Recently, Rajya Sabha asked the government to take actions in order to bring back the ring of Tipu Sultan. This ring was auctioned lately in London, England, for Rs 1 crore. Chaudhary Munawar Saleem used a special mention to raise the request. He said that there is the name of Lord Rama engraved on the ring and India should get it back. Numerous parties including members from BJB and Congress joined in the demand.
2. Recently, Rajya Sabha asked the
government to take actions in order to
bring back the ring of Tipu Sultan. This
ring was auctioned lately in London,
England, for Rs 1 crore. Chaudhary
Munawar Saleem used a special
mention to raise the request.
3. He said that there is the name of Lord Rama
engraved on the ring and India should get it back.
Numerous parties including members from BJB
and Congress joined in the demand.
Vijay Darda, Congress Member of Parliament
asked that the government should provide
expeditiously a relief package for assisting the
farmers of Marathwada and Vidarbha hit by a
sequence of natural disasters.
4. Bandhopadhyah, another member of
Congress sought actions to accelerate the
safe urban projects in the country,
especially in Kolkata. BJP Tarun Vijay
asked steps to protect scriptures and
world legacy sites from demolition by
religious radicals.
5. Previously in Zero Hour, BJD Bhupinder Singh
required Rs 399.83 crore for Odisha in order to
meet the costs on reconstruction and repair
works due to the destruction provoked by severe
floods cyclone. According to Singh, the Home
Minister already cleared the amount but the
problem is from the department of expenditure
that is taking too much time to release the fund.
6. He said also that Naveen Patnaik, the
Chief Minister wrote many times to the
department on the matter. He added that
after serious inundation, Odisha faced the
cruel Hudhud cyclone and needs a large
amount of money to cover the losses in
the region. The BJD demand was
supported by Trinamool Congress and
members of left parties.
7. On another matter, Rajya Sabha MP Vijay Darda
asked distinct statehood for Vidarbha quoting issues
faced by the residents of the state. In his address in
Parliament during a debate on the speech of the
president, Vijay Darda said that, just like other
states, the parliament should grant the region the
rank of state. According to a report emanating from
his office charged of public relations, the Member of
Parliament asked the intervention of the prime
minister on the issue.
8. Mr. Darda requested also that the first cargo
center of India should be established in Nagpur
in order to fuel development and growth in the
area and to create widespread employment.
Concerning the delay in execution of the railway
project connecting Nanded-Yavatmal-Wardha,
The Congress leader asked the government to
intervene for completing the project as soon as
9. Vijay Darda said also that, according to the
same release from his office, the Parliament
should declare the Sewagram Ashram, located
at Wardha, a national legacy structure since it
witnessed to the national freedom fight and
satyagraha. He asked also the government to
make sure that the freedom of press is not
10. Recently the Rajya Sabha MP questioned Dr.
Jitendra Singh, Minister of State attached to the
office of Prime Minister and Minister of State for
Pensions, Public, and Personnel Grievances.
The question was related to new appointments
in Government. In a written answer, the minister
stated that the government did not stop fresh