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Beth Guarriello
4713 Kathi Drive Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18017 (610) 737-7702 bethguarr@gmail.com
Career Objectives
A challenging position in education at the secondary level as a high school or middle school principal leading an educational team where
the emphasis is the quality education of students through thewell-aligned and supervised curriculum, as well as the development of
relationships between students, staff, parents and community members
Core Competencies
Supervision and direction of teachers, support staff and resources for theimplementation of curriculum
Curriculum development, writing and articulation
Enrichment period scheduling and oversight, student discipline and guidance coordination
Organized and planned resource management: people, schedules, supplies, facilities, time
Interpersonalskills with goal setting toward a vision and purpose
Integrity with a passion for public education and success for all students
Quality decision making and problem solving while valuing diversity and motivating others
Pennsylvania Principals Certificate K-12 July 2011; Praxis passed July 2010
Wilkes University  Masters of Education in Educational Leadership GPA 4.0 July 2011
Wilkes University  Masters of Education; Curriculum & Instruction G.P.A. 4.0 June 2008
The Pennsylvania State University, Bachelor of Science, May 1989:
Certificate in secondary education biology/chemistry- GPA 3.7
Practica and Field Experience
2014- Present Assistant Principal, Southern Lehigh High School, SLHS;responsiblefor Science, Tech Ed, Related Arts and Health/ PE
department supervision, program of studies and curriculum development; development of remediation classes for Keystonecourses;
Instructional Aides professional development of literacy strategies and implementation; discipline of 9th
and 10th
grade; oversight of
Freshman Transition, Orientation and Freshman Academy Class; master scheduling of enrichment courses, Keystoneand WIDA
scheduling; Development of school wide Student Showcase for project based learning initiative; Project Based Learning training and
2012- 2014 Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction, Liberty High School, BASD;responsiblefor Science, Math, Foreign
Language and Business teacher supervision, Program of Studies development for LHS, Project Lead theWay initiation and grant
acquisition, School Improvement Plan for PDE, Keystone, PASA, WIDA and Study Island proficiency/benchmark testing, development of
freshman academy concept and freshman transition program, curricular changes and staff development, science supervision district wide 6-
12, new teacher mentoring supervisor, Making the Grade Booklet creation, supervision of assigned PLG groups, as well as various
assigned duties.
2008  2012 Department Chair, Liberty High School, BASD;responsiblefor Curriculum Development, Scheduling of 21 person science
department, Budget, Textbook and Supply responsibilities, Administrative meetings
2005  2012 Bethlehem Area School District, Liberty High School: AP Chemistry, Honors Chemistry, Academic Chemistry, Organic
Chemistry, Genetics and Medical Ethics, 9th
Grade Academic Science
2003- 2005 Parkland School District, Allentown Pennsylvania: Honors Chemistry and Gifted High Potential Chemistry
1998-1999 South Middleton School District, Boiling Springs Pennsylvania: Biology, Anatomy and Physiology, Chemistry and Science
and Technology Teacher (.6 position)
1989-1993 Council Rock School District, Newtown, Pennsylvania: 2 years full time and 2 years 0.6 Biology and Chemistry
1989 Summer- The George School, Newtown, Pennsylvania:Chemistry teacher at theCollege Gifted Institutefor students in grades four
to twelve
1986-2002 - Private Tutor and Home School Instructor, Bucks, Center, and Cumberland Counties: Tutored and instructed biology,
chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, calculus, algebra and SAT math preparation
1988-1989- Pre-Student Teaching andStudent Teaching, Altoona High S chool, AltoonaPennsylvania. Taught general and academic
biology and chemistry, botany, and anatomy
1986-1988- Supplemental Instructorand Teaching Assistant, The Pennsylvania StateUniversity, University Park Pennsylvania -
Taught educational psychology, and introductory premedical biology course
Professional Development
NISL / PILS Course 1: 2015school year Course 4: 2016school year
NISL/ PILS CoachingCourse: Spring2016
SAS Conference  Hershey PA December2015
SAP (Student AssistanceProgram)TrainedandCertified June 2015
CPI (Crisis PreventionInstitute) TrainedandCertified October 2015
Restorative Practices Trained July 2012
SLO, PVAAS, Keystone / Keystone PBA, PSSA, Reading Apprenticeship; RAISE, Math Innovative Instruction & Common Core: trainedat various
conferences- BASD & SLHS
Curriculum Development: OngoingTeacher Effectiveness Training, Keystone AlignedBiology, Chemistry,English,Algebra, andForeign Language
Common Assessments, initiatedCore Content Vertical Articulation, SASCurriculum Faculty Coordinator, AdvancedPlacement Chemistry, Honors
Chemistry, LHS; Organic Chemistry, LHS; GeneticandMedical Ethics, LHS; Honors Chemistry, ParklandHS; AppliedAnatomyandHuman
Reproduction, BoilingSprings HS
PA Act 126 (Child Abuse) trainedthrough Safe Schools  SLHS 2015
National Incident ManagementSystem & FEMA / Safe Schools Trained-8 onlinecourses- SLHS2015
Clarity & BrightBytes Training forProject RedSignature School (onetoonecomputerinitiative)  SLHS 2015
Advanced Placement Chemistry trainedby College Board 2008 & 2009-LHS
CommitteeMember: Project 720; AP andGiftedandProgramEvaluationTeams, School Improvement Team, 2007-LHS
Da Vinci Center Nominee  Science andEngineeringProgramforTeachers at Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, 2008
SATII ChemistryPreparatoryInstructor - 2005-present
National Science Teachers Association  2006-present
Middle States SteeringCommittee- Council RockHigh School 1989-1991
Honors and Activities
o IU 20 Excellence in Education Award for LHS Freshman Center; May 2014
o Massachusetts Instituteof Technology Inspirational Educator Award; March 2014
o Outstanding Chemistry Teacher- July 2012 American Chemical Society; nominated by former student
o Outstanding Teacher of the Year 2010-2011 Bethlehem Area School District;nominated by colleagues
o Most Respected Teacher and Mentor  10 time recipient; nominated by various students 2003-2012 LHS & PHS
o Outstanding Teachers of America - nominated by students in 1991, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2012
o College Honors: Senior Editor of La Vie Yearbook, President of Mortar Board, Vice President of Parmi Nous, Lions Paw
member, Pi Lambda Thetamember, Omicron Delta Kappamember, Golden Key member, Member of the Education Student
Council and Student Pennsylvania State Education Association, Outstanding College Students of America member - the
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania.
Related Experience
2012-2013 Mini-Dance Marathon Club Advisor at Liberty High School
2011-2012 Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science Advisor at Liberty High School
2007-2011 National Honor Society Co-Advisor at Liberty High School
2006-2007 Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science Assistant for Chemistry Experiments at LHS
2005-2007 Post Prom Committee Advisor at Liberty High School
2003-2005 Advisor to the National Honor Society of Parkland High School, Allentown, Pennsylvania
2000-2002 President of South Middleton Parent Teacher Organization, Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania
2000-2001 President of Carlisle Community Nursery School, Carlisle Pennsylvania
1998-2000 Treasurer of South Middleton Parent Teacher Organization, Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania
1998-2000 Personnel Director of Carlisle Community Nursery School, Carlisle Pennsylvania
1990-1991 Yearbook Advisor at Council Rock High School, Newtown, Pennsylvania
1989-1991 Key Club Advisor at Council Rock High School, Newtown, Pennsylvania
Personal Information
Married for 26 years with 3 children ages 19, 21, and 24

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Guarriello Resume May 2016

  • 1. Beth Guarriello 4713 Kathi Drive Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18017 (610) 737-7702 bethguarr@gmail.com Career Objectives A challenging position in education at the secondary level as a high school or middle school principal leading an educational team where the emphasis is the quality education of students through thewell-aligned and supervised curriculum, as well as the development of relationships between students, staff, parents and community members Core Competencies Supervision and direction of teachers, support staff and resources for theimplementation of curriculum Curriculum development, writing and articulation Enrichment period scheduling and oversight, student discipline and guidance coordination Organized and planned resource management: people, schedules, supplies, facilities, time Interpersonalskills with goal setting toward a vision and purpose Integrity with a passion for public education and success for all students Quality decision making and problem solving while valuing diversity and motivating others Education Pennsylvania Principals Certificate K-12 July 2011; Praxis passed July 2010 Wilkes University Masters of Education in Educational Leadership GPA 4.0 July 2011 Wilkes University Masters of Education; Curriculum & Instruction G.P.A. 4.0 June 2008 The Pennsylvania State University, Bachelor of Science, May 1989: Certificate in secondary education biology/chemistry- GPA 3.7 Practica and Field Experience 2014- Present Assistant Principal, Southern Lehigh High School, SLHS;responsiblefor Science, Tech Ed, Related Arts and Health/ PE department supervision, program of studies and curriculum development; development of remediation classes for Keystonecourses; Instructional Aides professional development of literacy strategies and implementation; discipline of 9th and 10th grade; oversight of Freshman Transition, Orientation and Freshman Academy Class; master scheduling of enrichment courses, Keystoneand WIDA scheduling; Development of school wide Student Showcase for project based learning initiative; Project Based Learning training and implementation 2012- 2014 Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction, Liberty High School, BASD;responsiblefor Science, Math, Foreign Language and Business teacher supervision, Program of Studies development for LHS, Project Lead theWay initiation and grant acquisition, School Improvement Plan for PDE, Keystone, PASA, WIDA and Study Island proficiency/benchmark testing, development of freshman academy concept and freshman transition program, curricular changes and staff development, science supervision district wide 6- 12, new teacher mentoring supervisor, Making the Grade Booklet creation, supervision of assigned PLG groups, as well as various assigned duties. 2008 2012 Department Chair, Liberty High School, BASD;responsiblefor Curriculum Development, Scheduling of 21 person science department, Budget, Textbook and Supply responsibilities, Administrative meetings 2005 2012 Bethlehem Area School District, Liberty High School: AP Chemistry, Honors Chemistry, Academic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Genetics and Medical Ethics, 9th Grade Academic Science 2003- 2005 Parkland School District, Allentown Pennsylvania: Honors Chemistry and Gifted High Potential Chemistry 1998-1999 South Middleton School District, Boiling Springs Pennsylvania: Biology, Anatomy and Physiology, Chemistry and Science and Technology Teacher (.6 position) 1989-1993 Council Rock School District, Newtown, Pennsylvania: 2 years full time and 2 years 0.6 Biology and Chemistry 1989 Summer- The George School, Newtown, Pennsylvania:Chemistry teacher at theCollege Gifted Institutefor students in grades four to twelve 1986-2002 - Private Tutor and Home School Instructor, Bucks, Center, and Cumberland Counties: Tutored and instructed biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, calculus, algebra and SAT math preparation 1988-1989- Pre-Student Teaching andStudent Teaching, Altoona High S chool, AltoonaPennsylvania. Taught general and academic biology and chemistry, botany, and anatomy 1986-1988- Supplemental Instructorand Teaching Assistant, The Pennsylvania StateUniversity, University Park Pennsylvania - Taught educational psychology, and introductory premedical biology course Professional Development NISL / PILS Course 1: 2015school year Course 4: 2016school year
  • 2. NISL/ PILS CoachingCourse: Spring2016 SAS Conference Hershey PA December2015 SAP (Student AssistanceProgram)TrainedandCertified June 2015 CPI (Crisis PreventionInstitute) TrainedandCertified October 2015 Restorative Practices Trained July 2012 SLO, PVAAS, Keystone / Keystone PBA, PSSA, Reading Apprenticeship; RAISE, Math Innovative Instruction & Common Core: trainedat various conferences- BASD & SLHS Curriculum Development: OngoingTeacher Effectiveness Training, Keystone AlignedBiology, Chemistry,English,Algebra, andForeign Language Common Assessments, initiatedCore Content Vertical Articulation, SASCurriculum Faculty Coordinator, AdvancedPlacement Chemistry, Honors Chemistry, LHS; Organic Chemistry, LHS; GeneticandMedical Ethics, LHS; Honors Chemistry, ParklandHS; AppliedAnatomyandHuman Reproduction, BoilingSprings HS PA Act 126 (Child Abuse) trainedthrough Safe Schools SLHS 2015 National Incident ManagementSystem & FEMA / Safe Schools Trained-8 onlinecourses- SLHS2015 Clarity & BrightBytes Training forProject RedSignature School (onetoonecomputerinitiative) SLHS 2015 Advanced Placement Chemistry trainedby College Board 2008 & 2009-LHS CommitteeMember: Project 720; AP andGiftedandProgramEvaluationTeams, School Improvement Team, 2007-LHS Da Vinci Center Nominee Science andEngineeringProgramforTeachers at Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, 2008 SATII ChemistryPreparatoryInstructor - 2005-present National Science Teachers Association 2006-present Middle States SteeringCommittee- Council RockHigh School 1989-1991 Honors and Activities o IU 20 Excellence in Education Award for LHS Freshman Center; May 2014 o Massachusetts Instituteof Technology Inspirational Educator Award; March 2014 o Outstanding Chemistry Teacher- July 2012 American Chemical Society; nominated by former student o Outstanding Teacher of the Year 2010-2011 Bethlehem Area School District;nominated by colleagues o Most Respected Teacher and Mentor 10 time recipient; nominated by various students 2003-2012 LHS & PHS o Outstanding Teachers of America - nominated by students in 1991, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2012 o College Honors: Senior Editor of La Vie Yearbook, President of Mortar Board, Vice President of Parmi Nous, Lions Paw member, Pi Lambda Thetamember, Omicron Delta Kappamember, Golden Key member, Member of the Education Student Council and Student Pennsylvania State Education Association, Outstanding College Students of America member - the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania. Related Experience 2012-2013 Mini-Dance Marathon Club Advisor at Liberty High School 2011-2012 Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science Advisor at Liberty High School 2007-2011 National Honor Society Co-Advisor at Liberty High School 2006-2007 Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science Assistant for Chemistry Experiments at LHS 2005-2007 Post Prom Committee Advisor at Liberty High School 2003-2005 Advisor to the National Honor Society of Parkland High School, Allentown, Pennsylvania 2000-2002 President of South Middleton Parent Teacher Organization, Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania 2000-2001 President of Carlisle Community Nursery School, Carlisle Pennsylvania 1998-2000 Treasurer of South Middleton Parent Teacher Organization, Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania 1998-2000 Personnel Director of Carlisle Community Nursery School, Carlisle Pennsylvania 1990-1991 Yearbook Advisor at Council Rock High School, Newtown, Pennsylvania 1989-1991 Key Club Advisor at Council Rock High School, Newtown, Pennsylvania Personal Information Married for 26 years with 3 children ages 19, 21, and 24