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TRUDY A YORK (801)250-1175 or (801)244-3536 - cell
3073 S Alderstone Bay email: trudster31@live.com
WVC, UT 84128
29+ years of extensive experience in all fields of the mortgage industry. Includes - management, underwriting, shipping,
insuring, final documents, accounting, quality control, compliance, auditing, fraud monitoring, originating, processing &
title escrow classes. Well organized - Thoroughly dedicated with a positive attitude! Excellent communication skills! I
am interested in a Career that is continually challenging. I am an individual with the need to learn.
Citywide Home Loans  Sandy, UT 3/2013-present
Purchase Clearing, Shipping, Final Documents and Insuring Manager 9/2103 to present: Manage the day to day
processes and functions of all 4 teams and pipelines, assure timelines are being met and loans shipped and cleared timely
off our warehouse lines and avoid unnecessary expenses. Triage and assist escalated challenges and rebuttals as needed
coordinate information as needed to Sr. Management and other Department heads as needed to assist in training and
being part of the solution. Provides support for the Purchase Clearing team in loan purchasing, researches basic issues
related to the stipulation (stip) clearing process, and coordinates resolution of validity concerns between branches and
investors related to loan purchases. Assisting the teams and Sr. Management with overcoming obstacles and clearing the
path for a successful home purchase or refinance for the borrowers and successful loan purchase for the company.
Continual training of the teams and mentoring to achieve the teams goals. Staying current and abreast on all Investor,
GSA and Regulatory guidelines. Managing timecards and hiring, side boarding and dismissal as needed. Constant
resource for resolution to the teams. Respond and research as need for QC/QM findings from end investors and audits.
Generate and manage reports. Provides support and training to the shipping department and training on all investor sites
managing pipelines to assure deadlines met. Provide support and training to our Insuring team for FHA, VA, RD and
Conventional MI and escalation challenges as needed. Assist management in response to NORs, and PERS reports for
FHA and VA responses as needed. Provide support and training for Final Documents (trailing docs) Team resolution and
procedures when corrective documents, releases and final title policies are not provided timely or challenges occur. Train
and assist with our LOS and DOR systems. Always other duties as assigned.
QC Manager/Fair Lending 3/2013  9/2013: Originally hired on as the QC  Fair Lending Manager  Managed and set
up policy and procedures for QC/QM on all loans this included prior to closing audits and the post-closing audits as
required by Investors and GSAs and Regulators. Compiled the reports with findings and risk levels to Sr. Management.
Reached out to the applicable team member for resolution and or rebuttal on findings both pre-closing and post-closing.
Training and assisting in setting up the company with Fair Lending software and reviewing reports and creating
responses as needed. Assisted in providing files and responses to State and Agency Audits. With my extensive
background in all areas of the mortgage industry including my underwriting background when the PC Manager job was
available they requested I consider the position and move. I accepted shortly after was given the opportunity and
responsibility of managing the other teams  Shipping, Insuring, and Final Docs thus the position changes 9/2013.
Graystone Mortgage  Salt Lake City, UT 4/2012-3/2013
Mortgage Underwriter  Suspense Coordinator: Monitor and coordinate investor suspense conditions  work with team
members to meet and gather  renegotiate when needed to complete purchase of loans. Assist in training and maintaining
compliance with Investor, GSA, State and Federal compliance and regulations. Assist in the success of redirecting loans
when needed. Analyze loan files (FHA, VA, FNMAE, FHLMC) make accurate dispositions based off product/company
and investor guidelines. Review of appraisals, tax returns/income, assets & investor products. Analyze loan files entirely
for all occupancy types, & property types. Order MI when applicable on conforming loans. Assist department team and
management in resolving investor and FHA /VA insuring suspends and denials for reconsideration and purchase. Assist
with training/educating team members program and product guidelines. Assist/Educate mortgage team with FHA and VA
Insuring and Post Closing. DE Certified, VA Automatic Certified.
Cyprus Federal Credit Union  West Jordan, UT 9/2010-4/2012
Mortgage Underwriter: Analyze loan files (FHA, VA, FNMAE, FHLMC) make accurate dispositions based off
product/company and investor guidelines. Review of appraisals, tax returns/income, assets & investor products. Analyze
loan files entirely for all occupancy types, & property types. Order MI when applicable on conforming loans. Assist
department team and management in resolving investor and FHA /VA insuring suspends and denials for reconsideration
and purchase. Assist with training/educating team members program and product guidelines. Assist/Educate mortgage
team with FHA and VA Insuring and Post Closing. DE Certified, VA Automatic Certified.
Citywide Home Loans  Salt Lake City, UT 2/2010-9/2010
Quality Assurance-Compliance Specialist: Conduct quality control reviews on closed mortgage loans (FHA, VA, FNMAE,
FHLMC, UT Housing, Rural Housing) and special criteria loans. Create process checklists and project audits. Assist in
creating and updating policies for Compliance and Quality Assurance. Advise SR Management & team members of
procedure changes that would improve company efficiency & profits. Stay abreast and current on all state and federal
codes and regulations - compliance, MDIA, TILA/HERA and RESPA. FHA and VA requirements and policy and
procedures. Train and inform all personnel of changes. Backed up underwriting, responsible for Government Loans
insuring and guarantee, trained new hires for Government Insuring and QA, Compliance.
Security National Mortgage Company (Salt Lake Wholesale)- Salt Lake City, UT 5/09 to 1/29/2010
Underwriter/Operations Manager - Analyze loan files (FHA, VA, FNMAE, FHLMC, RHD, UT Housing) make accurate
dispositions based off product/company and investor guidelines. Review of appraisals, tax returns/income, assets &
investor products. Analyze loan files entirely for all occupancy types, & property types. Request-Order MI when
applicable. DE Certified, VA Automatic Certified. Train and support underwriters, control 24-48 hour turn time, maintain
suspense report, quality control report, control costs related to DU and appraisal reviews. Oversee operations of SL
Branch for overall quality production (set-up and training, coordinating (processing), closing and funding. Assist in
training presentations with brokers. Maintain branch flow and appropriate loan files to employee to achieve branch
New Line Mortgage/GE Contract UW (shared resource until 11/08)  Salt Lake City, UT 12/07 to 5/09
Underwriter/Trainer/QC - Analyze loan files (FHA, VA, FNMAE, FHLMC, RHD) make accurate dispositions based off
product/company and investor guidelines. Review of appraisals, tax returns/income, assets & investor products. Analyze
loan files entirely for all occupancy types, & property types. Order MI when applicable. Assist department team and
management in resolving investor and FHA /VA insuring suspends and denials for reconsideration and purchase.
Program/Product Administrator - responsible for maintaining and updating the operating system product/program scenario
engine. Assist with training/educating team members program and product guidelines. DE Certified, VA Automatic
Stirling Mortgage/RMIC - Salt Lake City, UT 3/05 to 11/07
Operations Manager- Direct, manage and support the operations activities of the branch. Advise SR Management & team
members of procedure changes that would improve company efficiency & profits. Assist setting up & maintaining
relationships with investors. Complete all company audits. Responsible for the accounting activities for the branch which
includes payroll, commission and bonus submissions. Ownership for the accuracy and completion of all branch reports.
Stay abreast and current on all state and federal codes and regulations - compliance and RESPA. Underwrote files for
FHA, FNMAE, FHLMC and all Investor programs from 3/05 to 11/06. Train staff, hire and terminate staff as needed.
Complete all Team member performance reviews. DE certified since 12/03. Over seen and assisted in processing and
closing FHA, VA, FNMAE, FHLMC loans.
Primary Residential Mortgage Inc. Corporate Retail, PRMI Funding Corporate Wholesale. Salt Lake City, UT
2/02- 3/05
Senior Underwriter "Retail - Operations/Underwriting Manager wholesale  Reviews all loan files from retail
branches nationwide, analyze per investor guides and program specific. FNMAE, FHLMC, FHA, VA, Specialty loans,
stand-alone seconds, etc. Make authority decisions based on requirements (retail). Wholesale - manage, organize &
supervise operations/production team members & underwriting department. Assist setting up & maintaining relationships
with investors. Assist in redirection of non-purchased loans. Maintain quality & progress of work of staff. Make decisions
of an administrative nature. To assign, direct, coordinate & review work of all team members. Assist with the setup &
maintenance of an adequate QC flow, maintain updates on All state regulations, investor program changes etc. Advise SR
Management & team members of procedure changes that would improve company efficiency & profits. Train new hires.
Responsible for the hiring & termination of staff. DE certified since 12/03.
Senior Underwriter- Sub Prime, Alt A, Conforming & FHA Streamline/Wholesale & Retail. Analyze loan files & make
accurate dispositions based off investor programs. Pre-qualify all loans for retail & wholesale, price all loans & choose
best program. Train office staff on appraisals, income, & investor products. Analyze loan files entirely full income doc
types, stated, no doc, limited doc, all occupancy types, & property types. Order MI when applicable. Run all automated
approvals when applicable. Loans were Nationwide.
Senior Underwriter/Front Line Underwriter-Sub Prime/Alt A - Analyze and review mortgage loan files, credit reports,
tax returns, bank statements, appraisals, etc. and make accurate dispositions based off product/company and investor
guidelines. Primary territory consisted of Utah, Colorado, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Wyoming, Idaho, Texas & New
Mexico. Brokers were nationwide. Visit Brokers offices that preferred not to have a Rep (Front Line Underwrite), and
train on programs, & underwrite & credit grade at offices. Additional responsibility to train and second sign new hires.

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  • 1. TRUDY A YORK (801)250-1175 or (801)244-3536 - cell 3073 S Alderstone Bay email: trudster31@live.com WVC, UT 84128 QUALIFICATION/HIGHLIGHTS: 29+ years of extensive experience in all fields of the mortgage industry. Includes - management, underwriting, shipping, insuring, final documents, accounting, quality control, compliance, auditing, fraud monitoring, originating, processing & title escrow classes. Well organized - Thoroughly dedicated with a positive attitude! Excellent communication skills! I am interested in a Career that is continually challenging. I am an individual with the need to learn. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Citywide Home Loans Sandy, UT 3/2013-present Purchase Clearing, Shipping, Final Documents and Insuring Manager 9/2103 to present: Manage the day to day processes and functions of all 4 teams and pipelines, assure timelines are being met and loans shipped and cleared timely off our warehouse lines and avoid unnecessary expenses. Triage and assist escalated challenges and rebuttals as needed coordinate information as needed to Sr. Management and other Department heads as needed to assist in training and being part of the solution. Provides support for the Purchase Clearing team in loan purchasing, researches basic issues related to the stipulation (stip) clearing process, and coordinates resolution of validity concerns between branches and investors related to loan purchases. Assisting the teams and Sr. Management with overcoming obstacles and clearing the path for a successful home purchase or refinance for the borrowers and successful loan purchase for the company. Continual training of the teams and mentoring to achieve the teams goals. Staying current and abreast on all Investor, GSA and Regulatory guidelines. Managing timecards and hiring, side boarding and dismissal as needed. Constant resource for resolution to the teams. Respond and research as need for QC/QM findings from end investors and audits. Generate and manage reports. Provides support and training to the shipping department and training on all investor sites managing pipelines to assure deadlines met. Provide support and training to our Insuring team for FHA, VA, RD and Conventional MI and escalation challenges as needed. Assist management in response to NORs, and PERS reports for FHA and VA responses as needed. Provide support and training for Final Documents (trailing docs) Team resolution and procedures when corrective documents, releases and final title policies are not provided timely or challenges occur. Train and assist with our LOS and DOR systems. Always other duties as assigned. QC Manager/Fair Lending 3/2013 9/2013: Originally hired on as the QC Fair Lending Manager Managed and set up policy and procedures for QC/QM on all loans this included prior to closing audits and the post-closing audits as required by Investors and GSAs and Regulators. Compiled the reports with findings and risk levels to Sr. Management. Reached out to the applicable team member for resolution and or rebuttal on findings both pre-closing and post-closing. Training and assisting in setting up the company with Fair Lending software and reviewing reports and creating responses as needed. Assisted in providing files and responses to State and Agency Audits. With my extensive background in all areas of the mortgage industry including my underwriting background when the PC Manager job was available they requested I consider the position and move. I accepted shortly after was given the opportunity and responsibility of managing the other teams Shipping, Insuring, and Final Docs thus the position changes 9/2013. Graystone Mortgage Salt Lake City, UT 4/2012-3/2013 Mortgage Underwriter Suspense Coordinator: Monitor and coordinate investor suspense conditions work with team members to meet and gather renegotiate when needed to complete purchase of loans. Assist in training and maintaining compliance with Investor, GSA, State and Federal compliance and regulations. Assist in the success of redirecting loans when needed. Analyze loan files (FHA, VA, FNMAE, FHLMC) make accurate dispositions based off product/company and investor guidelines. Review of appraisals, tax returns/income, assets & investor products. Analyze loan files entirely for all occupancy types, & property types. Order MI when applicable on conforming loans. Assist department team and management in resolving investor and FHA /VA insuring suspends and denials for reconsideration and purchase. Assist with training/educating team members program and product guidelines. Assist/Educate mortgage team with FHA and VA Insuring and Post Closing. DE Certified, VA Automatic Certified. Cyprus Federal Credit Union West Jordan, UT 9/2010-4/2012 Mortgage Underwriter: Analyze loan files (FHA, VA, FNMAE, FHLMC) make accurate dispositions based off product/company and investor guidelines. Review of appraisals, tax returns/income, assets & investor products. Analyze loan files entirely for all occupancy types, & property types. Order MI when applicable on conforming loans. Assist department team and management in resolving investor and FHA /VA insuring suspends and denials for reconsideration and purchase. Assist with training/educating team members program and product guidelines. Assist/Educate mortgage team with FHA and VA Insuring and Post Closing. DE Certified, VA Automatic Certified.
  • 2. Citywide Home Loans Salt Lake City, UT 2/2010-9/2010 Quality Assurance-Compliance Specialist: Conduct quality control reviews on closed mortgage loans (FHA, VA, FNMAE, FHLMC, UT Housing, Rural Housing) and special criteria loans. Create process checklists and project audits. Assist in creating and updating policies for Compliance and Quality Assurance. Advise SR Management & team members of procedure changes that would improve company efficiency & profits. Stay abreast and current on all state and federal codes and regulations - compliance, MDIA, TILA/HERA and RESPA. FHA and VA requirements and policy and procedures. Train and inform all personnel of changes. Backed up underwriting, responsible for Government Loans insuring and guarantee, trained new hires for Government Insuring and QA, Compliance. Security National Mortgage Company (Salt Lake Wholesale)- Salt Lake City, UT 5/09 to 1/29/2010 Underwriter/Operations Manager - Analyze loan files (FHA, VA, FNMAE, FHLMC, RHD, UT Housing) make accurate dispositions based off product/company and investor guidelines. Review of appraisals, tax returns/income, assets & investor products. Analyze loan files entirely for all occupancy types, & property types. Request-Order MI when applicable. DE Certified, VA Automatic Certified. Train and support underwriters, control 24-48 hour turn time, maintain suspense report, quality control report, control costs related to DU and appraisal reviews. Oversee operations of SL Branch for overall quality production (set-up and training, coordinating (processing), closing and funding. Assist in training presentations with brokers. Maintain branch flow and appropriate loan files to employee to achieve branch profitability. New Line Mortgage/GE Contract UW (shared resource until 11/08) Salt Lake City, UT 12/07 to 5/09 Underwriter/Trainer/QC - Analyze loan files (FHA, VA, FNMAE, FHLMC, RHD) make accurate dispositions based off product/company and investor guidelines. Review of appraisals, tax returns/income, assets & investor products. Analyze loan files entirely for all occupancy types, & property types. Order MI when applicable. Assist department team and management in resolving investor and FHA /VA insuring suspends and denials for reconsideration and purchase. Program/Product Administrator - responsible for maintaining and updating the operating system product/program scenario engine. Assist with training/educating team members program and product guidelines. DE Certified, VA Automatic Certified. Stirling Mortgage/RMIC - Salt Lake City, UT 3/05 to 11/07 Operations Manager- Direct, manage and support the operations activities of the branch. Advise SR Management & team members of procedure changes that would improve company efficiency & profits. Assist setting up & maintaining relationships with investors. Complete all company audits. Responsible for the accounting activities for the branch which includes payroll, commission and bonus submissions. Ownership for the accuracy and completion of all branch reports. Stay abreast and current on all state and federal codes and regulations - compliance and RESPA. Underwrote files for FHA, FNMAE, FHLMC and all Investor programs from 3/05 to 11/06. Train staff, hire and terminate staff as needed. Complete all Team member performance reviews. DE certified since 12/03. Over seen and assisted in processing and closing FHA, VA, FNMAE, FHLMC loans. Primary Residential Mortgage Inc. Corporate Retail, PRMI Funding Corporate Wholesale. Salt Lake City, UT 2/02- 3/05 Senior Underwriter "Retail - Operations/Underwriting Manager wholesale Reviews all loan files from retail branches nationwide, analyze per investor guides and program specific. FNMAE, FHLMC, FHA, VA, Specialty loans, stand-alone seconds, etc. Make authority decisions based on requirements (retail). Wholesale - manage, organize & supervise operations/production team members & underwriting department. Assist setting up & maintaining relationships with investors. Assist in redirection of non-purchased loans. Maintain quality & progress of work of staff. Make decisions of an administrative nature. To assign, direct, coordinate & review work of all team members. Assist with the setup & maintenance of an adequate QC flow, maintain updates on All state regulations, investor program changes etc. Advise SR Management & team members of procedure changes that would improve company efficiency & profits. Train new hires. Responsible for the hiring & termination of staff. DE certified since 12/03. NEW FREEDOM MORTGAGE CORPORATE OFFICE/Salt Lake City, UT 04/01-01/02 Senior Underwriter- Sub Prime, Alt A, Conforming & FHA Streamline/Wholesale & Retail. Analyze loan files & make accurate dispositions based off investor programs. Pre-qualify all loans for retail & wholesale, price all loans & choose best program. Train office staff on appraisals, income, & investor products. Analyze loan files entirely full income doc types, stated, no doc, limited doc, all occupancy types, & property types. Order MI when applicable. Run all automated approvals when applicable. Loans were Nationwide. NOVELLE FINANCIAL/OLD KENT MORTGAGE / Salt Lake City, UT 11/98 2/01/01 Senior Underwriter/Front Line Underwriter-Sub Prime/Alt A - Analyze and review mortgage loan files, credit reports, tax returns, bank statements, appraisals, etc. and make accurate dispositions based off product/company and investor guidelines. Primary territory consisted of Utah, Colorado, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Wyoming, Idaho, Texas & New Mexico. Brokers were nationwide. Visit Brokers offices that preferred not to have a Rep (Front Line Underwrite), and train on programs, & underwrite & credit grade at offices. Additional responsibility to train and second sign new hires.