a monthly rental
of 401-500, students boarders were allowed to use charcoal in cooking, and, open
well as the source of water supply, almost all used manual flush in their comfort room, not all
were allowed to use available appliances, and garbage was collected by disposal team. The
respondents were satisfied in terms of residential satisfaction according to specific
attributes. Still, they encountered problems such as a lack and unsafe water supply, and no abode
policies and contracts executed.
Free executive summary of the Chronicle of Higher Education's report titled "The College of 2020: Students," as downloaded from
Alumni perceptions of their alma mater of a public university in ghanaAlexander Decker
This document summarizes a study that examined alumni perceptions of their alma mater, the University of Education, Winneba Kumasi Campus (UEW-K) in Ghana. The study surveyed 408 alumni using a questionnaire. It found that alumni highly rated academic programs as an activity carried out by UEW-K. They also highly rated the qualification they obtained from the university as a value received. Alumni highly rated their desire to give to their alma mater as part of their willingness to support it. The study provides recommendations to university management to improve engagement with alumni.
The document provides information about upcoming events at Le Moyne College, including a reading by George Saunders on October 19th, the dedication of a statue of Saint Ignatius Loyola on October 22nd, and presidential receptions in Washington D.C. on October 29th and in New York City on November 12th. It also provides contact information for more details about the events.
Running head PROTOTYPE MOCKUPSTourism Information Applica.docxtodd581
Tourism Information Application
Charles Williams
CTU/CS346/ Unit 2 IP
Prof. Jeffery Williams
Design Description
The design used for the design of this web and mobile application is simplistic in nature. This would make it possible for users to access its features and content with ease. Since the application has been developed to target tourists who visit the city of Charlotte, the home page should portray that message by incorporating the citys crest and its name in the navigation menu.
The website would have a consistent design by having each page have the same header that has the main tourist attractions listed on every page. To access the different attraction sites such as museums, parks, hotels etc. users would simply click on the links that are available in each page header. When the user does not want to click on those links and wants to access a specific feature, the search bar in the first page would make it possible for the user to access that feature without having to navigate to where it is located through the headers.
The footer section gives access to resources that are not essential but important to the user such as access to government resources and quick facts about the city in the about section. The mobile application has key tourist attractions listed but it gets rid of most of the non-essential features present in the website to increase its usability. The design tool used for this assignment is Balsamiq Mockups and the mockup file is attached with this assignment for reference purposes.
Mock-Up Screenshots
Web Application
Other Resources
Governmental Resources
Mobile Application
Other Resources
Wasson, C. S. (2015).油System engineering analysis, design, and development: Concepts, principles, and practices. John Wiley & Sons.
Basson, S. H., Kanevsky, D., & Oblinger, D. A. (2015).油U.S. Patent No. 9,165,280. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Blakiston, R. (2014).油Usability testing: A practical guide for librarians油(Vol. 11). Rowman & Littlefield.
Darejeh, A., & Singh, D. (2013). A review on user interface design principles to increase software usability for users with less computer literacy.油Journal of computer science,油9(11), 1443.
Dayton, T., Mcfarland, A., & Kramer, J. (2018). The bridging user needs to object-oriented GUI prototype via task object design. In油User interface design油(pp. 15-56). CRC Press.
Foster, E. C. (2014). User interface design. In油Software Engineering油(pp. 187-205). Apress, Berkeley, CA.
Harold Washington College
Department of Social and Applied Sciences
Social Science 101(61674) IAI#S9 900 Section MN/ Fall 2018 12 weeks
Friday 9:30-12:20 Room 1013
Adjunct Instructor: Luis Martinez
e-mail:[email油protected],Office Rm. 411 Office Hours:12:20-1:00 Phone #312 553-5892
Required Text:Intro to Social Science/Harold Washington College ISBN.
Communicating in Today's World: The Impact of the Electronic EraBob Johnson, Ph.D.
First of two presentations for Xavier University to explore evolving challenges marketing communications. Reviews role of "traditional" websites, social media, mobile technology and more, with an emphasis on student recruitment contacts.
Career counseling helps individuals develop personal career plans through collecting and evaluating information about themselves and potential careers. It aims to help clients meet life goals and take steps to implement career plans. The document discusses the history and development of career counseling in the Philippines, including establishing vocational surveys, guidance programs in schools, and placement services to help connect students with appropriate employment or further education. It also examines challenges like many students shifting fields of study in college due to being unprepared or enrolling in popular majors without considering fit, leading them to compete for limited jobs upon graduation. Solutions proposed include improved career guidance and access to labor market data to help students make informed choices.
This document outlines a proposed redesign of a first-year seminar course at West Virginia University. It analyzes three existing course models and identifies gaps. The needs assessment found that current courses may not fully help students transition to college, explore majors, or learn about campus resources. The proposed redesigned course aims to address these gaps by taking a more comprehensive approach and allowing for customization based on student characteristics.
The document discusses research skills of new college students and how their skills differ from what is expected in college. It finds that while students are technologically savvy, they lack skills in evaluating information sources and conducting academic research. It provides an overview of strategies that high schools and colleges can use to help students develop stronger research and information literacy skills necessary to succeed in college, such as emphasizing skill in evaluating sources, citing sources properly, and developing systematic note-taking habits.
Student Veterans of America: A Review of Veteran Achievement in Higher EducationDana Jarvis
At the Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC) Veteran Services, we strive to engage the lastest research to empower our student veterans...
"Accurate data on the postsecondary academic outcomes of todays generation of student veterans have been difficult to find. Inconsistent methods of collecting such information has led to confusion about the completion rates of student veterans in higher education, and without
strong, empirical data, the uncertainty will persist.
The Million Records Project was envisioned, planned, and implemented by Student Veterans of America to address these gaps in knowledge and, with additional research,
ultimately determine best practices and policies that promote student veteran success. The result of a public-private partnership among Student Veterans of America, the National Student Clearinghouse, and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the Million Records Project
explores the postsecondary academic outcomes of nearly 1 million student veterans who initially used Montgomery and Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits between 2002 and 2010. The outcomes explored in the first phase of the project include student veteran postsecondary completion rates,
time-to-completion, level of education, and degree fields..." (from the Executive Summary of the "Review").
The Effects of Consumerism on Access to Higher EducationCornell Woodson
Cornell Woodson is a graduate student studying higher education who wrote a paper examining how consumerism contributes to rising college tuition costs. The paper argues that as colleges work to meet student expectations by spending on lavish facilities, technology, and amenities, the operational costs increase, driving tuition higher. This pricing out of lower-income students and reducing access to higher education. While consumer choice is important, colleges should refocus on their core educational mission to improve affordability and access.
Unlock Your Potential with Online Educationnugnubagni
Needs Assessment
St. Marys University has experienced residence hall occupancy levels over 104%, and as high as
110% in the fall semester of 2012, over the last eight years. Overcrowding has forced students to
live in converted study rooms and social lounges; areas never meant or designed to permantly
house studnets, much less be used as temporary living quarters. The overcrowding problem is
forcing more students to seek living spaces off campus. However, living off campus can impact
the students academic achievement, their social and civic development and intigration as a
member into the university community, and perhaps more worringly, increased financial
obligation and student debt. The construction of a new residence hall will help to alliveate these
problems, but if no action to solve this overcrowding problem is taken, students who may
overwise have no other place to live while in school due to family, financial, academic or many
other reasons, may be forced to miss out on these crucial academic and personal growh
opportunitues and be forced to find alternative living conditions, simply because, through no
fault of their own, there was not enough space.
Studies show the many social benefits of residing on campus. On a basic level, residents have
more of an opportunity to develop the life-long friendships that so many value and look to for
support during and after their school experiences, have more interaction with peers, mentors, and
2. professors outside of class. Residents enjoy almost instant access to diverse cultural and artistic
events, presentations and dialogues that so often present new points of views and inspire new
thinking in young minds, while the chance for more involvement in campus activities such as
student government, professional associations and post graduate experience is also increased in
residents (OSU 2013). Researcher Jillian Bush stuied the effects of extracurricular activities on
dropout rates and found that there was a quite high association degree between being involved in
campus activities and staying in school. Simply put the more a student is in involved in school,
the more commited they tend to be (Bush 2003). Research by Oegon State University found that
living in residence halls also lead to a greater satisfaction by the student of their overall college
experience (OSU 2013).
Quite simply, livingon campus leads to higher academic achievement. A recent study found that
living on campus causes college students to perform better in schoolleads to an increase in
GPAand at any time is shown to increase both cumulative and semester GPA. (de Araujo and
Murray 2010). The University of North Carolina at Charlotte found that residents are more likely
to graduate in less time and enter graduate school (UNCC 2013). Enforced nightly quite times
are conductive to student study, the opportunity to live with people of the same major or
academic interest, and the availability of high speed internet access and computer labs also lead
to a more conductive acadmeic atmosphere. On a basic level, residnets are closer to their classes
than those living off campus, reducing the chance of either missing a class or arriving late.
Obtaining a higher education can be expensive and living off campus can add to those expenses
contributing to the ever increasing student loan debt problem faced by millions of students.
When a student lives off campus on heir own or with roomates, expenses, often unforeseen by
those away from home for the first time, such as gas, electricity, phone and internet can often
overwhelm and add up quite quickly. The cost of communting to school can also be an issue as
the price of gas is on avaerage now approaching $3.50 a gallon (AAA 2013). In San Antonio,
using data collected in 2009, the median cost of an apartment was $754 (City Data 2013), with a
ulitities median of $214 (City Data 2013). Adjusted for inflation for 2013 using the US Inflation
Calculator (, these figures are approximately $816 and $232
respectively. Add these together and multiply by twelve months and the result is $12,576 ($816
+ $232 x 12 months). This amount does not include food or transportation, nor does it include
the ancillay costs of living off campus such as insurance, internet access, monthly bills or
nonfinancial costs such as commuting time, parking, or walking to and from the parking lot. As
of the 2013-2014 academic year information, the most expensive residence room and meal plan
at St. Marys combined is $9,110 ( 2013. Subtracting the first number
from the last a savings of $3,466 per student is discovered when comparing those that live on
campus to those that live off campus.
It is clear that the academic, financial and social benefits of living on campus far outweigh the
expense, inconvience, and pressure that living off campus contributes. Students are consistantly
shown to be more involved, achieve more academcally, and save thousands of dollars over the
4. course of their education. For the current and future students of St. Marys University, the
construction of a new residence hall will give these students the opportunites they deserve to
enter the world after graduation as well prepared as we can get them.
5. Work Breakdown Schedule
Project: Hypothetical design and construction of a new residence hall at St. Marys University
1. Call for general campus meetings with students for residence hall ideas/needs, etc
1.1 Meet with current students, incoming freshman and transfer students
1.2 Meet with recent alumni who lived on campus (last 5 years)
1.3 Compile information from above meetings
1.3.1 Disseminate above information on university website for community input Compile community input for board meeting
2. Board of Trustees meeting(s)
2.1 Distribute information gathered from above meetings
2.1.1 meet with student/staff representatives to go over information
2.2 Decide basic parameters/designs of new hall
2.2 Finalize call for designs/architects and deadline for submissions
2.2.1 Distribute call via letter/web/trade magazines/board contacts
2.3 Gather all submissions once deadline has passed
2.3.1 Pull top five submissions
2.3.2 Publicize top five submissions for public viewing Call a university wide meeting to discuss submissions
2.4 With university input, board of trustees will decide on design/architect
3. Apply for appropriate initial building permits
3.1 City
3.1.1 - Approval move to Level 4 preparations
3.1.2 Non-approval gather information and reapply
3.2 State
3.2.1 - Approval move to Level 4 preparations
3.2.2 - Non-approval gather information and reapply
4. Break ground
4.1 Official ceremony
4.1.1 Invite Board members, senior university staff, city council members,
distinguished alum, etc.
4.1.2 Contact media
6. 4.1.3 Perform ceremony
4.2 Begin preparation for official clearing of land
4.2.1 Solicit bids for clearing land Review bids
4.2.2 Begin clearing of land with lowest bid
5. Construction
5.1 Solicit construction bids
5.1.1 Review construction bids received Investigate previous projects, etc. Visit previous and in process building projects
5.2 Award construction contract
5.3 Foundation
5.3.1 Periodic city/builder/university/inspection
5.4 Exterior
5.4.1 - Periodic city/builder/university/inspection
5.5 plumbing
5.5.1 - Periodic city/builder/university/inspection
5.6 Electrical
5.6.1 - Periodic city/builder/university/inspection
5.7 Final city/fire inspection before occupancy
6. Interior furnishings
6.1 Distribute call to local furniture manufacturers/distributors for bids
6.2 Collect and award furniture bids
6.3 Deliver furnishings
7. Grand opening
7.1 Invite Board members, senior university staff, city council members, distinguished
alum, etc. for initial walkthrough and presentation
7.2 Contact media for walkthrough and information session
7.3 university communications walkthrough for photo documentation and brochure
8. Official opening
8.1 Final walkthrough
8.1.2 final repairs, if any
8.2 Final cleaning
9. Inaugural student check in
9.1 After first week, conduct survey among residents about any building/service issues
9.1.1 - If necessary, address above issues
9.2 Conduct survey again after first month
9.2.1 If necessary, address above issues
9.3 Conduct end of semester inspection
9.3.1 Address maintenance issues as needed during semester break
7. References
American Automobile Association. 2013. Gas Prices.
resources/trip-planning-maps/Pages/gas-prices.aspx (April 5, 2013).
Bush, Jilann. 2003. The Effect of Extracurricular Activities on School Dropout. (April 6 2013).
De Araujo, Pedro and James Murray. 2010. Academic Effects of Living on Campus. (April 6, 2013).
Mantel, S.J. et al. 2008. Project Management in Practice 3rd
ed. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
Oregon State University. 2013. Benefits of Living on Campus. (April 6, 2013).
San Antonio, Texas. City Data 2009.
(April 6, 2013).
St. Marys University. 2013. Office of Institutional Effectiveness University Profile 2012
Profile Student Development.
effectiveness/pdf/7-FA12UniversityProfile-StudentDevelopment.pdf (April6, 2013).
St. Marys University. Residence Life Room and Board Rates.
(April6, 2013)
University of North Carolina at Charlotte. 2013. Advantages to Living on Campus. (April 5, 2013).
US Inflation Calculator. (April 5, 2013).