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Leadership and MotivationNone of us can change our yesterdays,But all of us can change our tomorrows COLING POWELLWagner da Silva
Dreams  The power of WhyWhat is your dream?To achieve anything significant, everyone needs a little imagination and a big Dream -  Norman Vincent PaleUntil you give yourself to some great cause, you havent begun to fully live -  John MasonEveryman dies, not every man really lives  Mel Gibson as William Wallace in the movie BraveheartNever let your fears stand in the way of your dream - unknown
Dreams  Lets make some notesWhat would you do if you  knew you couldnt fail?What would your life to be like in five years if you could design it your self?Family lifeFitness and healthFinancialYour business FriendshipFaith
How do you think determines how you liveSuccess can be LearnedDreamers are in MinorityCriticism is Normal for an AchieverTake the long term viewTake ResponsibilityFocus Only Upon What You Can ControlIts not What Happens, Its How You Handle ItCommit to your dreamsIf you think you can, you can. If you think you cant , you cant. Either way, youre right    Mary Kay Ash
Right Mind SetSuccess is a HabitSo its failure
Developing your LeadershipWhat is that I dont know that I need to know, so I can have what I want?Read Listen Association
Create Successful RelationshipsPersonal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement, all success, all achievement in real life grows  Ben SteinListening pays offArgue less and listen moreBe interested rather than interestingAsk QuestionsMake only agreements that you intend to keep
You are the leader of your teamWhat are you communicating?50 % Body language30% Tone and inflection of your voice20% Words
Practice Uncommon AppreciationThere is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread  Mother TeresaFind a Way to ServeYou will get more than you giveSTART NOW! . JUST DO IT!A Journey of 1,000 miles must begin with one step ANCIENT CHINESE PROVERB

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  • 1. Leadership and MotivationNone of us can change our yesterdays,But all of us can change our tomorrows COLING POWELLWagner da Silva
  • 2. Dreams The power of WhyWhat is your dream?To achieve anything significant, everyone needs a little imagination and a big Dream - Norman Vincent PaleUntil you give yourself to some great cause, you havent begun to fully live - John MasonEveryman dies, not every man really lives Mel Gibson as William Wallace in the movie BraveheartNever let your fears stand in the way of your dream - unknown
  • 3. Dreams Lets make some notesWhat would you do if you knew you couldnt fail?What would your life to be like in five years if you could design it your self?Family lifeFitness and healthFinancialYour business FriendshipFaith
  • 4. How do you think determines how you liveSuccess can be LearnedDreamers are in MinorityCriticism is Normal for an AchieverTake the long term viewTake ResponsibilityFocus Only Upon What You Can ControlIts not What Happens, Its How You Handle ItCommit to your dreamsIf you think you can, you can. If you think you cant , you cant. Either way, youre right Mary Kay Ash
  • 5. Right Mind SetSuccess is a HabitSo its failure
  • 6. Developing your LeadershipWhat is that I dont know that I need to know, so I can have what I want?Read Listen Association
  • 7. Create Successful RelationshipsPersonal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement, all success, all achievement in real life grows Ben SteinListening pays offArgue less and listen moreBe interested rather than interestingAsk QuestionsMake only agreements that you intend to keep
  • 8. You are the leader of your teamWhat are you communicating?50 % Body language30% Tone and inflection of your voice20% Words
  • 9. Practice Uncommon AppreciationThere is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread Mother TeresaFind a Way to ServeYou will get more than you giveSTART NOW! . JUST DO IT!A Journey of 1,000 miles must begin with one step ANCIENT CHINESE PROVERB