Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Karachi, Pakistan
Assistant Manager
The truth is you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed.
SacreD Rulez Ov LOZt..!!!!
1. God Has F0g0ttEN Me.. Cz am the L0Zt one.[CurseD]
2. whoEver HaS M0ney Has The Power To ENslave 0thers.[REality]
3. Money Can Buy Anything .. N those who Says that its wrong it means they have'nt faced life yet.[:(]
4. Life Bow to Money.[ 100%]
5. * USe N Throw [ thats what this world has Done Always Wid Gud People so Dun't B another Toilet Paper]*
6. LOVE * Nothing More TheN a SlavE oF Money * [ |T's JSt the NeEd 0f our DArk SIde].
7. U Can Buy a Gud LOve IF ANd 0nlY u HAv *M0nEY*. [ REf : Fo||0W RUle No.6]
8. Dignity, Ki
Users being followed by Raheel Gabriel