Installation of CCTV cameras (Analog, IP, SDH,PTZ, e.t.c).
Assembling of DVR/NVRs & installation of OS in DVR/NVRs
PC based DVRs
Repairing of faulty main boards.
Planing of CCTV system, preparing specification and drawings.
ANPR/LPR system's
Installation of Fire/Alarm systems (Indoor,Outdoor, Fence, Pro-Active alarm, Active protection).
Planing of Fire/Alarm systems for Offices, Building's and Banks
Installation of Access control systems (Building/Offices/Bank/Terrastian).
Biometrical (Fingerprint,Face Recognition, Retina recognition)
RF bugs tracing and detection,
Hidden cameras and microphones detection
Secure communication and meeting rooms
UHF/VHF -Repeater, TETRA- Installation and ma...