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Organization / Workplace
Shanghai City, China China
HR Staffing Specialist at NVIDIA
Human Resources / Recruitment
我们身处无人区, 无人领航,没有方向,没有答案,有的只有待解决的技术问题。我们领航,确定方向,找到答案。如果你喜欢不确定性,喜欢挑战未知,欢迎加入我们;
I am focusing on bringing the brightest and best to NVIDIA! Currently looking for mid-level to senior folks in the Deep Learning field - if you are interested, please email me directly at QQ: 3371515491
Deep Learning Direction:
1. HPC/Architecture
2. Software Tools/ Library Development
3. Custom solution/Support
4. Application ( Image Recognition/Video/NLP)
5. Compute Vision( Self-Driving Car)
If you show interest, feel free to reach out to me at and I'll provide further details.
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