12 factor app - Core Guidelines To Cloud Ready SolutionsKashif Ali SiddiquiIt is deep journey into the ocean of cloud ready software design, a set of rules that makes a solution scalable and resilient, two core requirements for any cloud based solution.
Dapr - A 10x Developer Framework for Any LanguageBilgin IbryamDapr is a distributed application runtime that aims to simplify building microservices applications. It provides out of the box capabilities for service invocation, publish/subscribe, state management, and other operational needs like security, observability and configuration. Dapr allows building applications using any programming languages or frameworks that can run on any infrastructure. It handles common developer and operational challenges like service discovery, retries, failure handling, and access control. The open source project has seen significant community growth with over 21k GitHub stars and is part of the CNCF.
Gatekeeper: API gatewayChengHui WengIn this WebHack talk I shared my experience about microservices, Docker, Kubernetes and Kong, an API gateway by Mashape. Since they are based on a real working system, this slides is majorly for how to build the whole thing up, not about detailed internal implementation. Although I included some details and reference in order to make it more comprehensive.
Demystfying container-networkingBalasundaram NatarajanDemystifying Docker & Kubernetes
The document provides an overview of container networking standards and models including Docker's Container Network Model (CNM) and Kubernetes' Container Networking Interface (CNI). It discusses Docker networking drivers like bridge, overlay, and host networking. It also covers Kubernetes networking fundamentals like pods, services, ingress, and network policies. The agenda includes a dive into CNM and CNI standards as well as examples of container networking in Docker and Kubernetes.
Docker & kubernetesNexThoughts TechnologiesThis document provides an overview of Docker and Kubernetes (K8S). It defines Docker as an open platform for developing, shipping and running containerized applications. Key Docker features include isolation, low overhead and cross-cloud support. Kubernetes is introduced as an open-source tool for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It operates at the container level. The document then covers K8S architecture, including components like Pods, Deployments, Services and Nodes, and how K8S orchestrates containers across clusters.
Devops ppt copysaigowsiThe document provides an overview of DevOps including definitions of DevOps, why DevOps is needed, common DevOps automation tools, the future of DevOps, and advantages of DevOps. DevOps is defined as an approach where business owners, development, operations, and quality assurance teams collaborate continuously to deliver software. It promotes better collaboration and improves delivery speed and agility. Common automation tools described include AWS, Chef, Jenkins, Splunk, AppDynamics, and Nagios. The future of DevOps includes faster delivery timelines, more user control, and DevOps as a valuable IT skill. Advantages are improved customer value, efficiency, delivery speed, and trust between teams.
Schema-First API DesignYos RiadyThe Schema-first API design approach advocates for writing your API definition first in one of many API Specification languages before writing any code. This talk introduces you to the realm of Schema-First API design and how to get started with the OpenAPI ecosystem.
Room 2 - 1 - Phạm Quang Minh - A real DevOps culture in practiceVietnam Open Infrastructure User GroupThe document discusses establishing a true DevOps culture and environment. It begins by describing the traditional battle between developers and operations staff. DevOps aims to resolve this conflict by having developers and operations work together across the entire application lifecycle. The document then outlines some of the challenges in implementing DevOps and presents steps for establishing a true DevOps environment, including having a common language, planning infrastructure and processes together, coding to DevOps best practices, coordinating deployments, and centralizing monitoring and logs. Key aspects are involving all teams early, sharing information transparently, and avoiding prioritizing specific tools over collaboration.
12-Factor AppsSiva Rama Krishna ChunduruThe twelve-factor app is designed for continuous deployment by keeping the gap between development and production small. For example, make the time gap small, make the personnel gap small & make the tools gap small. Learn more about how a Cloud vendor must provide a platform for 12-factor / Cloud Native development and deployment with identified anti-patterns.
Kubernetes Probes (Liveness, Readyness, Startup) IntroductionAkhmadZakiAlsafiThis document discusses different types of probes in Kubernetes including liveness, readiness, and startup probes. Liveness probes check if a container is running, readiness probes check if a container is ready to receive traffic, and startup probes delay liveness/readiness checks until startup is complete. It provides examples of defining each type of probe using commands, HTTP GET requests, and TCP checks. It also describes configuring probe parameters like initial delays, timeouts, success/failure thresholds.
Apache tomcatShashwat ShriparvThe document discusses setting up and configuring an Apache Tomcat server. It includes steps to install Java, download and extract the Tomcat source package, set environment paths, start and stop the Tomcat server, and test functionality using HTML, JSP and Servlet files. The server runs on port 8080 by default and can host Java web applications built with Servlets and JSP.
Multi cluster management with rancherKyohei MizumotoThe document discusses multi-cluster management using Rancher. It begins with an introduction to Rancher and its features for managing Kubernetes clusters across different platforms. It then demonstrates how to install Rancher, add custom and AKS clusters, and deploy applications like WordPress using Rancher's catalog across different clusters. While Rancher provides a unified interface for multi-cluster management, the document notes some current limitations in integrating with AKS clusters.
Session 5 - NGSI-LD Advanced Operations | Train the Trainers ProgramFIWAREThis document provides information about NGSI-LD (Next Generation SI Services for Linked Data) including:
- NGSI-LD specific headers used in requests and responses
- Supported content types and best practices for JSON-LD payloads
- Examples of retrieving entity data and temporal data using NGSI-LD endpoints
- Options for normalizing, pagination and filtering temporal data
- Using geojson and language maps for location and multilingual attributes
Flexible, hybrid API-led software architectures with KongSven BernhardtKong is a lightweight, cloud-native API solution that makes it easier and faster than ever to connect APIs and microservices in today’s hybrid, multi-cloud environments. With its agnostic, flexible deployment approach, Kong can be used in today’s heterogeneous IT system landscapes to integrate a wide variety of data and systems – even across company boundaries – using APIs. In addition to REST APIs, Kong also offers support for gRPC and GraphQL, which broadens the possibilities to implement modern application architectures.
In this presentation, we will discuss deployment patterns and use cases for Kong to demonstrate the flexibility of the platform. Using a practical example, aspects of the API development and deployment process as well as the integration in existing software development processes will be discussed.
Building Kubernetes images at scale with Tanzu Build ServiceVMware TanzuBuilding a secure software supply chain
Leveraging Tanzu Build Service
How Build Service fits in the Tanzu portfolio
Modernize your applications
Live demos
Look ma: no Dockerfile!
An introduction to Apache ThriftMike FramptonA short introduction to Apache Thrift, what is it and how does it work ?
How can it help to define multi language client/server interfaces ?
Multi tenant architectureEastern Software SystemsThe document discusses multi-tenant architecture, which allows multiple customers to use a single software instance installed on multiple servers. This increases resource utilization and reduces operational complexity and costs. It describes how a multi-tenant application can provide customization for each organization's needs while being maintained as a single infrastructure with shared components, such as database tables. The advantages of multi-tenant architecture include easy maintenance, quick upgrades, better release management, and lower hardware requirements and costs of operation. However, it also presents more complex applications, a need for more configurability, and the risk that a single failure could impact many customers.
Apache sqoop with an use caseDavin AbrahamThis document provides an overview of Apache Sqoop, a tool for transferring bulk data between Apache Hadoop and structured data stores like relational databases. It describes how Sqoop can import data from external sources into HDFS or related systems, and export data from Hadoop to external systems. The document also demonstrates how to use basic Sqoop commands to list databases and tables, import and export data between MySQL and HDFS, and perform updates during export.
Openstack 101Kamesh PemmarajuDo you think of cheetahs not RabbitMQ when you hear the word Swift? Think a Nova is just a giant exploding star, not a cloud compute engine. This deck (presented at the OpenStack Boston meetup) provides introduction will answer your many questions. It covers the basic components including: Nova, Swift, Cinder, Keystone, Horizon and Glance.
Terraform BasicsMohammed FazuluddinAs part of this presentation we covered basics of Terraform which is Infrastructure as code. It will helps to Devops teams to start with Terraform.
This document will be helpful for the development who wants to understand infrastructure as code concepts and if they want to understand the usability of terrform
Room 3 - 7 - Nguyễn Như Phúc Huy - Vitastor: a fast and simple Ceph-like bloc...Vietnam Open Infrastructure User GroupVitastor is a fast and simple Ceph-like block storage solution that aims to maximize performance for SSDs and NVMEs. It focuses on block storage with fixed-size blocks rather than Ceph's object storage model. Vitastor uses a monitor, Etcd, and OSDs like Ceph but without a separate CRUSH layer and with monitors that do not store data. It supports technologies like RDMA for low latency and high throughput. The presenter's experiments showed Vitastor had improved performance over Ceph in some tests but also experienced some integration and operational issues.
Actuation, Federation and Interoperability of Context BrokersFIWAREThis training camp teaches you how FIWARE technologies and iSHARE, brought together under the umbrella of the i4Trust initiative, can be combined to provide the means for creation of data spaces in which multiple organizations can exchange digital twin data in a trusted and efficient manner, collaborating in the development of innovative services based on data sharing and creating value out of the data they share. SMEs and Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) will be equipped with the necessary know-how to use the i4Trust framework for creating data spaces!
Multi Tenancy In The Cloudrohit_ainapureCloud computing provides convenient, on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort. It provides an abstraction between computing resources and their underlying technical architecture, enabling flexible network access.
OpenTelemetry 101 FTWNGINX, Inc.It's been said that open source software is eating the world. In the observability space, the project making this possible is OpenTelemetry. It's quickly becoming the standard for instrumentation and data collection of observability data. Understanding what data to collect and how to collect it properly is fundamental to ensuring users can quickly address availability and performance issues. Steve Flanders, Director of Engineering at Splunk, discusses the components of the project, its current status, and how you can get started integrating it into your modern app infrastructure.
Steve Flanders
Understanding REST APIs in 5 Simple StepsTessa MeroThis document summarizes the 5 steps to understanding REST APIs: 1) Understanding the purpose of APIs and their importance and growth, 2) Learning that REST defines functions to communicate via HTTP verbs and nouns, 3) Knowing that APIs use requests and responses, 4) Relying on documentation as the reference, and 5) Using debugging and testing tools to prevent issues. It provides examples of requests, responses, API documentation, and tools like Postman for working with REST APIs.
Microservices with Docker, Kubernetes, and JenkinsRed Hat DevelopersBy Rafael Benevides and Christian Posta
A lot of functionality necessary for running in a microservices architecture have been built into Kubernetes; why would you re-invent the wheel with lots of complicated client-side libraries? Have you ever asked why you should use containers and what are the benefits for your application? This talk will present a microservices application that have been built using different Java platforms: WildFly Swarm and Vert.x. Then we will deploy this application in a Kubernetes cluster to present the advantages of containers for MSA (Microservices Architectures) and DevOps. The attendees will learn how to create, edit, build, deploy Java Microservices, and also how to perform service discovery, rolling updates, persistent volumes and much more. Finally we will fix a bug and see how a CI/CD Pipeline automates the process and reduces the deployment time.
Oracle Application Performance Monitoring Cloud Service 소개Mee Nam LeeOracle Application Performance Monitoring Cloud Service(APM CS) 소개
- End User Performance
- Server Request Performance
- Log Analytics
- Synthetic Test
12-Factor AppsSiva Rama Krishna ChunduruThe twelve-factor app is designed for continuous deployment by keeping the gap between development and production small. For example, make the time gap small, make the personnel gap small & make the tools gap small. Learn more about how a Cloud vendor must provide a platform for 12-factor / Cloud Native development and deployment with identified anti-patterns.
Kubernetes Probes (Liveness, Readyness, Startup) IntroductionAkhmadZakiAlsafiThis document discusses different types of probes in Kubernetes including liveness, readiness, and startup probes. Liveness probes check if a container is running, readiness probes check if a container is ready to receive traffic, and startup probes delay liveness/readiness checks until startup is complete. It provides examples of defining each type of probe using commands, HTTP GET requests, and TCP checks. It also describes configuring probe parameters like initial delays, timeouts, success/failure thresholds.
Apache tomcatShashwat ShriparvThe document discusses setting up and configuring an Apache Tomcat server. It includes steps to install Java, download and extract the Tomcat source package, set environment paths, start and stop the Tomcat server, and test functionality using HTML, JSP and Servlet files. The server runs on port 8080 by default and can host Java web applications built with Servlets and JSP.
Multi cluster management with rancherKyohei MizumotoThe document discusses multi-cluster management using Rancher. It begins with an introduction to Rancher and its features for managing Kubernetes clusters across different platforms. It then demonstrates how to install Rancher, add custom and AKS clusters, and deploy applications like WordPress using Rancher's catalog across different clusters. While Rancher provides a unified interface for multi-cluster management, the document notes some current limitations in integrating with AKS clusters.
Session 5 - NGSI-LD Advanced Operations | Train the Trainers ProgramFIWAREThis document provides information about NGSI-LD (Next Generation SI Services for Linked Data) including:
- NGSI-LD specific headers used in requests and responses
- Supported content types and best practices for JSON-LD payloads
- Examples of retrieving entity data and temporal data using NGSI-LD endpoints
- Options for normalizing, pagination and filtering temporal data
- Using geojson and language maps for location and multilingual attributes
Flexible, hybrid API-led software architectures with KongSven BernhardtKong is a lightweight, cloud-native API solution that makes it easier and faster than ever to connect APIs and microservices in today’s hybrid, multi-cloud environments. With its agnostic, flexible deployment approach, Kong can be used in today’s heterogeneous IT system landscapes to integrate a wide variety of data and systems – even across company boundaries – using APIs. In addition to REST APIs, Kong also offers support for gRPC and GraphQL, which broadens the possibilities to implement modern application architectures.
In this presentation, we will discuss deployment patterns and use cases for Kong to demonstrate the flexibility of the platform. Using a practical example, aspects of the API development and deployment process as well as the integration in existing software development processes will be discussed.
Building Kubernetes images at scale with Tanzu Build ServiceVMware TanzuBuilding a secure software supply chain
Leveraging Tanzu Build Service
How Build Service fits in the Tanzu portfolio
Modernize your applications
Live demos
Look ma: no Dockerfile!
An introduction to Apache ThriftMike FramptonA short introduction to Apache Thrift, what is it and how does it work ?
How can it help to define multi language client/server interfaces ?
Multi tenant architectureEastern Software SystemsThe document discusses multi-tenant architecture, which allows multiple customers to use a single software instance installed on multiple servers. This increases resource utilization and reduces operational complexity and costs. It describes how a multi-tenant application can provide customization for each organization's needs while being maintained as a single infrastructure with shared components, such as database tables. The advantages of multi-tenant architecture include easy maintenance, quick upgrades, better release management, and lower hardware requirements and costs of operation. However, it also presents more complex applications, a need for more configurability, and the risk that a single failure could impact many customers.
Apache sqoop with an use caseDavin AbrahamThis document provides an overview of Apache Sqoop, a tool for transferring bulk data between Apache Hadoop and structured data stores like relational databases. It describes how Sqoop can import data from external sources into HDFS or related systems, and export data from Hadoop to external systems. The document also demonstrates how to use basic Sqoop commands to list databases and tables, import and export data between MySQL and HDFS, and perform updates during export.
Openstack 101Kamesh PemmarajuDo you think of cheetahs not RabbitMQ when you hear the word Swift? Think a Nova is just a giant exploding star, not a cloud compute engine. This deck (presented at the OpenStack Boston meetup) provides introduction will answer your many questions. It covers the basic components including: Nova, Swift, Cinder, Keystone, Horizon and Glance.
Terraform BasicsMohammed FazuluddinAs part of this presentation we covered basics of Terraform which is Infrastructure as code. It will helps to Devops teams to start with Terraform.
This document will be helpful for the development who wants to understand infrastructure as code concepts and if they want to understand the usability of terrform
Room 3 - 7 - Nguyễn Như Phúc Huy - Vitastor: a fast and simple Ceph-like bloc...Vietnam Open Infrastructure User GroupVitastor is a fast and simple Ceph-like block storage solution that aims to maximize performance for SSDs and NVMEs. It focuses on block storage with fixed-size blocks rather than Ceph's object storage model. Vitastor uses a monitor, Etcd, and OSDs like Ceph but without a separate CRUSH layer and with monitors that do not store data. It supports technologies like RDMA for low latency and high throughput. The presenter's experiments showed Vitastor had improved performance over Ceph in some tests but also experienced some integration and operational issues.
Actuation, Federation and Interoperability of Context BrokersFIWAREThis training camp teaches you how FIWARE technologies and iSHARE, brought together under the umbrella of the i4Trust initiative, can be combined to provide the means for creation of data spaces in which multiple organizations can exchange digital twin data in a trusted and efficient manner, collaborating in the development of innovative services based on data sharing and creating value out of the data they share. SMEs and Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) will be equipped with the necessary know-how to use the i4Trust framework for creating data spaces!
Multi Tenancy In The Cloudrohit_ainapureCloud computing provides convenient, on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort. It provides an abstraction between computing resources and their underlying technical architecture, enabling flexible network access.
OpenTelemetry 101 FTWNGINX, Inc.It's been said that open source software is eating the world. In the observability space, the project making this possible is OpenTelemetry. It's quickly becoming the standard for instrumentation and data collection of observability data. Understanding what data to collect and how to collect it properly is fundamental to ensuring users can quickly address availability and performance issues. Steve Flanders, Director of Engineering at Splunk, discusses the components of the project, its current status, and how you can get started integrating it into your modern app infrastructure.
Steve Flanders
Understanding REST APIs in 5 Simple StepsTessa MeroThis document summarizes the 5 steps to understanding REST APIs: 1) Understanding the purpose of APIs and their importance and growth, 2) Learning that REST defines functions to communicate via HTTP verbs and nouns, 3) Knowing that APIs use requests and responses, 4) Relying on documentation as the reference, and 5) Using debugging and testing tools to prevent issues. It provides examples of requests, responses, API documentation, and tools like Postman for working with REST APIs.
Microservices with Docker, Kubernetes, and JenkinsRed Hat DevelopersBy Rafael Benevides and Christian Posta
A lot of functionality necessary for running in a microservices architecture have been built into Kubernetes; why would you re-invent the wheel with lots of complicated client-side libraries? Have you ever asked why you should use containers and what are the benefits for your application? This talk will present a microservices application that have been built using different Java platforms: WildFly Swarm and Vert.x. Then we will deploy this application in a Kubernetes cluster to present the advantages of containers for MSA (Microservices Architectures) and DevOps. The attendees will learn how to create, edit, build, deploy Java Microservices, and also how to perform service discovery, rolling updates, persistent volumes and much more. Finally we will fix a bug and see how a CI/CD Pipeline automates the process and reduces the deployment time.
Oracle Application Performance Monitoring Cloud Service 소개Mee Nam LeeOracle Application Performance Monitoring Cloud Service(APM CS) 소개
- End User Performance
- Server Request Performance
- Log Analytics
- Synthetic Test
API Design & Performance Optimization_ݺߣShare.pdfseojung19API First 전략이란 무엇인지, 이러한 전략을 사용하는 이유와 그 장단점을 알아봅니다.
Restful API 디자인의 주요 원칙과 방법을 알아봅니다.
API 성능 최적화 기법을 소개합니다.
Bytebytego (https://github.com/ByteByteGoHq/system-design-101)를 중심으로 하기 참고 자료를 공부하여 정리한 내용입니다.
- https://github.com/ByteByteGoHq/system-design-101
[IMQA] performance consultingIMQA 급증하는 온라인 사용자 증가, 부하테스트가 필요하지 않으신가요?
요즘 인터넷 뉴스에는 홈페이지 접속자 폭증으로 인한 서버 다운, xx은행 모바일 앱 접속 에러, 인터넷 뱅킹 장애 등 온라인 시장과 모바일 시장이 급격하게 성장함에 따라 이에 따른 장애 소식이 끊이지 않고 전해지고 있습니다.
그렇다면, 우리는 이런 장애들을 어떻게 대비할 수 있을까요?
웹∙앱 부하테스트 (성능 진단) 및 컨설팅 안은 웹∙앱 부하테스트(성능 진단 테스트) 진행 과정과 이를 기반으로 어떻게 컨설팅을 진행하고 있는지 소개하고, 나아가 관련 장애들을 대비할 수 있는 방법에 대해 설명합니다.
(공유드리는 파일은 slideshare에 업로드되었던 웹∙앱 부하테스트 성능 진단 및 컨설팅 안을 업데이트한 최신 본입니다.)
웹∙앱 부하테스트 (성능 진단) 및 컨설팅 자료는 아래와 같이 구성되어있습니다.
• 웹∙앱 성능을 진단하고 문제에 대한 원인 분석 및 개선방향을 제시합니다.
• 컨설팅 안에는 여러 실 성능 진단을 예시로 들고 이에 대한 원인 분석 및 개선방향을 도
출한 내용이 포함되어 있습니다.
1. 앱 성능 진단
• 앱 진단 절차
• 앱 진단 상세 내용
2. 웹 서버 성능 진단
• 웹 진단 절차
• 웹 진단 방향
3. 부하 테스트
• 현 테스트 시나리오 분석
• 테스트 시나리오 보완 방법
• 부하 테스트 진행 방안
• 부하 테스트 전략
• 클라우드 기반 테스트 방안
모바일 성능 모니터링, 웹 서버 성능 진단 및 부하테스트 컨설팅에 관심이 있으신 분은 아래 연락처로 연락해주시면, 전문 컨설턴트가 안내해드리겠습니다.
hhjung@onycom.com l 02-6395-7722
[오픈소스컨설팅]Performance Tuning How ToJi-Woong ChoiThis slide allows you to increase your web application server performance. If you want to get this, please email us(support at osci.kr)
[PYCON Korea 2018] Python Application Server for Recommender System Kwangseob Kim한글 수정: /kimkwangseop/pycon-korea-2018-python-application-server-for-recommender-system-110602118
추천 시스템을 위한 어플리케이션 서버 개발 후기
@ PYCON Korea 2018
link: https://www.pycon.kr/2018/program/33
[PYCON Korea 2018] Python Application Server for Recommender System Kwangseob Kim(한글 fixed)
추천 시스템을 위한 어플리케이션 서버 개발 후기
@ PYCON Korea 2018
link: https://www.pycon.kr/2018/program/33
Scala, Spring-Boot, JPA의 불편하면서도 즐거운 동거Javajigi JaesungScala, Spring-Boot, JPA를 활용한 웹 애플리케이션 개발 과정에 대해 다룬다. Spring-Boot와 JPA 조합만으로도 생산성 있는 웹 애플리케이션 개발이 가능하다. 이 조합만으로도 충분히 의미가 있지만 여기에 Scala라는 약간은 불편한 듯 보이는 언어를 도입함으로써 얻을 수 있는 즐거움을 공유한다. Spring-Boot + JPA 조합에 Scala를 적용하면서의 좌충우돌 경험담을 전한다.
서버학개론(백엔드 서버 개발자를 위한)SU BO KIM어느 해커쏜에 참여한 백엔드 개발자들을 위한 교육자료
쉽게 만든다고 했는데도, 많이 어려웠나봅니다.
제 욕심이 과했던 것 같아요. 담번엔 좀 더 쉽게 !
- 독자 : 백엔드 개발자를 희망하는 사람 (취준생, 이직 희망자), 5년차 이하
- 주요 내용 : 백엔드 개발을 할 때 일어나는 일들(개발팀의 일)
- 비상업적 목적으로 인용은 가능합니다. (출처 명기 필수)
웹서버 부하테스트 실전 노하우IMQA Bestcon 2019에 발표한 웹서버 성능 테스트 실전 노하우 자료입니다.
테스트 케이스 생성부터, 테스트 전략, 데이터 해석 (APM, 인프라 모니터링), 클라우드에서 주의할 사항등 도움이 될만한 내용들만 간추려 전달합니다.
부하 테스트시 어니컴을 불러주세요
실전 서버 부하테스트 노하우 YoungSu SonBestcon 2019에 발표한 웹서버 성능 테스트 실전 노하우 자료입니다.
테스트 케이스 생성부터, 테스트 전략, 데이터 해석 (APM, 인프라 모니터링), 클라우드에서 주의할 사항등 도움이 될만한 내용들만 간추려 전달합니다.
부하 테스트시 어니컴을 불러주세요
Cloud for Kubernetes : Session4WhaTap LabsThis document provides an overview of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and containers on Azure.
It discusses how AKS simplifies deployment, management, and operations of Kubernetes. With AKS, users can scale and run applications with confidence while securing their Kubernetes environment. It also accelerates containerized application development by allowing users to work with open source tools and APIs.
The document then covers common scenarios for using AKS like microservices, machine learning, and IoT. It also discusses how customers like Maersk, OpenAI, Xerox, and Nobel Media have benefited from using AKS and containers on Azure.
Cloud for Kubernetes : Session3WhaTap LabsThis document provides an overview of managing Kubernetes clusters on Amazon EKS. It discusses how to deploy Kubernetes clusters on AWS infrastructure using EKS, including networking, security, and integration with other AWS services. It also provides examples of common Kubernetes resource configurations and operations using EKS, such as setting up volumes, routing, auto-scaling, and monitoring.