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Personal details:
- Born in Vukovar, Croatia, August,17th
- Citizenship: Serbian and Croatian
- Female, married, two children
Educational background:
- 2009 enrolled Master Studies, Banking and Financial Management, Faculty of
Economics, University of Belgrade
- 2004 graduated from Belgrade University, Faculty of Economics, Department for
statistical economics and information technology
Professional Development:
- Sign Language
- Trainers Course, introducing T-24 banking system
- Credit Card Processing Course
- General Banking Course, banking software application
- Short and medium-term models for macroeconomic forecasting, organized by Ifo
Institute from Munich, Belgrade
- Management Team and Employee Motivation Programme, Gea college (SLO),
- Business Negotiation and Communication Techniques programme, Gea college
(SLO), Belgrade
- Strategic Management programme, Gea college (SLO), Belgrade
- Business Innovation training programme, Gea college (SLO), Belgrade
- Financial Management programme, Gea college (SLO), Belgrade
Jurija Gagarina 86/24
11070 Novi Beograd
Telephone: +381 11 216 98 31
Mobile: +381 63 889 02 99
E-mail: vanja75gacic@yahoo.com
Professional experience:
07/2010  until present Sub Branch Manager - Vojvodjanska Banka/ NBG Group
- Managing and supervision of branch operations
- Financial analysis of credit proposals and
recommendations to credit department
- Decision making in all aspects of branch activities in
liaison with Regional Manager
- Reporting to the Regional Manager
01/2009  07/2010 Customer Service Manager - Vojvodjanska Banka/ NBG
- Supervision and authorization of branch operations
- Sales of mortgage loans
- Preparation of credit proposals
- Managing local payment transactions
- Replacing Branch Manager during her absence
- Negotiating crediting terms and conditions with clients
04/2006  01/2009 Accountant and Local Payment Transactions Officer/
Deputy Branch Manager in the National Bank of Greece.
- Managing credit procedure for legal entities
- Preparation of credit proposals
- Managing local payment transactions
- Replacing Branch Manager during her absence
- Negotiating crediting terms and conditions with clients
- Administering transfer of funds
- Accounting operations
03/2004  04/2006 Senior expert-associate in the State Development Institute,
Department for macroeconomic balance and development
- Preparation of GDP forecasts
- Economic trends analysis based on the Business
Climate Survey as basis for short-term development
forecasting, in cooperation with Ifo Institute, Munich
- Preparation of Serbian Development Report 2005,
October 2005
- Conducting Business Tendency Survey
- Developing SMEs and Entrepreneurship Report 2004 
in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy, October
- Development Profile of Serbia  RDB publication
- Preparation of SED (Serbian Economic Diagram) 
RDB publication on macroeconomic development
trends in Serbia
- Basic risk assessment knowledge;
- Analytical and problem solving skills;
- Communicative, dynamic and outgoing person;
- Perform good as a part of team as well as individually;
- Goal oriented and able to meet short deadlines;
- Proficient in computers (MS Office)
- Basic knowledge of SPSS and Access
Mother tongue - Serbian
Good knowledge of spoken and written English
- B driving license

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  • 1. CURRICULUM VITAE VANJA GAI VASILEV Personal details: - Born in Vukovar, Croatia, August,17th 1975 - Citizenship: Serbian and Croatian - Female, married, two children Educational background: - 2009 enrolled Master Studies, Banking and Financial Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade - 2004 graduated from Belgrade University, Faculty of Economics, Department for statistical economics and information technology Professional Development: - Sign Language - Trainers Course, introducing T-24 banking system - Credit Card Processing Course - General Banking Course, banking software application - Short and medium-term models for macroeconomic forecasting, organized by Ifo Institute from Munich, Belgrade - Management Team and Employee Motivation Programme, Gea college (SLO), Belgrade - Business Negotiation and Communication Techniques programme, Gea college (SLO), Belgrade - Strategic Management programme, Gea college (SLO), Belgrade - Business Innovation training programme, Gea college (SLO), Belgrade - Financial Management programme, Gea college (SLO), Belgrade Address: Jurija Gagarina 86/24 11070 Novi Beograd Serbia Telephone: +381 11 216 98 31 Mobile: +381 63 889 02 99 E-mail: vanja75gacic@yahoo.com
  • 2. Professional experience: 07/2010 until present Sub Branch Manager - Vojvodjanska Banka/ NBG Group - Managing and supervision of branch operations - Financial analysis of credit proposals and recommendations to credit department - Decision making in all aspects of branch activities in liaison with Regional Manager - Reporting to the Regional Manager 01/2009 07/2010 Customer Service Manager - Vojvodjanska Banka/ NBG Group - Supervision and authorization of branch operations - Sales of mortgage loans - Preparation of credit proposals - Managing local payment transactions - Replacing Branch Manager during her absence - Negotiating crediting terms and conditions with clients 04/2006 01/2009 Accountant and Local Payment Transactions Officer/ Deputy Branch Manager in the National Bank of Greece. - Managing credit procedure for legal entities - Preparation of credit proposals - Managing local payment transactions - Replacing Branch Manager during her absence - Negotiating crediting terms and conditions with clients - Administering transfer of funds - Accounting operations 03/2004 04/2006 Senior expert-associate in the State Development Institute, Department for macroeconomic balance and development forecasting: - Preparation of GDP forecasts - Economic trends analysis based on the Business Climate Survey as basis for short-term development forecasting, in cooperation with Ifo Institute, Munich - Preparation of Serbian Development Report 2005, October 2005 - Conducting Business Tendency Survey - Developing SMEs and Entrepreneurship Report 2004 in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy, October 2005 - Development Profile of Serbia RDB publication - Preparation of SED (Serbian Economic Diagram) RDB publication on macroeconomic development trends in Serbia
  • 3. Skills: - Basic risk assessment knowledge; - Analytical and problem solving skills; - Communicative, dynamic and outgoing person; - Perform good as a part of team as well as individually; - Goal oriented and able to meet short deadlines; - Proficient in computers (MS Office) - Basic knowledge of SPSS and Access Languages: Mother tongue - Serbian Good knowledge of spoken and written English Other: - B driving license