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丿丕乂 丐丕弌丐丼
仄亳仆舒  舒于仆亳亶 仗亳于-
仍亶从亳亶 从舒亶, 仄舒仍仂于仆亳亳亶
从仂仂从 仂仍亳仆从仂 亰亠仄仍.
亳于 仗亳仂亟舒 丿仄亳仆亳, 于舒亢舒 
舒亶仂仆仆亳亶 亠仆 丿仄从 仂亰从亳仆于-
 仆舒 仗舒于仂仄 弍亠亠亰 从亳 仍. 丶亠
仂亟仆亠 亰 仆舒亶舒亳 仄 仂仍亳仆, 仗亳-
舒仆舒 仂 磻仂亞仂 仆舒舒仂于 弍仍亳亰从仂
亟亠于亳 仂仍.
Shumsk Region  a beautiful
picturesque land of Volyn.
Its nature surprises us, its history
impresses us. Shumsk district center is
situated on the right bank of the river
Viliia. It is one of the oldest towns in
Volyn and its recorded history is about
nine centuries.
束亂 亊, 弌 亊, 亊 亊 弌亊丼損
丕仂亳亠 束弌仂仆亳仆舒損 舒于仆 亞仂仂亟亳亠 丿仄从舒
仄舒仍仂于仆亳仂仄 仂亳 束弌仂-
仆亳仆舒損, 仂 仄亢 亠仍舒仄亳 仆亳-
从于  亳从于, 仆舒 仗舒亞仂弍, 仍ミ頴姉黍術亶
仄亳仆 于亟仗仂亳仆从 仄舒仆 舒 亞仂亠亶
仄舒, 仗亠从舒仆仂 亰弍亠亠亞仍亳 于舒仍亳 亟舒于-
仆仂亞仂 亞舒亟.  仆亳仆 仄仂亢仆舒 仗仂亶亳
亶仂亞仂 于仍亳礆亳, 仗亟仆亳 仆舒 从仆礀亳亶
亟亳亳仆亠, 亟亠 亟于仂仄亠仂于亳亶 从舒仄礌亳亶
亠 亰仆舒亳 仄亠 仂亰舒于舒仆仆
亟亠于仆仂亞仂 舒仄 于仂亞仂 弌亳仄亠仂仆舒
Apicturesque Sosnyna Tract is
situated on the hill, between
villages Onyshkivtsi and Brykiv. This is a
favorite vacation place for the citizens of
Shumsk and their guests. Also the ancient
castle walls has been preserving perfectly
there. And even now, you can walk its
streets, climb the princely citadel, where
you can find six-foot stone cross that
means the location of the ancient church
of St. Simeon Stylites. 3
亳仄仂-从舒仂仍亳从亳亶 仂亠仍
亠仗仂仂仆仂亞仂 亰舒舒
于亳 舒
仂亠仍  仗舒仄从舒 舒亠从亳, 仂-
 丿仄从仂亞仂 从舒
仂仗亠亠亟仆亶 从仂亠仍 仗仂亟亢亠仆仂  1852
仂  仄舒于亳舒仆从仂-亞仂亳仆仂仄 亳仍.
仍 1945 仂从 于亳仆 亰舒从亳仍亳, 舒仄
于亳舒亟亳仍亳  仗仂于 (亰舒仍亳亳于 仍从亳
仆亟舒仄亠仆). 丕 1995-2005 仂从舒 亠亶 从仂亠仍
弍仍仂 于亟于仂亠仆仂 仆舒 仍仍仂仄 仆亟舒仄亠仆.
仂于仂亰弍亟仂于舒仆亳亶 舒仄 于舒亢舒 于仂 于亠-
仍亳  从舒仂.
仂亳仆 仆仆 舒 仗亳于舒弍仍亳于, 仂仂-
弍仍亳于仂 亟仍 亟舒仗仂亳, 舒仆仂于仍 亳仄舒仍仂 仗仂仍-
从亳 仗仂仂于舒仆, 仂 亰仆舒仂亟 于 仄.丿仄从.
Roman Catholic Church of
the Immaculate Conception
of the Virgin Mary
ACatholic church is a monument
of the architecture and history
of Shumsk Region.
The previous church was built in
1852 in the Moorish-Gothic style. It
was closed in 1945, and the sanctuary
was detonated (only foundation left). In
1995-2005 this church was reconstructed
on the surviving foundation. A newly
built temple is striking by its greatness
and beauty.
Many Polish graves are on the
territory of the town and have a great
significance for the diaspora.
丱舒仄 仆舒 仄 仄舒亶弍仆仂亞仂
仂仍仂于仂亞仂 仄仂仆舒亳
仂舒仄仍仂于从仂亞仂 仂仍仂于仂-
亞仂 仄仂仆舒亳 仗仂亟亢亠仆仂 仗仂磪仂仄
2010 仂从. 丱舒仄 亰舒从仍舒亟亠仆亳亶 仆舒 亠
仂亟亢亠仆 . 仍仂于亳, 于亠仍亳从仂亞仂 从舒-
仆从仂亞仂 于仂亞仂 丱丱 仂仍 亠-
仗仂亟仂弍仆仂亞仂 仄仍仂 仂舒于从仂亞仂,
磻亳亶 弍于 仗仂仍仆亳从仂仄  仂舒于从亶
弌于仂-丕仗亠仆从亶 舒于. 弌仗仂亟亢亠仆-
仆 于 亟仆仂仄 亠仍 舒仄  仄仂仆舒亳
弌于亳亶 仗亠亠亟弍舒亳于 亠 亰舒 于仂亞仂 亢亳
 从仂仍亳 于 仂亟仆亠 亰 仂亞仂仍亢仆, 仆舒 仄
仄舒亶弍仆仂亞仂 弌于仂舒仄仍仂于从仂亞仂
仂仍仂于仂亞仂 仄仂仆舒亳 亰舒仄亳仂仂亳仍舒
从仂仆舒, 亠 弍于 亰仆舒从, 从仂亳亶 于从舒亰于舒于 仆舒
亠, 仂 仄亠 亟仍 亰于亠亟亠仆仆 舒仄 于亳-
弍舒仆仂 于仆仂, 磻 亰舒仗仂于亟舒于 仗舒于亠亟仆亳从.
The Temple on the Place
of the Future St. Amphilochious
The temple on the place of the
future St. Amphilochious
Monastery was built in 2010. Temple was
founded in honor of a native of village
Ilovytsya, the great Ukrainian Saint of
the 20th century St. Amphilochius of
Pochayiv, who was a novice in Holy
Dormition Pochayiv Lavra. Church and
monastery construction in his native
village was predicted by the Saint during
his life. Once, during the Divine Service,
one of the icons secreted myrrh on the
place of the future St. Amphilochious
Monastery, and it was a sign that the
place for construction had been chosen
correctly, according to righteous man
仂仍仂于亳亶 仄仂仆舒亳
于仂亞仂 仂舒仆仆舒 亳仍仂亳于仂亞仂.
1626 仂 弍于 亰舒从仍舒亟亠仆亳亶 仗亠-
亳亶 从舒仄仆 仗亟 弍亟于仆亳于仂
仂仍仂于仂亞仂 仄仂仆舒亳 于仂亞仂 仂舒仆仆舒
亳仍仂亳于仂亞仂, 仂 仆舒亞舒亟 仂弍仂仂仆仆
仗仂亟.  亶仂亞仂 弍亟于仍 弍仍亳 仂仂亠仆
于亳仂从亳仄 仄仂仄.
仂仆舒亳从亳亶 舒仄  亠仗亠 于舒-
亢舒 于仂仄 弍舒亞舒于仂仄. 丐  仂亟仆仂-
仆亳亶 从仂仆仂舒 亰 仂仆仂亞仂 仄仂亠仆仂亞仂
亟弍舒 亰 于亳从舒仆亳仄 亰弍仍亠仆仆礆, 仄亟-
仆 仗亟于仆亳从亳, 弍仆 亶 仗仂亰仂仍仂亠仆
舒, 舒仂亟从亳, 于亠仍亳从亳亶 舒于. 亠-
仍亳从仂 于亳仆亠 舒仄  于仂亞仂 仄仂-
仆舒亳 亰舒仍亳舒 从仂仆舒 于仂亞仂
仂舒仆仆舒 亳仍仂亳于仂亞仂 亰 仄仂舒仄亳 仗舒-
弌仗仂亟亳 舒亞舒从仂亞仂 仂仍仂于仂亞仂
仄仂仆舒亳 于仂亞仂 仂舒仆仆舒 亳仍仂亳-
于仂亞仂 于仆亠亠仆 亟仂 亟亠亢舒于仆仂亞仂 亠
仆舒仂仆舒仍仆仂亞仂 从仍仆仂亞仂 仆舒亟弍舒仆-
仆, 磻 仗舒仄从亳 舒亠从亳 丕从舒仆亳
(亰舒 1854/0 舒 亰舒 1854/1).
Zahaitsi St. John
the Merciful Monastery
In 1626 the first stone for the
construction of St. John the
Merciful Monastery was laid. This
building mostly looks like fortification,
because all its buildings were surrounded
by high walls.
Even now, the Monastery is striking
by its luxury. Here we have a single-stage
iconostasis made of black bog oak with
exquisite carving, brass candlesticks,
silver and golden chalices, vintage
books, large archive. The greatest shrine
of the temple and the whole Monastery
is icon of St. John the Merciful with
the relics of the righteous. Buildings of
Zahaitsi St. John the Merciful Monastery
are included into the State Register of
Cultural Heritage as an architectural
monument of Ukraine (1854/0 and
亰亠亶 仗亟 于亟从亳亳仄 仆亠弍仂仄
束丿舒弍  丕 束仂仍亳仆-于亟亠仆損
束丐 仆舒舒 仂, 仍舒于舒  亠,
丐 仆舒仂 亟仂仍 仗仂从亳于亟亢亠仆 仄仂...損
亟从亳亳亶 亰 仆舒亞仂亟亳 于亟亰仆舒亠仆仆 50-
丕 仆舒 于舒仆于舒仆仆 于亟于舒亢仆亳 弍仂于
亰舒 于仂仍 丕从舒仆亳, 舒从亳于仆亳 舒仆亳从于 仆舒仂仆舒仍-
仆仂-于亳亰于仂仍仆仂亞仂  仆舒 丿仄亳仆. 舒 亠亳仂
仄亰亠 仂亰舒仂于舒仆亳亶 弍亟亳仆仂仂从 舒弍 丕 , 于亟-
仗仂亳于舒仍仆, 仍仆亶 从仍舒, 从亳于从舒, 从舒仗仍亳从舒, 亟亢亠-
亠仍亠, 仗仂于舒仆从亳亶 于亳仆舒.
舒仗仍亳 仗仂弍亟仂于舒仆舒 于 亰舒亳仆亶 仍仂亞仂于亳仆
仆舒 仄 舒弍仂仂于仂亞仂 舒仄.  亟亠仆 仂从仂于亳 亠-
于仂 仂亞仂仂亟亳 于 仆亶 于亟仗舒于仍 仄仂仍亠弍亠仆
于仍仂 仗舒仄 亰舒亞亳弍仍亳 亳仆于  亟仂仂从 丕从舒仆亳, 仂
于仗舒仍亳 亰舒  于仂仍.  亠亢从舒, 仂 于亠亟亠 于亞仂 于亳于仂亟亳
仆舒 仗仂于舒仆从亳亶 于亳仆舒. 丐 于 亳仆舒亟亳 仄仂亞亳-
仍舒 仗仂仂于舒仆 于仂磻亳 丕. 舒 仄仂亞亳仍舒 于舒仆仂于仍亠仆
弍亠亠亰仂于 亠亳, 仗仂于磶舒仆 于亳亳亳仄亳 仆亳从舒仄亳,
仆亠仗仂亟舒仍从 于亠仍亳从亳亶 丱亠  亳仄于仂仍 仗舒仄 于 亰舒-
亞亳弍仍亳 于仂磻于 丕.
Volyn-the South Headquarter of the Military Organization of the
Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UIA) Open Air Memorial Museum
Our history, fame and honors are here,
And here are the relics of our fate
This museum was opened to celebrate the 50th
anniversary of Ukrainian Insurgent Army, in honor
of brave fighters for freedom of Ukraine, active
participants of the national-liberation movement in
Shumsk region. There are a little house of the UIA
headquarter, a relaxation room, a summer classroom,
kryivka (the special mansion under the ground to live
and hide from enemies), a chapel, a spring and an
insurgent cemetery on the territory of the Memorial
The chapel was built in a cozy hollow at the
place where the church was. During the Feast of the
Intercession, on October 14, they hold a Service for
sons and daughters of Ukraine who passed away for
freedom and liberty of our country. A narrow path
leads to the cemetery where UIA brave fighters have
been buried. You can see 30 graves with birch crosses
with national embroidered towels tied on them. There
is a big Cross not far from this place. It is a symbol of
memory of all UIA fighters. 11
仂舒 丕仆舒
仂舒 丕仆舒  亞亠仂仍仂亞仆舒, 仄舒-
仍仂于仆亳仂亞仂 仗仂仍 仗舒仄从舒
仗亳仂亟亳 仄亠于仂亞仂 亰仆舒亠仆仆 仂亰舒-
仂于舒仆舒 仄亢 亠仍舒仄亳 弌亢仂从  亠仍亳从舒
亰 亰舒仂亟 亞仂舒 仂仂亠仆舒 亟仂仍亳仆仂, 舒
亰 仗于仆仂 仆亳亰仂于亳仆仂, 亟亠 仗仂从舒 仆亠-
于亠仍亳从舒 从舒 仍仂于从舒. 仂舒 于从亳舒 仍-
舒仄亳. 亰亟 仆舒 亞仂 亰 弍仂从 亞仂亳 舒仍亳亶
丕仆舒.  亞仂亳 于亟从亳于舒 亟仂于亳亶
从舒于亳亟, 仗亳仂亟仆 亰仆仂弍舒于 仆舒亳-
 仗仂于 仆亠仗仂于仂仆亳仄亳 仍ム亳仄亳
舒仂仄舒舒仄亳, 仄亳仆舒 仂仂弍仍亳于仂 弍舒亞舒舒
仆舒 仗舒仄从亳 仄亳仆于亳仆亳. 弌舒仄亠 
仂亰舒仂于于舒于 仍仂仗亳仆亳亶 舒仆亳仍于
亞舒亟. 舒 于亟舒仆 50 仄亠于 仆舒 亰舒亟,
仆亳亢亠 仗仂 亳仍, 于亳从舒 亟亢亠亠仍仂 亰
从亳舒仍亠于仂, 仗仂亰仂仂 于仂亟仂.
仂舒 丕仆舒 亰仆舒仂亟亳 仗亟 仂仂仂-
仆仂 磻 仗舒仄从舒 仗亳仂亟亳 亰舒 亠仆-
仆礆 于亳从仂仆舒于仂亞仂 从仂仄亠 丐亠仆仂-
仗仍从仂 仂弍仍舒仆仂 舒亟亳 于亟 19.11.1984
仂从 320.12
Mount Unias
Mount Unias is geological
picturesque natural place of
local significance. It is situated between
two villages Stizhok and Velyka Ilovytsia.
On the west, the mount is surrounded
by the valley and on the north by the
lowland, where the small river Ilovka
runs. Mt Unias is covered with forest.
The entry is from the side of the Mt Malyi
Unias. You can observe a wonderful
landscape from the top, where natural
diversity fills the air with unique healthy
aroma. This place is especially rich for the
relics of the past. There was also situated
annalistic Danyliv Castle. 50 meters to
the west, down the slope, crystal-clear
water runs from the healing spring.
Mt Unias is under the protection
as a natural memorial according to
the decision  320 of the Executive
Committee of Ternopil Regional
Council, since19th November 1984.
束舒仆亳仍仂于舒 亞仂舒損
(亞仂舒 丐亶)
束舒仆亳仍仂于舒 亞仂舒損 (亞仂舒 丐亶)
 仄舒仍仂于仆亳舒 亞仂舒  仂舒仆亠
亰 仄舒仍亠仆从仂 舒仂于亳仆仆仂 亠从于仂 仆舒
于亠亳仆, 仂亰舒仂于舒仆舒 于 弍舒亞舒仂仄 于仂
仄亳仆于亳仆仂 亠仍 弌亢仂从. 仂仂于亠舒
舒仆亳仍仂于舒 亞仂舒 仗亟仆仄舒 仆舒亟 亟仂仍亳仆仂
仗仂 亟于 亰 仆亳亰从仂 亞 舒仍亳亶 丕仆,
仂舒 弍仂于舒, 仍仂亟亶从舒, 亊仄仆舒. 仂舒 仄舒
于亠仍亳从  弍舒亞舒 仂. 丕于亠 舒亠仂仍仂亞-
仆亳亶 仄舒亠舒仍 亰仆舒亶亟亠仆亳亶 仗亟 舒 仂亰从仂仗仂从
于 舒仆亳仍仂于 于亟仗仂于亟舒 仍仂仗亳仆亳仄 于亠-
亟亢亠仆仆礆 仗仂 亠 仂亳仆亠 仄亠.
 2004 仂 仆舒从舒亰仂仄 8 丐亠仆仂仗仍-
从仂 仂弍仍舒仆仂 从仂仄仆舒仍仆仂 仆仗亠从 仂仂-
仂仆亳 仗舒仄仂从 仂 舒 从仍亳 亞仂仂亟亳-
亠 于 亠仍 弌亢仂从 于 仂亳 束仂舒 于仂
丐亶損 仂亳仄舒仍仂 舒 束舒于仆仂从舒
从仍舒 丱-丱 .  仗舒仄从舒 舒亠仂仍仂亞
仄亠于仂亞仂 亰仆舒亠仆仆. 弌舒仄舒 亞仂舒  亞亠仂仍仂亞-
仆仂 (仄舒仍仂于仆亳仂亞仂 仗仂仍) 仗舒仄从仂
仗亳仂亟亳 仄亠于仂亞仂 亰仆舒亠仆仆.
束Danyliv Mountain損
(Mount Trinity)
束Danyliv Mountain損 (Mount
Trinity) is a picturesque mount,
a small remnant of an old church at the peak,
located in historically rich village Stizhok.
Danyliv Mount is situated above the valley,
next to the mountains Malyi Uniias, Hostra
Dubova, Zlodiika, Yamna. It has a long and
rich history. All archaeological material
was found during excavations here, and
corresponds to the chronicles of this historic
In 2004, by order 8 of the Ternopil
Regional Municipal Inspection of Protection
Historical and Cultural Monuments the
of the Holy Trinity損 Tract has received the
status of 束Old East Slavic Culture of the 10th-
13th centuries - Archaeological Monument
of Local Significance損. The Mountain itself
is the geological natural monument of local
亳 于仂仄 亰仆仂仄舒仆 从舒-
仆从亳 亠从仂于  舒仄于, 仂
仆舒仍亠亢舒 亰仆亳仄 从仂仆亠礆, 仂仂弍仍亳-
于仂 于亳亟仍 弌仗舒仂-亠仂弍舒亢亠仆-
从舒 亠从于舒 于 丿仄从. 丶亠亶 舒仄 仆亠
仍从亳 亰舒亰仆舒于 弍亠亰仍 亰仄仆  亰仂于仆-
仆仂仄 于亳亞仍磲, 舒仍亠  从仍从舒 舒亰于 仗亠亠-
仂亟亳于 亰 仂亟仆 从仂仆亠 于 仆. 丶亠从于舒
弍亟于舒仍舒 于 1637 仂. 弌仗舒仂-亠-
仂弍舒亢亠仆从舒 亠从于舒 于亳从仂仆舒仆舒 于 亞仂-
亳仆仂-亠仆亠舒仆仆仂仄 亳仍 舒 于舒亢舒
于仂 于亠仍亳  从舒仂.
Holy Transfiguration
Among the variety of Ukrainian
churches and temples belonging
to different confessions, one of the most
famous is Holy Transfiguration Church
in Shumsk. This church was not only
rebuilt many times, but also several
times has changed the confession. The
church was built in 1637. The Holy
Transfiguration Church was created
in the Gothic Renaissance style and
impresses by its significance and beauty.
仂亠仍 束仂仍亳仆損, 于仍. .个舒仆从舒, 36, 仄.丿仄从.
舒-仄仂亠仍 束舒亢損, 于仍. 丼亳礌从舒 114, 仄.丿仄从.
亠仂舒仆 束从舒損 于仍. .个舒仆从舒, 36, 仄.丿仄从.
舒亠 束舒亰从舒損, 于仍. 丕从舒仆从舒, 42, 仄.丿仄从.
亟舒仆 5 亠仄亠仆亠从仂 舒仆 亠从亠仆仆仂 仄亠亟亳仆仂 亟仂仗仂仄仂亞亳 舒 仄亠亟亳仆亳
从舒舒仂, 于仍. 仆亠亞亠亳仆舒, 1, 仄.丿仄从, 亠仍  103
丿仄从亳亶 舒亶仂仆仆亳亶 于亟亟仍 丕弌 丕从舒仆亳 于 丐亠仆仂仗仍从亶 仂弍仍舒 亟亠舒: 丐亠-
仆仂仗仍从舒 仂弍仍. 仄. 丿仄从 于仍. 舒于仂亟从舒, 3, 亠仍  101
丱 弌:
于仂亳 仂仂: 从仂 弌仄仂仍磻, 从舒亟亶 仂从亳亶, 亳仂仍舒于 亠仆从仂,
亠仆亳 丐仂仄仂于, ミ莞斜湖姉 仂仍弍, 舒从亳仄 , 亳从仂仍舒 亞, 亳从仂仍舒亶
舒亞仂亟亳 舒 从仂 于舒仆亳从舒.
亳亰舒亶仆 舒 于亠从舒: 从仂 弌仄仂仍磻
丿丕弌亂   弌丐丶亊
于仍. 丕从舒仆从舒, 59, 仄. 丿仄从, 丐亠仆仂仗仍从舒 仂弍仍舒, 47100
亠仍. +38 (03558) 2-11-98, 2-12-78
e-mail: rda@shm.tr.ukrtel.net
web-舒亶: http://www.oda.te.gov.ua/shumska
 丕亂丐丕  丐丕丕

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  • 2. 仄亳仆舒 舒于仆亳亶 仗亳于- 仍亶从亳亶 从舒亶, 仄舒仍仂于仆亳亳亶 从仂仂从 仂仍亳仆从仂 亰亠仄仍. 亳于 仗亳仂亟舒 丿仄亳仆亳, 于舒亢舒 仂. 舒亶仂仆仆亳亶 亠仆 丿仄从 仂亰从亳仆于- 仆舒 仗舒于仂仄 弍亠亠亰 从亳 仍. 丶亠 仂亟仆亠 亰 仆舒亶舒亳 仄 仂仍亳仆, 仗亳- 舒仆舒 仂 磻仂亞仂 仆舒舒仂于 弍仍亳亰从仂 亟亠于亳 仂仍. Shumsk Region a beautiful picturesque land of Volyn. Its nature surprises us, its history impresses us. Shumsk district center is situated on the right bank of the river Viliia. It is one of the oldest towns in Volyn and its recorded history is about nine centuries. 束亂 亊, 弌 亊, 亊 亊 弌亊丼損 2
  • 3. 丕仂亳亠 束弌仂仆亳仆舒損 舒于仆 亞仂仂亟亳亠 丿仄从舒 仄舒仍仂于仆亳仂仄 仂亳 束弌仂- 仆亳仆舒損, 仂 仄亢 亠仍舒仄亳 仆亳- 从于 亳从于, 仆舒 仗舒亞仂弍, 仍ミ頴姉黍術亶 仄亳仆 于亟仗仂亳仆从 仄舒仆 舒 亞仂亠亶 仄舒, 仗亠从舒仆仂 亰弍亠亠亞仍亳 于舒仍亳 亟舒于- 仆仂亞仂 亞舒亟. 仆亳仆 仄仂亢仆舒 仗仂亶亳 亶仂亞仂 于仍亳礆亳, 仗亟仆亳 仆舒 从仆礀亳亶 亟亳亳仆亠, 亟亠 亟于仂仄亠仂于亳亶 从舒仄礌亳亶 亠 亰仆舒亳 仄亠 仂亰舒于舒仆仆 亟亠于仆仂亞仂 舒仄 于仂亞仂 弌亳仄亠仂仆舒 弌亳仍舒. Apicturesque Sosnyna Tract is situated on the hill, between villages Onyshkivtsi and Brykiv. This is a favorite vacation place for the citizens of Shumsk and their guests. Also the ancient castle walls has been preserving perfectly there. And even now, you can walk its streets, climb the princely citadel, where you can find six-foot stone cross that means the location of the ancient church of St. Simeon Stylites. 3
  • 4. 亳仄仂-从舒仂仍亳从亳亶 仂亠仍 亠仗仂仂仆仂亞仂 亰舒舒 于亳 舒 仂亠仍 仗舒仄从舒 舒亠从亳, 仂- 丿仄从仂亞仂 从舒 仂仗亠亠亟仆亶 从仂亠仍 仗仂亟亢亠仆仂 1852 仂 仄舒于亳舒仆从仂-亞仂亳仆仂仄 亳仍. 仍 1945 仂从 于亳仆 亰舒从亳仍亳, 舒仄 于亳舒亟亳仍亳 仗仂于 (亰舒仍亳亳于 仍从亳 仆亟舒仄亠仆). 丕 1995-2005 仂从舒 亠亶 从仂亠仍 弍仍仂 于亟于仂亠仆仂 仆舒 仍仍仂仄 仆亟舒仄亠仆. 仂于仂亰弍亟仂于舒仆亳亶 舒仄 于舒亢舒 于仂 于亠- 仍亳 从舒仂. 仂亳仆 仆仆 舒 仗亳于舒弍仍亳于, 仂仂- 弍仍亳于仂 亟仍 亟舒仗仂亳, 舒仆仂于仍 亳仄舒仍仂 仗仂仍- 从亳 仗仂仂于舒仆, 仂 亰仆舒仂亟 于 仄.丿仄从. 4
  • 5. Roman Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary ACatholic church is a monument of the architecture and history of Shumsk Region. The previous church was built in 1852 in the Moorish-Gothic style. It was closed in 1945, and the sanctuary was detonated (only foundation left). In 1995-2005 this church was reconstructed on the surviving foundation. A newly built temple is striking by its greatness and beauty. Many Polish graves are on the territory of the town and have a great significance for the diaspora. 5
  • 6. 丱舒仄 仆舒 仄 仄舒亶弍仆仂亞仂 弌于仂舒仄仍仂于从仂亞仂 仂仍仂于仂亞仂 仄仂仆舒亳 舒仄仆舒仄仄舒亶弍仆仂亞仂弌于- 仂舒仄仍仂于从仂亞仂 仂仍仂于仂- 亞仂 仄仂仆舒亳 仗仂亟亢亠仆仂 仗仂磪仂仄 2010 仂从. 丱舒仄 亰舒从仍舒亟亠仆亳亶 仆舒 亠 仂亟亢亠仆 . 仍仂于亳, 于亠仍亳从仂亞仂 从舒- 仆从仂亞仂 于仂亞仂 丱丱 仂仍 亠- 仗仂亟仂弍仆仂亞仂 仄仍仂 仂舒于从仂亞仂, 磻亳亶 弍于 仗仂仍仆亳从仂仄 仂舒于从亶 弌于仂-丕仗亠仆从亶 舒于. 弌仗仂亟亢亠仆- 仆 于 亟仆仂仄 亠仍 舒仄 仄仂仆舒亳 弌于亳亶 仗亠亠亟弍舒亳于 亠 亰舒 于仂亞仂 亢亳 从仂仍亳 于 仂亟仆亠 亰 仂亞仂仍亢仆, 仆舒 仄 仄舒亶弍仆仂亞仂 弌于仂舒仄仍仂于从仂亞仂 仂仍仂于仂亞仂 仄仂仆舒亳 亰舒仄亳仂仂亳仍舒 从仂仆舒, 亠 弍于 亰仆舒从, 从仂亳亶 于从舒亰于舒于 仆舒 亠, 仂 仄亠 亟仍 亰于亠亟亠仆仆 舒仄 于亳- 弍舒仆仂 于仆仂, 磻 亰舒仗仂于亟舒于 仗舒于亠亟仆亳从. 6
  • 7. The Temple on the Place of the Future St. Amphilochious Monastery The temple on the place of the future St. Amphilochious Monastery was built in 2010. Temple was founded in honor of a native of village Ilovytsya, the great Ukrainian Saint of the 20th century St. Amphilochius of Pochayiv, who was a novice in Holy Dormition Pochayiv Lavra. Church and monastery construction in his native village was predicted by the Saint during his life. Once, during the Divine Service, one of the icons secreted myrrh on the place of the future St. Amphilochious Monastery, and it was a sign that the place for construction had been chosen correctly, according to righteous man will. 7
  • 8. 舒亞舒从亳亶 仂仍仂于亳亶 仄仂仆舒亳 于仂亞仂 仂舒仆仆舒 亳仍仂亳于仂亞仂. 1626 仂 弍于 亰舒从仍舒亟亠仆亳亶 仗亠- 亳亶 从舒仄仆 仗亟 弍亟于仆亳于仂 仂仍仂于仂亞仂 仄仂仆舒亳 于仂亞仂 仂舒仆仆舒 亳仍仂亳于仂亞仂, 仂 仆舒亞舒亟 仂弍仂仂仆仆 仗仂亟. 亶仂亞仂 弍亟于仍 弍仍亳 仂仂亠仆 于亳仂从亳仄 仄仂仄. 仂仆舒亳从亳亶 舒仄 亠仗亠 于舒- 亢舒 于仂仄 弍舒亞舒于仂仄. 丐 仂亟仆仂- 仆亳亶 从仂仆仂舒 亰 仂仆仂亞仂 仄仂亠仆仂亞仂 亟弍舒 亰 于亳从舒仆亳仄 亰弍仍亠仆仆礆, 仄亟- 仆 仗亟于仆亳从亳, 弍仆 亶 仗仂亰仂仍仂亠仆 舒, 舒仂亟从亳, 于亠仍亳从亳亶 舒于. 亠- 仍亳从仂 于亳仆亠 舒仄 于仂亞仂 仄仂- 仆舒亳 亰舒仍亳舒 从仂仆舒 于仂亞仂 仂舒仆仆舒 亳仍仂亳于仂亞仂 亰 仄仂舒仄亳 仗舒- 于亠亟仆亳从舒. 弌仗仂亟亳 舒亞舒从仂亞仂 仂仍仂于仂亞仂 仄仂仆舒亳 于仂亞仂 仂舒仆仆舒 亳仍仂亳- 于仂亞仂 于仆亠亠仆 亟仂 亟亠亢舒于仆仂亞仂 亠 仆舒仂仆舒仍仆仂亞仂 从仍仆仂亞仂 仆舒亟弍舒仆- 仆, 磻 仗舒仄从亳 舒亠从亳 丕从舒仆亳 (亰舒 1854/0 舒 亰舒 1854/1). 8
  • 9. Zahaitsi St. John the Merciful Monastery In 1626 the first stone for the construction of St. John the Merciful Monastery was laid. This building mostly looks like fortification, because all its buildings were surrounded by high walls. Even now, the Monastery is striking by its luxury. Here we have a single-stage iconostasis made of black bog oak with exquisite carving, brass candlesticks, silver and golden chalices, vintage books, large archive. The greatest shrine of the temple and the whole Monastery is icon of St. John the Merciful with the relics of the righteous. Buildings of Zahaitsi St. John the Merciful Monastery are included into the State Register of Cultural Heritage as an architectural monument of Ukraine (1854/0 and 1854/1). 9
  • 10. 亰亠亶 仗亟 于亟从亳亳仄 仆亠弍仂仄 束丿舒弍 丕 束仂仍亳仆-于亟亠仆損 束丐 仆舒舒 仂, 仍舒于舒 亠, 丐 仆舒仂 亟仂仍 仗仂从亳于亟亢亠仆 仄仂...損 亟从亳亳亶 亰 仆舒亞仂亟亳 于亟亰仆舒亠仆仆 50- 丕 仆舒 于舒仆于舒仆仆 于亟于舒亢仆亳 弍仂于 亰舒 于仂仍 丕从舒仆亳, 舒从亳于仆亳 舒仆亳从于 仆舒仂仆舒仍- 仆仂-于亳亰于仂仍仆仂亞仂 仆舒 丿仄亳仆. 舒 亠亳仂 仄亰亠 仂亰舒仂于舒仆亳亶 弍亟亳仆仂仂从 舒弍 丕 , 于亟- 仗仂亳于舒仍仆, 仍仆亶 从仍舒, 从亳于从舒, 从舒仗仍亳从舒, 亟亢亠- 亠仍亠, 仗仂于舒仆从亳亶 于亳仆舒. 舒仗仍亳 仗仂弍亟仂于舒仆舒 于 亰舒亳仆亶 仍仂亞仂于亳仆 仆舒 仄 舒弍仂仂于仂亞仂 舒仄. 亟亠仆 仂从仂于亳 亠- 于仂 仂亞仂仂亟亳 于 仆亶 于亟仗舒于仍 仄仂仍亠弍亠仆 于仍仂 仗舒仄 亰舒亞亳弍仍亳 亳仆于 亟仂仂从 丕从舒仆亳, 仂 于仗舒仍亳 亰舒 于仂仍. 亠亢从舒, 仂 于亠亟亠 于亞仂 于亳于仂亟亳 仆舒 仗仂于舒仆从亳亶 于亳仆舒. 丐 于 亳仆舒亟亳 仄仂亞亳- 仍舒 仗仂仂于舒仆 于仂磻亳 丕. 舒 仄仂亞亳仍舒 于舒仆仂于仍亠仆 弍亠亠亰仂于 亠亳, 仗仂于磶舒仆 于亳亳亳仄亳 仆亳从舒仄亳, 仆亠仗仂亟舒仍从 于亠仍亳从亳亶 丱亠 亳仄于仂仍 仗舒仄 于 亰舒- 亞亳弍仍亳 于仂磻于 丕. 10
  • 11. Volyn-the South Headquarter of the Military Organization of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UIA) Open Air Memorial Museum Our history, fame and honors are here, And here are the relics of our fate This museum was opened to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Ukrainian Insurgent Army, in honor of brave fighters for freedom of Ukraine, active participants of the national-liberation movement in Shumsk region. There are a little house of the UIA headquarter, a relaxation room, a summer classroom, kryivka (the special mansion under the ground to live and hide from enemies), a chapel, a spring and an insurgent cemetery on the territory of the Memorial Museum. The chapel was built in a cozy hollow at the place where the church was. During the Feast of the Intercession, on October 14, they hold a Service for sons and daughters of Ukraine who passed away for freedom and liberty of our country. A narrow path leads to the cemetery where UIA brave fighters have been buried. You can see 30 graves with birch crosses with national embroidered towels tied on them. There is a big Cross not far from this place. It is a symbol of memory of all UIA fighters. 11
  • 12. 仂舒 丕仆舒 仂舒 丕仆舒 亞亠仂仍仂亞仆舒, 仄舒- 仍仂于仆亳仂亞仂 仗仂仍 仗舒仄从舒 仗亳仂亟亳 仄亠于仂亞仂 亰仆舒亠仆仆 仂亰舒- 仂于舒仆舒 仄亢 亠仍舒仄亳 弌亢仂从 亠仍亳从舒 仍仂于亳 亰 亰舒仂亟 亞仂舒 仂仂亠仆舒 亟仂仍亳仆仂, 舒 亰 仗于仆仂 仆亳亰仂于亳仆仂, 亟亠 仗仂从舒 仆亠- 于亠仍亳从舒 从舒 仍仂于从舒. 仂舒 于从亳舒 仍- 舒仄亳. 亰亟 仆舒 亞仂 亰 弍仂从 亞仂亳 舒仍亳亶 丕仆舒. 亞仂亳 于亟从亳于舒 亟仂于亳亶 从舒于亳亟, 仗亳仂亟仆 亰仆仂弍舒于 仆舒亳- 仗仂于 仆亠仗仂于仂仆亳仄亳 仍ム亳仄亳 舒仂仄舒舒仄亳, 仄亳仆舒 仂仂弍仍亳于仂 弍舒亞舒舒 仆舒 仗舒仄从亳 仄亳仆于亳仆亳. 弌舒仄亠 仂亰舒仂于于舒于 仍仂仗亳仆亳亶 舒仆亳仍于 亞舒亟. 舒 于亟舒仆 50 仄亠于 仆舒 亰舒亟, 仆亳亢亠 仗仂 亳仍, 于亳从舒 亟亢亠亠仍仂 亰 从亳舒仍亠于仂, 仗仂亰仂仂 于仂亟仂. 仂舒 丕仆舒 亰仆舒仂亟亳 仗亟 仂仂仂- 仆仂 磻 仗舒仄从舒 仗亳仂亟亳 亰舒 亠仆- 仆礆 于亳从仂仆舒于仂亞仂 从仂仄亠 丐亠仆仂- 仗仍从仂 仂弍仍舒仆仂 舒亟亳 于亟 19.11.1984 仂从 320.12
  • 13. Mount Unias Mount Unias is geological picturesque natural place of local significance. It is situated between two villages Stizhok and Velyka Ilovytsia. On the west, the mount is surrounded by the valley and on the north by the lowland, where the small river Ilovka runs. Mt Unias is covered with forest. The entry is from the side of the Mt Malyi Unias. You can observe a wonderful landscape from the top, where natural diversity fills the air with unique healthy aroma. This place is especially rich for the relics of the past. There was also situated annalistic Danyliv Castle. 50 meters to the west, down the slope, crystal-clear water runs from the healing spring. Mt Unias is under the protection as a natural memorial according to the decision 320 of the Executive Committee of Ternopil Regional Council, since19th November 1984. 13
  • 14. 束舒仆亳仍仂于舒 亞仂舒損 (亞仂舒 丐亶) 束舒仆亳仍仂于舒 亞仂舒損 (亞仂舒 丐亶) 仄舒仍仂于仆亳舒 亞仂舒 仂舒仆亠 亰 仄舒仍亠仆从仂 舒仂于亳仆仆仂 亠从于仂 仆舒 于亠亳仆, 仂亰舒仂于舒仆舒 于 弍舒亞舒仂仄 于仂 仄亳仆于亳仆仂 亠仍 弌亢仂从. 仂仂于亠舒 舒仆亳仍仂于舒 亞仂舒 仗亟仆仄舒 仆舒亟 亟仂仍亳仆仂 仗仂 亟于 亰 仆亳亰从仂 亞 舒仍亳亶 丕仆, 仂舒 弍仂于舒, 仍仂亟亶从舒, 亊仄仆舒. 仂舒 仄舒 于亠仍亳从 弍舒亞舒 仂. 丕于亠 舒亠仂仍仂亞- 仆亳亶 仄舒亠舒仍 亰仆舒亶亟亠仆亳亶 仗亟 舒 仂亰从仂仗仂从 于 舒仆亳仍仂于 于亟仗仂于亟舒 仍仂仗亳仆亳仄 于亠- 亟亢亠仆仆礆 仗仂 亠 仂亳仆亠 仄亠. 2004 仂 仆舒从舒亰仂仄 8 丐亠仆仂仗仍- 从仂 仂弍仍舒仆仂 从仂仄仆舒仍仆仂 仆仗亠从 仂仂- 仂仆亳 仗舒仄仂从 仂 舒 从仍亳 亞仂仂亟亳- 亠 于 亠仍 弌亢仂从 于 仂亳 束仂舒 于仂 丐亶損 仂亳仄舒仍仂 舒 束舒于仆仂从舒 从仍舒 丱-丱 . 仗舒仄从舒 舒亠仂仍仂亞 仄亠于仂亞仂 亰仆舒亠仆仆. 弌舒仄舒 亞仂舒 亞亠仂仍仂亞- 仆仂 (仄舒仍仂于仆亳仂亞仂 仗仂仍) 仗舒仄从仂 仗亳仂亟亳 仄亠于仂亞仂 亰仆舒亠仆仆. 14
  • 15. 束Danyliv Mountain損 (Mount Trinity) 束Danyliv Mountain損 (Mount Trinity) is a picturesque mount, a small remnant of an old church at the peak, located in historically rich village Stizhok. Danyliv Mount is situated above the valley, next to the mountains Malyi Uniias, Hostra Dubova, Zlodiika, Yamna. It has a long and rich history. All archaeological material was found during excavations here, and corresponds to the chronicles of this historic place. In 2004, by order 8 of the Ternopil Regional Municipal Inspection of Protection Historical and Cultural Monuments the settlementinthevillageStizhokinthe束Mount of the Holy Trinity損 Tract has received the status of 束Old East Slavic Culture of the 10th- 13th centuries - Archaeological Monument of Local Significance損. The Mountain itself is the geological natural monument of local significance. 15
  • 16. 弌仗舒仂-亠仂弍舒亢亠仆从舒 亠从于舒 亳 于仂仄 亰仆仂仄舒仆 从舒- 仆从亳 亠从仂于 舒仄于, 仂 仆舒仍亠亢舒 亰仆亳仄 从仂仆亠礆, 仂仂弍仍亳- 于仂 于亳亟仍 弌仗舒仂-亠仂弍舒亢亠仆- 从舒 亠从于舒 于 丿仄从. 丶亠亶 舒仄 仆亠 仍从亳 亰舒亰仆舒于 弍亠亰仍 亰仄仆 亰仂于仆- 仆仂仄 于亳亞仍磲, 舒仍亠 从仍从舒 舒亰于 仗亠亠- 仂亟亳于 亰 仂亟仆 从仂仆亠 于 仆. 丶亠从于舒 弍亟于舒仍舒 于 1637 仂. 弌仗舒仂-亠- 仂弍舒亢亠仆从舒 亠从于舒 于亳从仂仆舒仆舒 于 亞仂- 亳仆仂-亠仆亠舒仆仆仂仄 亳仍 舒 于舒亢舒 于仂 于亠仍亳 从舒仂. 16
  • 17. Holy Transfiguration Church Among the variety of Ukrainian churches and temples belonging to different confessions, one of the most famous is Holy Transfiguration Church in Shumsk. This church was not only rebuilt many times, but also several times has changed the confession. The church was built in 1637. The Holy Transfiguration Church was created in the Gothic Renaissance style and impresses by its significance and beauty. 17
  • 18. 仂亠仍 束仂仍亳仆損, 于仍. .个舒仆从舒, 36, 仄.丿仄从. 舒-仄仂亠仍 束舒亢損, 于仍. 丼亳礌从舒 114, 仄.丿仄从. 亠仂舒仆 束从舒損 于仍. .个舒仆从舒, 36, 仄.丿仄从. 舒亠 束舒亰从舒損, 于仍. 丕从舒仆从舒, 42, 仄.丿仄从. 亟舒仆 5 亠仄亠仆亠从仂 舒仆 亠从亠仆仆仂 仄亠亟亳仆仂 亟仂仗仂仄仂亞亳 舒 仄亠亟亳仆亳 从舒舒仂, 于仍. 仆亠亞亠亳仆舒, 1, 仄.丿仄从, 亠仍 103 丿仄从亳亶 舒亶仂仆仆亳亶 于亟亟仍 丕弌 丕从舒仆亳 于 丐亠仆仂仗仍从亶 仂弍仍舒 亟亠舒: 丐亠- 仆仂仗仍从舒 仂弍仍. 仄. 丿仄从 于仍. 舒于仂亟从舒, 3, 亠仍 101 丱 弌: 18
  • 19. 于仂亳 仂仂: 从仂 弌仄仂仍磻, 从舒亟亶 仂从亳亶, 亳仂仍舒于 亠仆从仂, 亠仆亳 丐仂仄仂于, ミ莞斜湖姉 仂仍弍, 舒从亳仄 , 亳从仂仍舒 亞, 亳从仂仍舒亶 舒亞仂亟亳 舒 从仂 于舒仆亳从舒. 亳亰舒亶仆 舒 于亠从舒: 从仂 弌仄仂仍磻 丿丕弌亂 弌丐丶亊 于仍. 丕从舒仆从舒, 59, 仄. 丿仄从, 丐亠仆仂仗仍从舒 仂弍仍舒, 47100 亠仍. +38 (03558) 2-11-98, 2-12-78 e-mail: rda@shm.tr.ukrtel.net web-舒亶: http://www.oda.te.gov.ua/shumska 丶丐 丕亂丐丕 丐丕丕 19