Resultater fra eb spørreundersøkelse om holdninger til og kunnskap om Nord-Norge som studiested. Gjennomført av Synovate AS på oppdrag fra Universitetet i Tromsø, Høgskolen i Finnmark og Høgskolen i Harstad høsten 2010.
Short presentation of results from chapters 3 & 4 on Regime shifts and social-ecological resilience from the Arctic Council's Arctic Resilience Report
For more see:
This document discusses internal communication at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. UiT has over 16,000 students and 3,600 staff, with an annual budget of 4 billion NOK. UiT is a major provider of Arctic science worldwide and hosts the annual Arctic Frontiers conference.
Over the last years relations between Russia and the US have significantly deteriorated in the majority of cooperation areas. However, Russia-US interaction in the Arctic remains largely shielded from the general climate of mistrust.
Given the current strained relationship, it is realistic to expect that particularly in the short term Russia—US cooperation on Arctic issues is easier to improve, and thus more likely to be expected within multilateral frameworks, such as the Arctic Council, International Maritime Organization, or ad hoc forums, rather than through bilateral formats.
The Working Paper focuses on the US and Russia’s interests, challenges and opportunities for maintaining and consolidating a cooperative relationship in the Arctic and seeks to identify particular issues that could and should be pursued in the near-term (next three years) and mid-term (next five years) taking into account the results of the US Chairmanship of the Arctic Council.
My Arctic Career: Sara Crepinsek, CIRES and NOAAKaty Human
Sara Crepinsek talked with middle school students in Erie, Colorado, fall 2016, about her work as an Arctic scientist, technician and data manager. Installing instruments in such a remote and harsh location can be a challenge, but it's clearly one she relishes. Sara works in NOAA's Physical Sciences Division
What does the future look like? Is it a dark space where we’re suffering from varying degrees of techamphetamine or are we heading towards a Utopian fantasy of abundance and harmony?
Understanding that our basic human needs and wants barely change, we explore the future state of a range of topics; from our need for physical sustenance through to our age-long fascination of transcending the limitations of our biology.
Looking at the future from a human perspective, our potential for greatness is teetering on a fine line between darkness and hope. We’re banking on the latter.
rektor ved UiT, Anne Husebekk, sin presentasjon av en nordisk ekspertgruppes rapport Vekst fra nord, på Geonor-konferansen på Mo i Rana 25. mars 2015.
UiT is the northernmost university in the world, located in Tromsø, Norway at 69° North. It has over 11,800 students and 2,750 faculty and staff. Key areas of research include biomarine studies, indigenous studies, and northern and Arctic studies. UiT offers over 250 study programs, around 40 of which are taught in English, focusing on topics relevant to the High North region such as law of the sea, indigenous studies, and telemedicine. The university aims to explore global issues from its unique close-up perspective in the High North.
The University of Tromsø is located in northern Norway and is the northernmost university in the world. It has over 9,100 students, including 10% from other countries. The university focuses on research related to the Arctic and global issues like climate change, natural resources, and the environment. As the effects of climate change are already evident in the Arctic, the university's location gives it a unique perspective for exploring these important topics.
The document provides an overview of Tromsø, Norway, the University of Tromsø, and its Faculty of Health Sciences. It notes that Tromsø is located at 69°40′58′′N 18°56′34′′E and has a population of 67,000. The University of Tromsø has 9,000 students from around the world and 2,800 staff across 300 programs, with a focus on research in the northern region. The Faculty of Health Sciences is the largest faculty and offers programs in fields like medicine, dentistry, nursing, and conducts population health research through projects like the Tromsø Study and NOWAC study.
Presentasjon av undersøkelse om sørnorsk ungdoms holdninger til Nord-Norge gjennomført av Synovate for Universitetet i Tromsø, Høgskolen i Harstad og Høgskolen i Finnmark
Presentation by University of Tromsø rector Jarle Aarbakke and NARFU rector Elena Kudryashova on the signing of a cooperation agreement between the two universities in Arkhangelsk on September 17, 2010.
rektor ved UiT, Anne Husebekk, sin presentasjon av en nordisk ekspertgruppes rapport Vekst fra nord, på Geonor-konferansen på Mo i Rana 25. mars 2015.
UiT is the northernmost university in the world, located in Tromsø, Norway at 69° North. It has over 11,800 students and 2,750 faculty and staff. Key areas of research include biomarine studies, indigenous studies, and northern and Arctic studies. UiT offers over 250 study programs, around 40 of which are taught in English, focusing on topics relevant to the High North region such as law of the sea, indigenous studies, and telemedicine. The university aims to explore global issues from its unique close-up perspective in the High North.
The University of Tromsø is located in northern Norway and is the northernmost university in the world. It has over 9,100 students, including 10% from other countries. The university focuses on research related to the Arctic and global issues like climate change, natural resources, and the environment. As the effects of climate change are already evident in the Arctic, the university's location gives it a unique perspective for exploring these important topics.
The document provides an overview of Tromsø, Norway, the University of Tromsø, and its Faculty of Health Sciences. It notes that Tromsø is located at 69°40′58′′N 18°56′34′′E and has a population of 67,000. The University of Tromsø has 9,000 students from around the world and 2,800 staff across 300 programs, with a focus on research in the northern region. The Faculty of Health Sciences is the largest faculty and offers programs in fields like medicine, dentistry, nursing, and conducts population health research through projects like the Tromsø Study and NOWAC study.
Presentasjon av undersøkelse om sørnorsk ungdoms holdninger til Nord-Norge gjennomført av Synovate for Universitetet i Tromsø, Høgskolen i Harstad og Høgskolen i Finnmark
Presentation by University of Tromsø rector Jarle Aarbakke and NARFU rector Elena Kudryashova on the signing of a cooperation agreement between the two universities in Arkhangelsk on September 17, 2010.
Felles profilering av Nord-Norge som studiearena: Rapport fra spørreundersøkelse
1. Nord-Norge som studentregion: En undersøkelse blant studenter i Nord-Norge og avgangselever i sør i Norge Presentasjon for: UiT, HiH og HiF Av: Synovate Norge v/ Wenche Berntsen 14. september 2010
2. Gjennomføring 410 webintervju blant studenter 695 webintervju i et utvalg av avgangselever Datainnsamling i perioden 1. – 28. juni Listegrunnlag fra UiT, HiF, HiH og fra Undersøkelsen kartlegger: Avgangselevers studieplaner, foretrukket studiested og hva de anser som viktig i en studiesituasjon Studenterfaringer fra Nord-Norge Kjennskap til og inntrykk av studiesteder i Norge blant avgangselever og studenter Avgangselevers og studenters inntrykk av Nord-Norge Interesseprofil
50. Avgangselever vektlegger studentmiljø og studietilbud når de skal velge studietilbud. Det er viktig for dem at de kan ha nær kontakt med lærerne og fagmiljøet, og at de kommer til et sted der det er lett å bli kjent med andre studenter. Samtidig er dette egenskaper som studenter i Nord-Norge trekker frem når de skal beskrive sin studiesituasjon og studiestedet. Disse egenskapene bør derfor trygt kunne løftes frem i rekrutteringssammenheng.