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PurePulse, a great
leap forward in freshness

                                                                                     Add up the bene鍖ts
                                                                                     to you of a 21-day
                                                                                     shelf life.

   Fresh juice tastes and looks so much more appealing than the juices that now dominate our

   supermarkets. Up until now, offering fresh juice in a manner that is safe and of economic

   interest has presented a formidable challenge. PurePulse makes it possible to give fresh juices

   a longer shelf life while preserving their vitamins, aromas, colours and flavours.

   Consumers are champing at the bit for fresh juice. Even so, supply is only limited and potential
   room for growth does not appear to have been taken up. The reason? Fresh juices require an expensive
   chilled distribution chain and, owing to their short shelf life, the loss percentage is relatively high.
   Consequently, it is no wonder that there are difficulties in making an advantageous business
   case for fresh juices.

PurePulse is able to                                                       460 million
extend shelf life by 21 days                                               consumers within your grasp

           21         21          21          21          21

PurePulse makes it possible to give fruit juices a long shelf life while   Preservation using PurePulse quite literally gives a whole

preserving their natural vitamins, aromas, colours and 鍖avours. As a       new dimension to your sales market. While the sales market

result, this technology is able to open up markets and opportunities       for fresh juices often used to be restricted to a radius of around

that were hitherto unfeasible. Using PurePulse preserved fruit juices      200 kilometres, using PurePulse now means being able to expand

yields the following bene鍖ts:                                              your potential sales market up to a radius of approximately

                                                                           1500 kilometres. And that means being able to increase your
   Simpli鍖ed distribution                                                 market from 30 million consumers to as many as 460 million.
   Larger sales market

                                                                           Technology that has come of age
   Less loss

Add up the bene鍖ts to                                                      PurePulse has more than proved its worth in practice. For example,

you of a 21-day shelf life.                                                this technology has already been in use within the medical

                                                                           industry for years. The predecessor to PurePulse was PEF. PurePulse

PurePulse extends the shelf life of fresh juices to at least 21 days.      has 鍖ne-tuned PEF to perfection by employing a number of clever

In a market where loss is one of the greatest cost items, each             innovations. As a result, you will be able to achieve the same level

additional day of shelf life is worth its weight in gold. Add up the       of safety with less capital and considerably less heating while still

bene鍖ts to you if your product had a 21-day shelf life!                    retaining even more of your juices fresh properties.

Further information

                                                                              Continuous process
You might like to hear more about the opportunities that                      Capacity: 600, 1200 or 1800 litres/hour
PurePulse can o鍖er you. Frank Smeltink, the commercial director               Max. power: 16kW, 30kW, 50kW
of Cool Wave Processing, will be happy to tell you all about them             Pulse duration: 1-4 亮sec
during a personal meeting.                                                    Temperature rise in processing chamber: 5-15 属

                                                                              Electric 鍖eld: 20  40 kV/cm

                                                                              Reduction of micro-organisms: 4-6 log

Agro Business Park 10
6708 PW Wageningen
The Netherlands
T +31 (0) 317 466 270

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  • 1. PurePulse, a great leap forward in freshness Add up the bene鍖ts to you of a 21-day shelf life. Fresh juice tastes and looks so much more appealing than the juices that now dominate our supermarkets. Up until now, offering fresh juice in a manner that is safe and of economic interest has presented a formidable challenge. PurePulse makes it possible to give fresh juices a longer shelf life while preserving their vitamins, aromas, colours and flavours. Consumers are champing at the bit for fresh juice. Even so, supply is only limited and potential room for growth does not appear to have been taken up. The reason? Fresh juices require an expensive chilled distribution chain and, owing to their short shelf life, the loss percentage is relatively high. Consequently, it is no wonder that there are difficulties in making an advantageous business case for fresh juices. KEPT FRESH WITH
  • 2. PurePulse is able to 460 million extend shelf life by 21 days consumers within your grasp 21 21 21 21 21 PurePulse makes it possible to give fruit juices a long shelf life while Preservation using PurePulse quite literally gives a whole preserving their natural vitamins, aromas, colours and 鍖avours. As a new dimension to your sales market. While the sales market result, this technology is able to open up markets and opportunities for fresh juices often used to be restricted to a radius of around that were hitherto unfeasible. Using PurePulse preserved fruit juices 200 kilometres, using PurePulse now means being able to expand yields the following bene鍖ts: your potential sales market up to a radius of approximately 1500 kilometres. And that means being able to increase your Simpli鍖ed distribution market from 30 million consumers to as many as 460 million. Larger sales market Technology that has come of age Less loss Add up the bene鍖ts to PurePulse has more than proved its worth in practice. For example, you of a 21-day shelf life. this technology has already been in use within the medical industry for years. The predecessor to PurePulse was PEF. PurePulse PurePulse extends the shelf life of fresh juices to at least 21 days. has 鍖ne-tuned PEF to perfection by employing a number of clever In a market where loss is one of the greatest cost items, each innovations. As a result, you will be able to achieve the same level additional day of shelf life is worth its weight in gold. Add up the of safety with less capital and considerably less heating while still bene鍖ts to you if your product had a 21-day shelf life! retaining even more of your juices fresh properties. Further information Speci鍖cations Continuous process You might like to hear more about the opportunities that Capacity: 600, 1200 or 1800 litres/hour PurePulse can o鍖er you. Frank Smeltink, the commercial director Max. power: 16kW, 30kW, 50kW of Cool Wave Processing, will be happy to tell you all about them Pulse duration: 1-4 亮sec during a personal meeting. Temperature rise in processing chamber: 5-15 属 C Electric 鍖eld: 20 40 kV/cm Reduction of micro-organisms: 4-6 log Agro Business Park 10 6708 PW Wageningen The Netherlands T +31 (0) 317 466 270 info@purepulse.eu www.purepulse.eu