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What Is A Probiotic?
must be alive when administered, survive the gastric
environment, have undergone controlled evaluation to
document health benefits in the target host, be a taxonomically
defined microbe or combination of microbes (genus, species,
and strain level). And be safe for its intended use.
ISAPP (International Scientific Association of Probiotics and Prebiotics)
2002, FAO/WHO report
 Genus (human)
 Species (swimmer)
(acidophilus) (casei) (remnosis)
 Strain (Michael Phelps)
Genus, Specie, Strain?
 Sensitive to their environment
 Influenced (good/bad) by:
 Manufacturing process
 Other organisms
 Behave differently from product to product
 Potential to do great things but.no guaranties.
Probiotics Are Living Organisms
 Survive manufacturing process
 Get along with others
 Survive storage (refrigeration, room temperature)
 Resist stomach acid
 Resist bile salts
 Attach to epithelial cells (intestinal wall)
 Colonise the intestine (multiply)
 Deliver health benefits
The Probiotic Challenge
Probiotics Are
The Foundation Of
A Healthy Lifestyle
 We dont live on farms anymore
 Food is sterilized (for better or worse)
 We have processed food
 Drinking Alcohol has become a cultural norm
 Medications aka antibiotics
 We get old!
Everyday, Young or Old, Healthy or Not
Things That Affect Us
 Contributes to good digestive health
 Supports a strong immune system
 Promotes a balanced intestinal flora
 Primary prevention of C. difficile, MRSA
 Prevention of gestational diabetes
 May help prevent obesity, depression & anxiety
 May help prevent chronic fatigue syndrome
 Improves efficacy of cancer drugs
Emerging Health Benefits
Maintenance & prevention in just 村 a bottle a day!
Thats less than a dollar a day!
First thing in the morning
Food optional
Make it taste the way you like
2 hrs after antibiotic
Throughout antibiotic regimine + 5 days
Recommended Use
Probiotic Myths & Facts
True FalseOr
Clinical effects of probiotics in treatment or prevention
depend on the specific bacteria,
which should be defined not only by its genus and species,
but also at the strain level1
All probiotic bacteria is the same.
1. Rowland, I. et al. 2009. Report of an expert meeting; Current level of consensus on probiotic
science. London. 8 pages.
2. Rijkers, G.T. et al. 2010 Guidance for substantiating the evidence for beneficial effects of
probiotics: current status and recommendations for future research. Journal of Nutrition.
February,3. 671S-676S.
Most recent studies clearly described the tested probiotics,
but did not describe the food matrix composition or general
This can interfere with the efficacy of the probiotic in terms of
viability, stability, and the quantity of active biocompounds
that are responsible for the studied health effect 2
Studying Just Bacteria Is Sufficient
1. Rowland, I. et al. 2009. Report of an expert meeting; Current level of consensus on probiotic
science. London. 8 pages.
2. Rijkers, G.T. et al. 2010 Guidance for substantiating the evidence for beneficial effects of
probiotics: current status and recommendations for future research. Journal of Nutrition.
February,3. 671S-676S.
There is no standardised number of probiotic bacteria to
ensure a clinical effect.
The effective quantity, for a given benefit and a given strain is
the quantity which has demonstrated an effect.
More Is Better
1. Rowland, I. et al. 2009. Report of an expert meeting; Current level of consensus on probiotic
science. London. 8 pages.
2. Rijkers, G.T. et al. 2010 Guidance for substantiating the evidence for beneficial effects of
probiotics: current status and recommendations for future research. Journal of Nutrition.
February,3. 671S-676S.
Bacteria strains are inherently competitive by nature.
Unless there are extensive studies of them and a synergistic cultivation
they will counteract each other.
More Strains Are Better
 Was it published by a reputable journal?
 Was it peer reviewed?
 Was the study done on the finished product? (after processing)
 Is there more than one scientist supporting the findings?
 Are the results reproducable?
All Published Studies Are Good
Clinical Research
 Gao, X.W., M. Mubasher, C. Zhang, C. Reifer, K. Zhang 2010. Dose-response Efficacy of a Probiotic
Formula in Reducing Antibiotic-associated Diarrhea and Clostridium difficile-associated Diarrhea
Incidence: A Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study. American Journal of
Gastroenterology (9 february 2010). Epub ahead of print (PMID # 20145605)
 Dylewski, J., F. Psaradellis, J. Sampalis. 2010. Efficacy of a probiotic formula in the reduction of
antibiotic-associated diarrhea- a placebo controlled, double-blind randomized, multicenter study.
Archives of Medical Science 6(1):56-64.
 Maziade, P.J., D. Gagn辿, G. Murray, C. Jacob, P. Pereira, L. M辿thot. 2009. Efficacy of the probiotic,
Bio-K+ CL1285, in the control of a nosocomial outbreak of severe Clostridium difficile-associated
diarrhea at the Centre Hospitalier Pierre-Le Gardeur: a case report. Submitted for publication in
Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology.
 Beausoleil, M., N. Fortier, S. Gu辿nette, A. L'cuyer, M. Savoie, M. Franco, J. Lacha樽ne, K. Weiss.
2007. Effect of a fermented milk combining Lactobacillus acidophilus CL1285and Lactobacillus casei
in the prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
trial. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology, 21(11):732-736
 Koulis, T., J.S. Sampalis. 2007. Health economic assessment of probiotic fermented milk containing
Lactobacillus acidophilus and L. casei in the primary prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea:
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. (Internal information)
Fundamental Research
 Baldwin, C., M. Millette, M.T. Ruiz, F.M. Luquet, D. Oth, M. Lacroix. 2010. Probiotic L. acidophilus
and L. casei mix sensitize tumoral cells to 5-fluorouracil-induced apoptosis. Nutrition and Cancer,
 Karska-Wysocki, B., M. Bazo and W. Smoragiewicz. 2010. Antibacterial activity of Lactobacillus
acidophilus and Lactobacillus casei against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
Microbiological research, Epub ahead of print.
 Millette, M., F.M. Luquet, M.T. Ruiz, M. Lacroix. 2008. Characterization of probiotic properties of
Lactobacillus strains. Dairy Science and Technology, 88: 695-708.
 Millette, M., F.M. Luquet, M. Lacroix. 2007. In vitro control of selected pathogens by a Lactobacillus
acidophilus and L. casei-fermented milk. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 44:314-319.
How To Choose
An Efficacious Probiotic
? ?
Not All Probiotics Are The Same
Saying probiotic is similar to saying medication
Its a generic term, it describes a family of products.
Whats The Difference?
Bio-K+ and products enriched with probiotic are very different
Milk is enriched with vitamin D. That doesnt make milk vitamin D.
Yogurt is enriched with probiotic.
Eating 50 liters of probiotic enriched yogurt would be necessary to intake an equivalent amount of probiotic.
What To Look For?
When you want apple pie, you buy apple pie.
If you need a probiotic dont buy a product that has
probiotics sprinkled in. Don`t settle for pretenders.
High bacteria count
Quality of strains
Potency guaranteed at consumption
Properly characterized high quality
A synergistic combination of bacteria
Protective environment
Research done on finished products
Proven measurable results

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  • 2. 2 What Is A Probiotic? must be alive when administered, survive the gastric environment, have undergone controlled evaluation to document health benefits in the target host, be a taxonomically defined microbe or combination of microbes (genus, species, and strain level). And be safe for its intended use. ISAPP (International Scientific Association of Probiotics and Prebiotics) 2002, FAO/WHO report 2
  • 3. 3 Genus (human) (lactobacillus) Species (swimmer) (acidophilus) (casei) (remnosis) Strain (Michael Phelps) (CL1285)速 (LBC80R)速 (CLR2)速 Genus, Specie, Strain? 3
  • 4. 4 Sensitive to their environment Influenced (good/bad) by: Ingredients Manufacturing process Other organisms Packaging Storage Behave differently from product to product Potential to do great things but.no guaranties. Probiotics Are Living Organisms 4
  • 5. 5 Survive manufacturing process Get along with others Survive storage (refrigeration, room temperature) Resist stomach acid Resist bile salts Attach to epithelial cells (intestinal wall) Colonise the intestine (multiply) Deliver health benefits The Probiotic Challenge 5
  • 6. 6 Probiotics Are The Foundation Of A Healthy Lifestyle 6
  • 7. 7 We dont live on farms anymore Food is sterilized (for better or worse) We have processed food Drinking Alcohol has become a cultural norm Medications aka antibiotics We get old! Everyday, Young or Old, Healthy or Not Things That Affect Us 7
  • 8. 8 Contributes to good digestive health Supports a strong immune system Promotes a balanced intestinal flora Primary prevention of C. difficile, MRSA Prevention of gestational diabetes May help prevent obesity, depression & anxiety May help prevent chronic fatigue syndrome Improves efficacy of cancer drugs Emerging Health Benefits 8
  • 9. Maintenance & prevention in just 村 a bottle a day! Thats less than a dollar a day! First thing in the morning Food optional Make it taste the way you like 2 hrs after antibiotic Throughout antibiotic regimine + 5 days Recommended Use 9
  • 10. 10 Probiotic Myths & Facts True FalseOr 10
  • 11. 11 Clinical effects of probiotics in treatment or prevention depend on the specific bacteria, which should be defined not only by its genus and species, but also at the strain level1 All probiotic bacteria is the same. 1. Rowland, I. et al. 2009. Report of an expert meeting; Current level of consensus on probiotic science. London. 8 pages. 2. Rijkers, G.T. et al. 2010 Guidance for substantiating the evidence for beneficial effects of probiotics: current status and recommendations for future research. Journal of Nutrition. February,3. 671S-676S. FACT:FACT: 11
  • 12. 12 Most recent studies clearly described the tested probiotics, but did not describe the food matrix composition or general processing This can interfere with the efficacy of the probiotic in terms of viability, stability, and the quantity of active biocompounds that are responsible for the studied health effect 2 Studying Just Bacteria Is Sufficient FACT:FACT: 12 1. Rowland, I. et al. 2009. Report of an expert meeting; Current level of consensus on probiotic science. London. 8 pages. 2. Rijkers, G.T. et al. 2010 Guidance for substantiating the evidence for beneficial effects of probiotics: current status and recommendations for future research. Journal of Nutrition. February,3. 671S-676S.
  • 13. 13 There is no standardised number of probiotic bacteria to ensure a clinical effect. The effective quantity, for a given benefit and a given strain is the quantity which has demonstrated an effect. More Is Better FACT:FACT: 13 1. Rowland, I. et al. 2009. Report of an expert meeting; Current level of consensus on probiotic science. London. 8 pages. 2. Rijkers, G.T. et al. 2010 Guidance for substantiating the evidence for beneficial effects of probiotics: current status and recommendations for future research. Journal of Nutrition. February,3. 671S-676S.
  • 14. 14 Bacteria strains are inherently competitive by nature. Unless there are extensive studies of them and a synergistic cultivation they will counteract each other. More Strains Are Better FACT:FACT: 14
  • 15. 15 Was it published by a reputable journal? Was it peer reviewed? Was the study done on the finished product? (after processing) Is there more than one scientist supporting the findings? Are the results reproducable? All Published Studies Are Good FACT:FACT: 15
  • 16. 16 Clinical Research Gao, X.W., M. Mubasher, C. Zhang, C. Reifer, K. Zhang 2010. Dose-response Efficacy of a Probiotic Formula in Reducing Antibiotic-associated Diarrhea and Clostridium difficile-associated Diarrhea Incidence: A Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study. American Journal of Gastroenterology (9 february 2010). Epub ahead of print (PMID # 20145605) 油 Dylewski, J., F. Psaradellis, J. Sampalis. 2010. Efficacy of a probiotic formula in the reduction of antibiotic-associated diarrhea- a placebo controlled, double-blind randomized, multicenter study. Archives of Medical Science 6(1):56-64. 油 Maziade, P.J., D. Gagn辿, G. Murray, C. Jacob, P. Pereira, L. M辿thot. 2009. Efficacy of the probiotic, Bio-K+ CL1285, in the control of a nosocomial outbreak of severe Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea at the Centre Hospitalier Pierre-Le Gardeur: a case report. Submitted for publication in Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology. 油 Beausoleil, M., N. Fortier, S. Gu辿nette, A. L'cuyer, M. Savoie, M. Franco, J. Lacha樽ne, K. Weiss. 2007. Effect of a fermented milk combining Lactobacillus acidophilus CL1285and Lactobacillus casei in the prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology, 21(11):732-736 油 Koulis, T., J.S. Sampalis. 2007. Health economic assessment of probiotic fermented milk containing Lactobacillus acidophilus and L. casei in the primary prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea: randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. (Internal information) 16
  • 17. 17 Fundamental Research Baldwin, C., M. Millette, M.T. Ruiz, F.M. Luquet, D. Oth, M. Lacroix. 2010. Probiotic L. acidophilus and L. casei mix sensitize tumoral cells to 5-fluorouracil-induced apoptosis. Nutrition and Cancer, 62:371-378. 油 Karska-Wysocki, B., M. Bazo and W. Smoragiewicz. 2010. Antibacterial activity of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus casei against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Microbiological research, Epub ahead of print. 油 Millette, M., F.M. Luquet, M.T. Ruiz, M. Lacroix. 2008. Characterization of probiotic properties of Lactobacillus strains. Dairy Science and Technology, 88: 695-708. 油 Millette, M., F.M. Luquet, M. Lacroix. 2007. In vitro control of selected pathogens by a Lactobacillus acidophilus and L. casei-fermented milk. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 44:314-319. 17
  • 18. 18 How To Choose An Efficacious Probiotic ? ? ? 18
  • 19. 19 Not All Probiotics Are The Same Saying probiotic is similar to saying medication Its a generic term, it describes a family of products. 19
  • 20. 20 Whats The Difference? Bio-K+ and products enriched with probiotic are very different Milk is enriched with vitamin D. That doesnt make milk vitamin D. Yogurt is enriched with probiotic. Eating 50 liters of probiotic enriched yogurt would be necessary to intake an equivalent amount of probiotic. 20
  • 21. 21 What To Look For? When you want apple pie, you buy apple pie. If you need a probiotic dont buy a product that has probiotics sprinkled in. Don`t settle for pretenders. High bacteria count Quality of strains Potency guaranteed at consumption Properly characterized high quality A synergistic combination of bacteria Protective environment Research done on finished products Proven measurable results 21
  • 22. 22