Medical understanding of disease in medieval Europe changed little between 500-1350 CE. People generally believed that illness was caused by supernatural forces or an imbalance of humours. While some ideas like miasma and humoral imbalance persisted from ancient Greece, the dominant role of the Christian Church discouraged medical progress and alternative theories of disease. Understanding was largely based on ancient Greek theories with little advancement.
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1012 How did Medicine change during the renaissance period?
1. WALT: Compare the changes in
medical understanding in the
medieval period.
E – Give a one sided explanation of the impact of Christianity/Islam.
C – Give a balanced argument as to the impact of BOTH religions.
A – Evaluate whether medical understanding of disease changed.
2. Hot Seat
ONEperson sits at the front, while the
class will ask questions about the topic on the
The challenger will have to guess who or
what the questions are about…
8. How much did the understanding of the causes
of disease change between c500 and c1350?
• In 1348, when the Black Death reached England, the Church
played an important role in medieval ideas. Many people
thought illness had a supernatural cause. Other ideas at the
time were that disease was caused by miasma, or by an
imbalance of the humours.
Introduction – Tell me what you going to say in
your answer in short.
Information – The Filling P.E.E – What’s your
point, why have you said it, can you support it
with a Quote?
Conclusion – Tell me what your argument was.
Tell me what your opinion for change is.
9. Effective Plan.
Question: How much did the understanding of the causes
of disease change between c500 and c1350?
Source: In 1348, when the Black Death reached England, the Church played an
important role in medieval ideas. Many people thought illness had a supernatural
cause. Other ideas at the time were that disease was caused by miasma, or by an
imbalance of the humours.
What did they think the causes of disease were?
At the time of the Black Death?
What the causes of disease were before?
Make a decision…Continuity ? Did Galen followed Hippocrates. Were what they
thought the causes of the black death similar to that of the Greeks and Romans?
Superstitious, Religious or Medical
What information must you include…
What information could you include…
10. Peer Assess…
Grade What do they need to do.
E Generalised answer with little supporting detail, or relevant details on a
very limited aspect of the question. E.g. understanding was based on
Ancient theories;
D Describes ONE theory of the cause of disease which is valid within this
C3 Describes TWO theories of the causes of disease which is valid.
C1 Describes and explains TWO theories of causes of disease and why it did
not change.
B3 Gives a detailed argument that medicine did not progress in the West
because of the impact of the Christian Church but progression was made in
the East.
B1 Gives a detailed argument, has a good introduction and conclusion.
A Evaluates with detail from both sides and comes to a conclusion about
medieval medicine.
11. SELF Assess.
• WWW – Did I show off my knowledge about Ancient
medicine? Did I show off my understanding of medieval
beliefs and continuity?
• EBI - What do I need to do to improve! Was there any
• LIT – How can I improve my literacy?