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Organization / Workplace
Dhaka, Bangladesh, Islam Bangladesh
SumThiNg About meh??? O.o ???
Well i ♥ myself & try 2 listen what ma heart says!!! Um lil bit tempered n shy typ girl!!!
¤ Um always confused ..sumtyms i dnt even
knw wht im doing n y?? i usually mess up
every single thing :|
¤ Um Vrry LaZzYy!! Ma Attitude is kinda
Childishh!!Vry much frndly wid ma buddies nd
reserve wid unknownz!!! People who dnt
know me think um quiet bt ppl that do know
me, wish I was!! :P
¤ It Ud b difficult 2 describe myself in few words
but I Ud say that, "Waseka knows how 2
L♥vE & Live lyf." :D N People call me
INSANE but i prefer the word
"MentaLLy - HiLaRiouS" :P XD
¤ N Last but Not d l
Users following Waseka Farzana