Beth Guarriello is seeking a challenging position as a high school or middle school principal. She has over 25 years of experience in education, including serving as an assistant principal for the past 5 years with responsibilities in curriculum development, teacher supervision, student discipline and guidance. She has a Masters in Educational Leadership and Principal Certification K-12.
How to Win M&A Deals in an Uncertain Europe Navatar
Proventis Partners Ulrich Schneider, a veteran M&A advisor based in Germany who specializes in growth and acquisition financing, explains how private equity and corporate strategic buyers can better source and execute EU M&A transactions amid Brexit and other looming market dangers.
Full video of presentation:
The document discusses plans for a documentary on the effects of social media on teenagers. It would investigate both the pros and cons of social media, examining issues like cyberbullying, catfishing, and media pressures faced by women. The target audience would be 15-17 year olds who are active social media users. Filming could take place at a college learning resource center and an Apple store to interview experts like police officers, teachers, and store managers. Additional footage would include interviews with teenagers discussing their experiences with social media.
British traditions and holidays include New Year's Day, when people make resolutions for the new year; Saint Valentine's Day in February, dedicated to Saint Valentine and when people send cards to those they love; and The Boat Race in March, an annual rowing race between Oxford and Cambridge universities on the River Thames in London.
Erika Szalai has over 20 years of experience in finance, management consulting, and business development roles. She holds an MSc in Finance Management and an Executive MBA in progress. Her career includes positions as Head of Business Development, CEO, SAP consultant, and CFO. She is interested in management challenges that allow creativity and organizational abilities.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on 際際滷Share. In a single sentence, it pitches presentation creation software.
Ambientes de aprendizaje fundamentados en la teor鱈a socioAlexander Rios Ariz
Por Alexander de Jes炭s R鱈os Ariz.
Estudiante de Maestr鱈a en Educaci坦n en ambientes mediados por las TIC
La teor鱈a sociocultural expuesta por Lev Vigotsky, nos indica la incidencia del entorno en la adquisici坦n de la cultura, en otras palabras las sociedades son el producto del entorno donde se desarrollan, creando una identidad propia del ser, reforzada por las teor鱈as de Antony Giddens sobre la identidad del yo y el papel del ser en la transformaci坦n de la sociedad moderna, sociedad globalizada pero al mismo tiempo individualista, donde cada uno de los integrantes de la sociedad piensan alcanzar el 辿xito a costa del respeto de sus cong辿neres, olvidando de tajo los principios 辿ticos y los derechos fundamentales que posee cada uno de los integrantes de la sociedad.
The document provides information on the passive voice in English. It defines the passive voice and gives examples of its use in the present simple, past simple, future simple, present progressive, past progressive, present perfect, past perfect and future perfect tenses. Examples are provided for each tense to illustrate how the passive voice is formed in English.
Developing an adaptable and sustainable All Payer DatabaseRyan Hayden
States should invest in building All Payer Databases (APDs) to gain insights into healthcare costs, quality, and outcomes across public and private payers. APDs integrate claims data and can later incorporate other data sources. This allows states to identify high-cost areas, assess delivery system performance, and inform payment reform. However, most current APDs only provide automated reports and lack analytic flexibility. To realize their full potential, APDs need to become interactive analytics tools allowing ad hoc queries. This will support more dynamic policymaking and continuous system improvements.
O documento apresenta um extenso dicion叩rio de termos e siglas relacionados s vendas em marketplaces. Ele fornece defini巽探es detalhadas para conceitos importantes como an炭ncios, categoriza巽達o de produtos, frete, estoque, embalagem, fluxo de caixa e m辿tricas de desempenho. O dicion叩rio visa auxiliar tanto vendedores experientes quanto iniciantes a compreenderem melhor todas as vari叩veis envolvidas nas vendas por marketplaces.
Mahesh Babu Katiki is seeking a position in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with opportunities for career development. He has 1.6 years of experience working as a Design Engineer at Cadsys India Ltd, where he has worked on several GIS projects using NexusWorx, AutoCAD, and Microstation. Some of the key projects he contributed to include designing fiber networks for Google Fiber and Frontier Communications. He is proficient in AutoCAD, Nexus, Frogs, and Microstation and has experience with tasks like network design, field note drawings, and data conversion. Mahesh holds a B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering and is looking to further contribute his technical and problem-solving skills
This document discusses project teams and organizational structures for managing projects. It covers functional, projectized, and matrix organizational structures and their advantages and disadvantages. It also discusses informal organizations, stakeholder analysis, the differences between work groups and teams, learning cycles to facilitate knowledge management, and how to develop and assess high-performing project teams. The key aspects of developing project teams including defining roles, setting goals, creating accountability, and establishing a collaborative environment are addressed.
There is an important link between motivating employees and business success. Good communication, professionalism, and being a leader rather than a boss are key ways to motivate employees. The document provides information about business consulting services related to Brazil that include business classes, translations, lectures, consulting, and country profiles.
Este documento describe el per鱈odo de Organizaci坦n de la Rep炭blica de Chile entre 1823 y 1830, caracterizado por la inestabilidad pol鱈tica y social. Hubo varios intentos de establecer un gobierno estable a trav辿s de diferentes constituciones y reg鱈menes, pero ninguno tuvo 辿xito por mucho tiempo. Finalmente, la guerra civil de 1829 entre liberales y conservadores termin坦 con la victoria de estos 炭ltimos liderados por Diego Portales, dando inicio a un per鱈odo de orden conservador.
The document provides information on the passive voice in English. It defines the passive voice and gives examples of its use in the present simple, past simple, future simple, present progressive, past progressive, present perfect, past perfect and future perfect tenses. Examples are provided for each tense to illustrate how the passive voice is formed in English.
Developing an adaptable and sustainable All Payer DatabaseRyan Hayden
States should invest in building All Payer Databases (APDs) to gain insights into healthcare costs, quality, and outcomes across public and private payers. APDs integrate claims data and can later incorporate other data sources. This allows states to identify high-cost areas, assess delivery system performance, and inform payment reform. However, most current APDs only provide automated reports and lack analytic flexibility. To realize their full potential, APDs need to become interactive analytics tools allowing ad hoc queries. This will support more dynamic policymaking and continuous system improvements.
O documento apresenta um extenso dicion叩rio de termos e siglas relacionados s vendas em marketplaces. Ele fornece defini巽探es detalhadas para conceitos importantes como an炭ncios, categoriza巽達o de produtos, frete, estoque, embalagem, fluxo de caixa e m辿tricas de desempenho. O dicion叩rio visa auxiliar tanto vendedores experientes quanto iniciantes a compreenderem melhor todas as vari叩veis envolvidas nas vendas por marketplaces.
Mahesh Babu Katiki is seeking a position in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with opportunities for career development. He has 1.6 years of experience working as a Design Engineer at Cadsys India Ltd, where he has worked on several GIS projects using NexusWorx, AutoCAD, and Microstation. Some of the key projects he contributed to include designing fiber networks for Google Fiber and Frontier Communications. He is proficient in AutoCAD, Nexus, Frogs, and Microstation and has experience with tasks like network design, field note drawings, and data conversion. Mahesh holds a B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering and is looking to further contribute his technical and problem-solving skills
This document discusses project teams and organizational structures for managing projects. It covers functional, projectized, and matrix organizational structures and their advantages and disadvantages. It also discusses informal organizations, stakeholder analysis, the differences between work groups and teams, learning cycles to facilitate knowledge management, and how to develop and assess high-performing project teams. The key aspects of developing project teams including defining roles, setting goals, creating accountability, and establishing a collaborative environment are addressed.
There is an important link between motivating employees and business success. Good communication, professionalism, and being a leader rather than a boss are key ways to motivate employees. The document provides information about business consulting services related to Brazil that include business classes, translations, lectures, consulting, and country profiles.
Este documento describe el per鱈odo de Organizaci坦n de la Rep炭blica de Chile entre 1823 y 1830, caracterizado por la inestabilidad pol鱈tica y social. Hubo varios intentos de establecer un gobierno estable a trav辿s de diferentes constituciones y reg鱈menes, pero ninguno tuvo 辿xito por mucho tiempo. Finalmente, la guerra civil de 1829 entre liberales y conservadores termin坦 con la victoria de estos 炭ltimos liderados por Diego Portales, dando inicio a un per鱈odo de orden conservador.