The document discusses the Arab Spring uprisings that began in late 2010 in North Africa and the Middle East. It summarizes the key events in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, and Syria, where citizens rose up to protest authoritarian rulers and demand democratic reforms. Long-standing issues like high unemployment, poverty, and lack of political freedom contributed to public unrest. The outcomes of these protests and uprisings varied between countries and unrest continued in some areas like Syria, where the government violently cracked down on dissent and a civil war ensued.
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North Africa & Middle East
Traditionally seen as immune to Democracy
Democracy has come to South America, Asia, Eastern Europe
Typical features
Bad rulers (Monarchs and Dictators)
Poor Human Development Indicators
High Unemployment
Terrorist and Fundamentalist fringe elements
Sectarian or Tribal loyalties
Rule by brute force and by fear
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Foreign Patronage
Saddam Husain -US (Against Khomeinis Iran)
Syria, Yemen by USSR
Bahrain by Saudi Arabia
International community was neutral
Stability of the region
Fear of fundamentalism
Belief Unsuitable for Democracy
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Tunisia Dec 2010
Small Country fringe player in the Arab World
Better Educated, Relatively Prosperous nation
Non Violent revolution
Mohamed Bouazizi Fruit vendor
Millions onto the street
Current Status: Democratic Coalition Govt
Nahda, Islamist party + 2 Secular Parties
Peaceful transition
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Egypt January 2010
One of the cradles of the World Civilization
18 years of Hosni Mubarak
18 days of protests at Tahrir Square
Army withdrew support from Hosni Mubarak
Current Status
Democratic and fair elections held
Muslim Brotherhood, Army & Liberals key players
Extremist Salafist Party
Secular Liberals Disorganized & unprepared
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Egypt What lies in store
Poor state of the economy
Dependent on Tourism and Foreign Aid
High inflation & Unemployment
Muslim Brotherhood
Strike a balance Islam and Modernity
Well organized and politically savvy
Secular Liberals
Urban, Educated
Army is the key
Large reasonably modern disciplined army
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Libya Feb Oct 2011
Oil Rich, Sparsely populated
40 years of Mummar Qaddafi
No traces of Democracy or civil rights
Rule of terror, megalomania, opulence
Flirtation with Terorrism
Protests to Civil War
Use of force against unarmed protesters
Defections from armed forces
Western Air support tilts the balance
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Bahrain Feb 2011
A key ally of Saudi Arabia - USA
The Khalifa Dynasty (Sunni)
Vast majority is Shia
Protests for democracy, Constitutional monarchy
Saudi Troops sent to back the Ruling monarchy
USA stays largely silent
30 Killed, 300+ arrested, many missing
Key Forces
Largest opposition party Wefaq
The Suadi Royal Family
Kuwait offered services as Mediator
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Syria March 2011 onwards
President Bashar AL Assad
Ruler since 1963
Emergency law since 63 bans opp parties
Protests Repression Civil War
Unarmed protests are brutally put down
Armed rebellion escalates to civil war
Over 30,000 people killed
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Syria March 2011 onwards
Free Syrian Army
Rebels and Defectors from Syrian Army
Formation of Government in Exile
Recognition by 149 countries
Arab League intervention
Throws Syria our of the league
Imposes sanctions, joined by Turkey
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Key Learning's
Educated unemployed people have high aspirations, can lead
to dissatisfaction
Aspirations and hope is contagious
Social Media is highly effective at organizing protests and
difficult to censor
Democratic institutions take time to build
Editor's Notes
#2: Arab Spring is the name given to a wave of protests which sought to change governments. In some cases non violent and in some cases violent, it spread from country to country. It is also significant that it was led by the youth, was largely secular and aimed at bringing about representative democracy. Another significant fact would be the extensive use of social media probably the first mass movement that relied on Internet and social media.
#7: 4 Finance ministers changed in less than a year
#8: Oct 2011,Qadaffiz convoy was hit by western air strikes and then Rebels found him hidden in a drain pipe, dragged and killed him.