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Getting a Qualified LeadGetting a Qualified Lead
By: Troy CordellBy: Troy Cordell
Be a PRODUCTIVE employee.
ENJOY your new career.
Have the ABILITY to GROW with the company.
At the birth of a great company lies a great mission statement.
With that mission statement in place, follows a vision. That vision is the
path of -- success, prosperity, and respect.
It is very vital that the individuals whom make up the companys
foundation are the right fit. The chemistry must mix; unlike oil and water.
The relationship, personality, and professionalism; all must be a perfect
Sound judgment lies within our selection process.
VISION: To level the playing field for small businesses.
MISSION: To be the leading supplier of cost effective, easy-to-use
technology empowering small businesses
1.Cost Effective
2.Unrival Reliability
4.Painless Support + Upgrades
5.Grows your Business
Wain Kellum
Mark Lefar
Kyle Johnson
VP, Sales
Ask Fact finding questions to get to the root of the NEED
a. Background  Gather data and facts about the DM
b. Problem  Explore difficulties and dissatisfactions in areas where our product can help
c. Effect  Future assessments
d. Solution Benefit  Resolution
1. Scheduled Call Backs
Check your To Due/ Reminders-- daily. What is in your PIPE LINE?
2. Quality Control check lists
SHINE: Smile, Hear, Interact, Accuracy, Nurture, Exceed
3. Business Contributing factors
Follow all procedures pertaining to both company methods.
4. Customer Retention
Remember your tone of voice, manners, and kindness over the phone.
5. Customer Advocate
Put yourself in the users shoes!
6. Plan of Action
Always have an agenda on every call and plan your call!
a. Identify DM b. Ask 11 Qualifying Questions c. Transfer to Lead
7. Reading Clients
Match you DMs tone of voice, pace, and knowledge in VOIP.
8. Quality & Empathy
Have a great call with lots of energy. Say Im sorry. If the DM is having problems.
9. Find the need
What is the PAIN! Give the Benefit. What will ameliorate the business?
10. Ownership
Take Ownership of the call, do not provide too much information; but not too little! Remember it must go to a Consultant!
 4 Functions:4 Functions:
 Controlling resourcesControlling resources
to reach companyto reach company
 Roles of a TechnicalRoles of a Technical

 Conceptualto seeConceptualto see
Strategic Planning:
Develop a vision----to be the best company
Written mission statementwhat is the business?
Perform SWAT analysisstrengths/weaknesses/attributes/threats
Develop forecastswhat is to come
Analyze competition
Establish goals and objectives-where do we need to be daily/monthly/quarterly/yearly
Develop an action plan

 S-Specific: Name the goal the Tele Sale Rep. should achieve orS-Specific: Name the goal the Tele Sale Rep. should achieve or
skill(s) to improveskill(s) to improve

 MMeasurable: Define the criteria that will determine goals that has beenMMeasurable: Define the criteria that will determine goals that has been

 AAttainable: Set a goal that can be reachedAAttainable: Set a goal that can be reached

 RRelevant: Identify which individual, business, or department will beRRelevant: Identify which individual, business, or department will be
impacted by achieving the goal.impacted by achieving the goal.

 TTime-Bound: Determine the time frame and deadline for reaching theTTime-Bound: Determine the time frame and deadline for reaching the

 150 CALLS and 1 LEAD A DAY 150 CALLS and 1 LEAD A DAY
6 Key Elements of Success
Maintain a positive attitude.
1.Smile when you dial
2.Dont dwell on rejection or personal things
Set goals and set BIG goals!
1.Put them in writing
2.Goals can be anything
3.Keep a reminder of them
Learn something new every day.
1.Guidelines, M&Ps, Products, etc.
2.Learn from every call
3.Supervisor feedback, and coaching
Believe that your COMPANY is a GREAT company to work for!
Manage your work load.
1.Multi  task (read all emails ASAP) listen during meetings
2.Organizational Skills (emails, paperwork, call backs)
1.100% Exceptional Customer Service
100% Exceptional Customer Service in Sale Calls
Pre- Call:
Access client motivations or industry
Anticipate questions and objections
Rehearse call opening and/or scripts
Open the call, Identify yourself and VBS
Identify DM and get past GK
Set expectation to speak with consultant
Gather information, 11 Qs?
Listen actively, Find the PAIN
Overcome objections, Give Benefits
Post Call:
Evaluate the call (self, with peers, or with
Identify areas where the call was managed well
Determine opportunities for improvement
Follow up, follow up, follow up
1.1. Number OptionsNumber Options
2.2. Extension OptionsExtension Options
3.3. Add-On FeaturesAdd-On Features
4.4. Desktop Plug-insDesktop Plug-ins
S  Stand in your customers shoes
a. Consider the situation from the customers point-of-view
b. use empathy
P  Project your willingness to help
a. Tone of voice
b. Body language,
c. Choice of words
A  Attentively listen
a. Resist distractions
b. Paraphrasing
c. Encourage the customer to talk
R  Relate to the customer and the situation
a. Appreciate something the customer said or done
b. acknowledge the customer situation
c. Assure the customer of good service
K  Keep it positive
a. Focus on positive factors only
b. Be confident
c. Treat the customer with respect
Job analysis - study the tasks and dynamics involved in performing your job
Job description - describe the job you will perform GET A QUALIFIED LEAD!
STARTING TROUBLESHOOTING  How to get a Qualified Lead?
Dimensions  describe the knowledge, motivations, and behaviors
associated with success or failure in a job. That is why S.T.A.R. is a
fundamental tool of use.
S  Situation What is the situation/problem/issue the DM is telling you?
T  Task In order to help the DM; what information do I need?
A  Action How will I fix the issue, how do I use my knowledge and training?
R  Result 11 Qs?, 150 outbound calls, 1 qualified lead per day
Adjusting your STYLE!Adjusting your STYLE!
 Most people's sales conversations could be better. Not a littleMost people's sales conversations could be better. Not a little
better, significantly better. I see too many professional servicesbetter, significantly better. I see too many professional services
providers fall into the same traps:providers fall into the same traps:
 You talk too much, leaving the prospect with the impression thatYou talk too much, leaving the prospect with the impression that
you don't understand their business, their industry, or their needs.you don't understand their business, their industry, or their needs.
 You grill the prospect with questions, making them feel like theyYou grill the prospect with questions, making them feel like they
are at the police station with a spotlight shining on them.are at the police station with a spotlight shining on them.
 You talk too little, letting the prospect control the conversation.You talk too little, letting the prospect control the conversation.
 You are over eager, and the prospect can smell your desperation aYou are over eager, and the prospect can smell your desperation a
mile away.mile away.
 You talk about your services as if they are commodities, leadingYou talk about your services as if they are commodities, leading
the prospect to simply buy based on price.the prospect to simply buy based on price.
 You are unprepared, and the prospect wonders why they areYou are unprepared, and the prospect wonders why they are
wasting their time with you.wasting their time with you.
 You are uncomfortable talking about money, and the second aYou are uncomfortable talking about money, and the second a
price objection comes up you cave and start discounting.price objection comes up you cave and start discounting.
 The fact is there are endless ways to goof up a sales conversation,The fact is there are endless ways to goof up a sales conversation,
and most sellers make major mistakes each and every time theyand most sellers make major mistakes each and every time they
talk with a prospect.talk with a prospect.
F  Follow objective criteriaremember your call flow; control the call
A  Avoid assumptions have the knowledge or use your tools; know
where to find the information you need, apply logical thinking
C  Comply with policies, procedures, and management over-site
T  Treat situations consistently Remember what, where, how, why..
Improve Your Sales ConversationsImprove Your Sales Conversations
 1.1. Build rapportBuild rapport: Before you ask questions to get the buyer to open up or talk about how you can help, you: Before you ask questions to get the buyer to open up or talk about how you can help, you
have to build rapport. All else being equal, people buy from people they like. Be likable and build stronghave to build rapport. All else being equal, people buy from people they like. Be likable and build strong
relationships, and you'll find your sales conversations will go much more smoothly.relationships, and you'll find your sales conversations will go much more smoothly.
 2.2. Uncover aspirations and afflictionsUncover aspirations and afflictions. If you've ever read any piece of sales advice, you know you need to. If you've ever read any piece of sales advice, you know you need to
ask questions to uncover the prospect's pain. That's a given. But what most advice doesn't include is how toask questions to uncover the prospect's pain. That's a given. But what most advice doesn't include is how to
harness the power of aspirations. Your job is not only to uncover the prospect's needs and pains, but it's to alsoharness the power of aspirations. Your job is not only to uncover the prospect's needs and pains, but it's to also
uncover their aspirations and goals. Get your prospect to open up and share their hopes, dreams, and desiresuncover their aspirations and goals. Get your prospect to open up and share their hopes, dreams, and desires
and then show how you can help them achieve their goals.and then show how you can help them achieve their goals.
 3.3. Make the impact clearMake the impact clear. If you don't make the business case, you won't make the sale. You can do. If you don't make the business case, you won't make the sale. You can do
everything else right, but if the prospect doesn't see the value of your services (and you've got to be very cleareverything else right, but if the prospect doesn't see the value of your services (and you've got to be very clear
with what that value is), they will not buy it.with what that value is), they will not buy it.
 4.4. Paint a picture of the new realityPaint a picture of the new reality. This goes hand in hand with points 2 and 3. Once you know the. This goes hand in hand with points 2 and 3. Once you know the
prospect's needs and goals and the tangible impact of alleviating these pains or attaining their goals, you mustprospect's needs and goals and the tangible impact of alleviating these pains or attaining their goals, you must
paint a picture of what their new world will look like. How will it be better? In your sales conversations, helppaint a picture of what their new world will look like. How will it be better? In your sales conversations, help
them visualize the other side and build excitement around it.them visualize the other side and build excitement around it.
 5.5. Balance advocacy and inquiryBalance advocacy and inquiry. Sales conversations require give and take. You have to get the prospect. Sales conversations require give and take. You have to get the prospect
talking so you can fully understand their situation. You also need to take what the prospect says andtalking so you can fully understand their situation. You also need to take what the prospect says and
communicate recommendations based on your expertise to help them see how you can help. In each and everycommunicate recommendations based on your expertise to help them see how you can help. In each and every
sales conversation (yes, this includes capabilities presentations and demos) you have to balance how much yousales conversation (yes, this includes capabilities presentations and demos) you have to balance how much you
talk and how much you listen.talk and how much you listen.
 6.6. Build on the foundation of trustBuild on the foundation of trust. Trust is the foundation of sales success. A prospect will not open up and. Trust is the foundation of sales success. A prospect will not open up and
share their needs if they don't trust you. A prospect will not believe in your solution and that you can do whatshare their needs if they don't trust you. A prospect will not believe in your solution and that you can do what
you say you can do if they don't trust you. A prospect will never see the full value of what you propose if theyyou say you can do if they don't trust you. A prospect will never see the full value of what you propose if they
don't trust you. You will not win the sale if they don't trust you.don't trust you. You will not win the sale if they don't trust you.
 7.7. Plan to succeedPlan to succeed. Set the table for success by going into each sales conversation with a plan. Do your. Set the table for success by going into each sales conversation with a plan. Do your
homework and know what you want to get out of the conversation. If you go into each conversation wellhomework and know what you want to get out of the conversation. If you go into each conversation well
prepared and planning to succeed, you will be much more likely to make the sale.prepared and planning to succeed, you will be much more likely to make the sale.
 If you follow these seven keys in your sales conversations, will you still make mistakes? Absolutely. Will youIf you follow these seven keys in your sales conversations, will you still make mistakes? Absolutely. Will you
win every sale? Absolutely not. After all, we're only human and no one is perfect.win every sale? Absolutely not. After all, we're only human and no one is perfect.
 But they could help you avoid the common mistakes many professional services providers make and help youBut they could help you avoid the common mistakes many professional services providers make and help you
What does sell mean? What are we supposed to be doing?
A. Sell means To CONVIENCE.
B. CONVIENCE means To bring to belief  To PERSUADE.
C. PERSUADE means To CAUSE someone to do something by means of REASONING.
D. REASONING means Providing the basis for an ACTION or DEFUSION.
Finding out why the DM wants what they want  giving them the
information they need to make a decision  giving them a reason to
purchase  convincing them to get it now and speak to a consultant!
A. Successfully presenting yourself in an uncomfortable situation: positively
as a professional in the office and on the telephone.
B. Successfully making the DM quickly feel comfortable in an uncomfortable
C. Successfully controlling the situation; the direction of the conversation
and actions of the prospect.
D. Successfully gathering all of the information on why the DM wants what
they want and why the DM needs what they need. Ask ---WHY?
E. Successfully using the information you gathered to convince them through
a feature, advantage and benefit presentation that your product will fill
their wants and needs.
F. Successfully handling common reflex objections in the qualifying process.
G. Successfully leading them to a closing situation through a logical step-by-
step procedure of value and persuasion
H. Successfully finding and effectively handling the DM buying objections by
providing new information to give them the basis or motive to make a
different decision.
I. Successfully overcoming the DM fears and tendencies to procrastinate
through effective reasoning and persuasion to convince them to speak to
a consultant on a recorded line for a customized quote! $$$$$$$$$
Build Rapport
Handle Concerns
Build Rapport
Handle Concerns
Build Rapport
Handle Concerns
Build Rapport
Handle Concerns
Build Rapport
Handle Concerns
Selling the ValueSelling the Value
Move the Conversation ForwardMove the Conversation Forward
 Engage the customer in the conversationEngage the customer in the conversation
 Earn the right to learn about the customers needEarn the right to learn about the customers need
Learn About NeedsLearn About Needs
 Ask open-, and closed-ended questionsAsk open-, and closed-ended questions
 Listen to answers and not additional cluesListen to answers and not additional clues
 Summarize the customers needsSummarize the customers needs
Deliver ValueDeliver Value
 Name the service and what it doesName the service and what it does
 Refer to an expressed customer needRefer to an expressed customer need
 Explain how the service meets the needExplain how the service meets the need
Close the SaleClose the Sale
 Ask for commitmentAsk for commitment
 Explain next stepsExplain next steps
 Thank the customerThank the customer
Supporting BehaviorsSupporting Behaviors
Handle ConcernsHandle Concerns
 Acknowledge the customerAcknowledge the customer
 Ask questions  Ask WHY?Ask questions  Ask WHY?
 Address the concernAddress the concern
Build RapportBuild Rapport
 Maintain WarmthMaintain Warmth
 Focus on the customerFocus on the customer
 Convey confidenceConvey confidence
Leadership styles vary on the nature of the position and the situation at hand
-Autocratic- DM make the decisions
-Democratic- DM needs evolve others so a decision can be made
-Contingency  adapt to the situation, give benefits then the features!!!!!
-Adaptability- Changes needed to be made to meet the business needs.
-Stress Tolerance- Sometimes you have to go over 150 dials to get that 1 lead
Vonage Business SolutionsVonage Business Solutions

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Getting a Qualified Lead

  • 1. Getting a Qualified LeadGetting a Qualified Lead By: Troy CordellBy: Troy Cordell
  • 2. Be a PRODUCTIVE employee. ENJOY your new career. Have the ABILITY to GROW with the company. At the birth of a great company lies a great mission statement. With that mission statement in place, follows a vision. That vision is the path of -- success, prosperity, and respect. It is very vital that the individuals whom make up the companys foundation are the right fit. The chemistry must mix; unlike oil and water. The relationship, personality, and professionalism; all must be a perfect mixture. Sound judgment lies within our selection process.
  • 3. VISION: To level the playing field for small businesses. MISSION: To be the leading supplier of cost effective, easy-to-use technology empowering small businesses VALUE PROPOSITIONS: 1.Cost Effective 2.Unrival Reliability 3.Plug-and-Play 4.Painless Support + Upgrades 5.Grows your Business
  • 5. Ask Fact finding questions to get to the root of the NEED a. Background Gather data and facts about the DM b. Problem Explore difficulties and dissatisfactions in areas where our product can help c. Effect Future assessments d. Solution Benefit Resolution 1. Scheduled Call Backs Check your To Due/ Reminders-- daily. What is in your PIPE LINE? 2. Quality Control check lists SHINE: Smile, Hear, Interact, Accuracy, Nurture, Exceed 3. Business Contributing factors Follow all procedures pertaining to both company methods. 4. Customer Retention Remember your tone of voice, manners, and kindness over the phone. 5. Customer Advocate Put yourself in the users shoes! 6. Plan of Action Always have an agenda on every call and plan your call! a. Identify DM b. Ask 11 Qualifying Questions c. Transfer to Lead 7. Reading Clients Match you DMs tone of voice, pace, and knowledge in VOIP. 8. Quality & Empathy Have a great call with lots of energy. Say Im sorry. If the DM is having problems. 9. Find the need What is the PAIN! Give the Benefit. What will ameliorate the business? 10. Ownership Take Ownership of the call, do not provide too much information; but not too little! Remember it must go to a Consultant!
  • 7. 4 Functions:4 Functions: PlanningPlanning OrganizingOrganizing LeadingLeading Controlling resourcesControlling resources to reach companyto reach company goalsgoals Roles of a TechnicalRoles of a Technical Representative:Representative: InterpersonalInterpersonal DecisionalDecisional TechnicalTechnical AdministrationAdministration Conceptualto seeConceptualto see
  • 8. Strategic Planning: Develop a vision----to be the best company Written mission statementwhat is the business? Perform SWAT analysisstrengths/weaknesses/attributes/threats Develop forecastswhat is to come Analyze competition Establish goals and objectives-where do we need to be daily/monthly/quarterly/yearly Develop an action plan
  • 9. SMARTSMART S-Specific: Name the goal the Tele Sale Rep. should achieve orS-Specific: Name the goal the Tele Sale Rep. should achieve or skill(s) to improveskill(s) to improve MMeasurable: Define the criteria that will determine goals that has beenMMeasurable: Define the criteria that will determine goals that has been achievedachieved AAttainable: Set a goal that can be reachedAAttainable: Set a goal that can be reached RRelevant: Identify which individual, business, or department will beRRelevant: Identify which individual, business, or department will be impacted by achieving the goal.impacted by achieving the goal. TTime-Bound: Determine the time frame and deadline for reaching theTTime-Bound: Determine the time frame and deadline for reaching the goal.goal. 150 CALLS and 1 LEAD A DAY 150 CALLS and 1 LEAD A DAY
  • 10. 6 Key Elements of Success Maintain a positive attitude. 1.Smile when you dial 2.Dont dwell on rejection or personal things Set goals and set BIG goals! 1.Put them in writing 2.Goals can be anything 3.Keep a reminder of them Learn something new every day. 1.Guidelines, M&Ps, Products, etc. 2.Learn from every call 3.Supervisor feedback, and coaching Believe that your COMPANY is a GREAT company to work for! Manage your work load. 1.Multi task (read all emails ASAP) listen during meetings 2.Organizational Skills (emails, paperwork, call backs) 1.100% Exceptional Customer Service
  • 11. 100% Exceptional Customer Service in Sale Calls Pre- Call: Access client motivations or industry Anticipate questions and objections Rehearse call opening and/or scripts Call: Open the call, Identify yourself and VBS Identify DM and get past GK Set expectation to speak with consultant Gather information, 11 Qs? Listen actively, Find the PAIN Overcome objections, Give Benefits Post Call: Evaluate the call (self, with peers, or with management) Identify areas where the call was managed well Determine opportunities for improvement Follow up, follow up, follow up
  • 12. UnderstandingUnderstanding 1.1. Number OptionsNumber Options 2.2. Extension OptionsExtension Options 3.3. Add-On FeaturesAdd-On Features 4.4. Desktop Plug-insDesktop Plug-ins
  • 13. SPARK S Stand in your customers shoes a. Consider the situation from the customers point-of-view b. use empathy P Project your willingness to help a. Tone of voice b. Body language, c. Choice of words A Attentively listen a. Resist distractions b. Paraphrasing c. Encourage the customer to talk R Relate to the customer and the situation a. Appreciate something the customer said or done b. acknowledge the customer situation c. Assure the customer of good service K Keep it positive a. Focus on positive factors only b. Be confident c. Treat the customer with respect
  • 14. Job analysis - study the tasks and dynamics involved in performing your job Job description - describe the job you will perform GET A QUALIFIED LEAD!
  • 15. STARTING TROUBLESHOOTING How to get a Qualified Lead? Dimensions describe the knowledge, motivations, and behaviors associated with success or failure in a job. That is why S.T.A.R. is a fundamental tool of use. S Situation What is the situation/problem/issue the DM is telling you? T Task In order to help the DM; what information do I need? A Action How will I fix the issue, how do I use my knowledge and training? R Result 11 Qs?, 150 outbound calls, 1 qualified lead per day
  • 16. Adjusting your STYLE!Adjusting your STYLE! Most people's sales conversations could be better. Not a littleMost people's sales conversations could be better. Not a little better, significantly better. I see too many professional servicesbetter, significantly better. I see too many professional services providers fall into the same traps:providers fall into the same traps: You talk too much, leaving the prospect with the impression thatYou talk too much, leaving the prospect with the impression that you don't understand their business, their industry, or their needs.you don't understand their business, their industry, or their needs. You grill the prospect with questions, making them feel like theyYou grill the prospect with questions, making them feel like they are at the police station with a spotlight shining on them.are at the police station with a spotlight shining on them. You talk too little, letting the prospect control the conversation.You talk too little, letting the prospect control the conversation. You are over eager, and the prospect can smell your desperation aYou are over eager, and the prospect can smell your desperation a mile away.mile away. You talk about your services as if they are commodities, leadingYou talk about your services as if they are commodities, leading the prospect to simply buy based on price.the prospect to simply buy based on price. You are unprepared, and the prospect wonders why they areYou are unprepared, and the prospect wonders why they are wasting their time with you.wasting their time with you. You are uncomfortable talking about money, and the second aYou are uncomfortable talking about money, and the second a price objection comes up you cave and start discounting.price objection comes up you cave and start discounting. The fact is there are endless ways to goof up a sales conversation,The fact is there are endless ways to goof up a sales conversation, and most sellers make major mistakes each and every time theyand most sellers make major mistakes each and every time they talk with a prospect.talk with a prospect.
  • 17. F Follow objective criteriaremember your call flow; control the call A Avoid assumptions have the knowledge or use your tools; know where to find the information you need, apply logical thinking C Comply with policies, procedures, and management over-site T Treat situations consistently Remember what, where, how, why..
  • 18. Improve Your Sales ConversationsImprove Your Sales Conversations 1.1. Build rapportBuild rapport: Before you ask questions to get the buyer to open up or talk about how you can help, you: Before you ask questions to get the buyer to open up or talk about how you can help, you have to build rapport. All else being equal, people buy from people they like. Be likable and build stronghave to build rapport. All else being equal, people buy from people they like. Be likable and build strong relationships, and you'll find your sales conversations will go much more smoothly.relationships, and you'll find your sales conversations will go much more smoothly. 2.2. Uncover aspirations and afflictionsUncover aspirations and afflictions. If you've ever read any piece of sales advice, you know you need to. If you've ever read any piece of sales advice, you know you need to ask questions to uncover the prospect's pain. That's a given. But what most advice doesn't include is how toask questions to uncover the prospect's pain. That's a given. But what most advice doesn't include is how to harness the power of aspirations. Your job is not only to uncover the prospect's needs and pains, but it's to alsoharness the power of aspirations. Your job is not only to uncover the prospect's needs and pains, but it's to also uncover their aspirations and goals. Get your prospect to open up and share their hopes, dreams, and desiresuncover their aspirations and goals. Get your prospect to open up and share their hopes, dreams, and desires and then show how you can help them achieve their goals.and then show how you can help them achieve their goals. 3.3. Make the impact clearMake the impact clear. If you don't make the business case, you won't make the sale. You can do. If you don't make the business case, you won't make the sale. You can do everything else right, but if the prospect doesn't see the value of your services (and you've got to be very cleareverything else right, but if the prospect doesn't see the value of your services (and you've got to be very clear with what that value is), they will not buy it.with what that value is), they will not buy it. 4.4. Paint a picture of the new realityPaint a picture of the new reality. This goes hand in hand with points 2 and 3. Once you know the. This goes hand in hand with points 2 and 3. Once you know the prospect's needs and goals and the tangible impact of alleviating these pains or attaining their goals, you mustprospect's needs and goals and the tangible impact of alleviating these pains or attaining their goals, you must paint a picture of what their new world will look like. How will it be better? In your sales conversations, helppaint a picture of what their new world will look like. How will it be better? In your sales conversations, help them visualize the other side and build excitement around it.them visualize the other side and build excitement around it. 5.5. Balance advocacy and inquiryBalance advocacy and inquiry. Sales conversations require give and take. You have to get the prospect. Sales conversations require give and take. You have to get the prospect talking so you can fully understand their situation. You also need to take what the prospect says andtalking so you can fully understand their situation. You also need to take what the prospect says and communicate recommendations based on your expertise to help them see how you can help. In each and everycommunicate recommendations based on your expertise to help them see how you can help. In each and every sales conversation (yes, this includes capabilities presentations and demos) you have to balance how much yousales conversation (yes, this includes capabilities presentations and demos) you have to balance how much you talk and how much you listen.talk and how much you listen. 6.6. Build on the foundation of trustBuild on the foundation of trust. Trust is the foundation of sales success. A prospect will not open up and. Trust is the foundation of sales success. A prospect will not open up and share their needs if they don't trust you. A prospect will not believe in your solution and that you can do whatshare their needs if they don't trust you. A prospect will not believe in your solution and that you can do what you say you can do if they don't trust you. A prospect will never see the full value of what you propose if theyyou say you can do if they don't trust you. A prospect will never see the full value of what you propose if they don't trust you. You will not win the sale if they don't trust you.don't trust you. You will not win the sale if they don't trust you. 7.7. Plan to succeedPlan to succeed. Set the table for success by going into each sales conversation with a plan. Do your. Set the table for success by going into each sales conversation with a plan. Do your homework and know what you want to get out of the conversation. If you go into each conversation wellhomework and know what you want to get out of the conversation. If you go into each conversation well prepared and planning to succeed, you will be much more likely to make the sale.prepared and planning to succeed, you will be much more likely to make the sale. If you follow these seven keys in your sales conversations, will you still make mistakes? Absolutely. Will youIf you follow these seven keys in your sales conversations, will you still make mistakes? Absolutely. Will you win every sale? Absolutely not. After all, we're only human and no one is perfect.win every sale? Absolutely not. After all, we're only human and no one is perfect. But they could help you avoid the common mistakes many professional services providers make and help youBut they could help you avoid the common mistakes many professional services providers make and help you
  • 19. What does sell mean? What are we supposed to be doing? A. Sell means To CONVIENCE. B. CONVIENCE means To bring to belief To PERSUADE. C. PERSUADE means To CAUSE someone to do something by means of REASONING. D. REASONING means Providing the basis for an ACTION or DEFUSION. Finding out why the DM wants what they want giving them the information they need to make a decision giving them a reason to purchase convincing them to get it now and speak to a consultant!
  • 20. SUCCESSFULL SALE CALLS A. Successfully presenting yourself in an uncomfortable situation: positively as a professional in the office and on the telephone. B. Successfully making the DM quickly feel comfortable in an uncomfortable situation. C. Successfully controlling the situation; the direction of the conversation and actions of the prospect. D. Successfully gathering all of the information on why the DM wants what they want and why the DM needs what they need. Ask ---WHY? E. Successfully using the information you gathered to convince them through a feature, advantage and benefit presentation that your product will fill their wants and needs. F. Successfully handling common reflex objections in the qualifying process. G. Successfully leading them to a closing situation through a logical step-by- step procedure of value and persuasion H. Successfully finding and effectively handling the DM buying objections by providing new information to give them the basis or motive to make a different decision. I. Successfully overcoming the DM fears and tendencies to procrastinate through effective reasoning and persuasion to convince them to speak to a consultant on a recorded line for a customized quote! $$$$$$$$$
  • 21. Build Rapport --------------- Handle Concerns Build Rapport --------------- Handle Concerns Build Rapport -------------- Handle Concerns Build Rapport ---------------- Handle Concerns Build Rapport ---------------- Handle Concerns Connect Move LearnDeliver Close
  • 22. Selling the ValueSelling the Value Move the Conversation ForwardMove the Conversation Forward Engage the customer in the conversationEngage the customer in the conversation Earn the right to learn about the customers needEarn the right to learn about the customers need Learn About NeedsLearn About Needs Ask open-, and closed-ended questionsAsk open-, and closed-ended questions Listen to answers and not additional cluesListen to answers and not additional clues Summarize the customers needsSummarize the customers needs Deliver ValueDeliver Value Name the service and what it doesName the service and what it does Refer to an expressed customer needRefer to an expressed customer need Explain how the service meets the needExplain how the service meets the need Close the SaleClose the Sale Ask for commitmentAsk for commitment Explain next stepsExplain next steps Thank the customerThank the customer Supporting BehaviorsSupporting Behaviors Handle ConcernsHandle Concerns Acknowledge the customerAcknowledge the customer Ask questions Ask WHY?Ask questions Ask WHY? Address the concernAddress the concern Build RapportBuild Rapport Maintain WarmthMaintain Warmth Focus on the customerFocus on the customer Convey confidenceConvey confidence
  • 23. Leadership styles vary on the nature of the position and the situation at hand -Autocratic- DM make the decisions -Democratic- DM needs evolve others so a decision can be made -Contingency adapt to the situation, give benefits then the features!!!!! -Adaptability- Changes needed to be made to meet the business needs. -Stress Tolerance- Sometimes you have to go over 150 dials to get that 1 lead
  • 24. Vonage Business SolutionsVonage Business Solutions