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Legalities of VentureLegalities of Venture
Presented by: Xerxes V. DasturPresented by: Xerxes V. Dastur
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
Are you an entrepreneur?Are you an entrepreneur?
1. Must have burning desire and discipline to1. Must have burning desire and discipline to
plan, work, and sacrifice in order toplan, work, and sacrifice in order to
successfully transform your idea into reality.successfully transform your idea into reality.
2. Are you ready, willing and able to work2. Are you ready, willing and able to work
harder than you have ever before?harder than you have ever before?
3. Do you have self-confidence and discipline?3. Do you have self-confidence and discipline?
If youIf youve answered no to any of theseve answered no to any of these
questions, you may not be ready forquestions, you may not be ready for
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
 When you start a business, youWhen you start a business, youllll
have to decide upon the type ofhave to decide upon the type of
business entity you want to use.business entity you want to use.
There are a number of optionsThere are a number of options
available and each one has its ownavailable and each one has its own
advantages and disadvantages.advantages and disadvantages.
There's simply no one-size-fits-allThere's simply no one-size-fits-all
answer as to what type of entity isanswer as to what type of entity is
thethe bestbest..
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
Developing Your IdeaDeveloping Your Idea
So whatSo whats your idea?s your idea?
WhatWhats your product?s your product?
What goods or services are you going to provide toWhat goods or services are you going to provide to
whom and whose needs are you going to meet?whom and whose needs are you going to meet?
For starters, you should ask yourselfFor starters, you should ask yourself What are myWhat are my
skills, what am I good at, and what do I love to do?skills, what am I good at, and what do I love to do?
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
Choosing the Right BusinessChoosing the Right Business
1. Starting a New Business: Is your idea new or1. Starting a New Business: Is your idea new or
2. Purchase an Existing Business: Many2. Purchase an Existing Business: Many
entrepreneurs start as franchisees in provenentrepreneurs start as franchisees in proven
businesses, thus avoiding some of the risks andbusinesses, thus avoiding some of the risks and
challenges inherent with starting a new businesschallenges inherent with starting a new business
from scratch.from scratch.
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
Business Entity:Sole ProprietaryBusiness Entity:Sole Proprietary
 An individual personAn individual person
 No formal organizational requirementNo formal organizational requirement
 There is no limit to liability - your personal assetsThere is no limit to liability - your personal assets
are at stake!are at stake!
 You can only transfer the interests in yourYou can only transfer the interests in your
business by selling the assets themselves whichbusiness by selling the assets themselves which
could mean more tax liabilitycould mean more tax liability..
 Access to capital can be limited.Access to capital can be limited.
 No distinction between the owner and the entity inNo distinction between the owner and the entity in
the eyes of Tax Authoritythe eyes of Tax Authority
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
Business Entity:Partnership FirmBusiness Entity:Partnership Firm
 Two or more individuals (or entities) have sharedTwo or more individuals (or entities) have shared
ownership of the business.ownership of the business.
 Maximum of 20 partnersMaximum of 20 partners
 No formal organizational requirements.No formal organizational requirements.
 Any partner of the partnership can bind or obligateAny partner of the partnership can bind or obligate
the partnershipthe partnership
 There is no limit to liability for the partners. LiabilityThere is no limit to liability for the partners. Liability
is joint and several.is joint and several.
 Taxes are paid at Entity Level.Taxes are paid at Entity Level.
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
Business Entity:CompanyBusiness Entity:Company
What is a Company ?What is a Company ?
 Voluntary association of personsVoluntary association of persons
 Distinct name & IdentityDistinct name & Identity
 Limited LiabilityLimited Liability
 Perpetual successionPerpetual succession
Types of CompaniesTypes of Companies
1. Private Limited Company1. Private Limited Company
2. Public Limited Company2. Public Limited Company
3. Section 25  Not for Profit Company3. Section 25  Not for Profit Company
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
Business Entity: CompanyBusiness Entity: Company
Private Limited CompaniesPrivate Limited Companies
 Minimum 2 and Maximum 50 ShareholdersMinimum 2 and Maximum 50 Shareholders
 No invitation can be made to public forNo invitation can be made to public for
subscription of shares / debentures/ depositssubscription of shares / debentures/ deposits
 Rigorous management/governance structuresRigorous management/governance structures
 Liability of a director/manager of such a companyLiability of a director/manager of such a company
can be at times be Unlimited.can be at times be Unlimited.
V. S. Dastur & CoV. S. Dastur & Co
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
Business Entity: CompanyBusiness Entity: Company
Public Limited CompaniesPublic Limited Companies
 Company which isCompany which is notnot a Private Limited Company.a Private Limited Company.
 Certificate of Commencement of Business to beCertificate of Commencement of Business to be
 Minimum 7 and no bar on Maximum ShareholdersMinimum 7 and no bar on Maximum Shareholders
 Invitation can be made to public for subscription ofInvitation can be made to public for subscription of
shares / debentures/ depositsshares / debentures/ deposits
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
Limited Liability PartnershipsLimited Liability Partnerships
 Hybrid business entity combining features of aHybrid business entity combining features of a
partnership firm and company.partnership firm and company.
 Limited liability of PartnersLimited liability of Partners
 No limit on maximum number of partnersNo limit on maximum number of partners
 Perpetual existence like a companyPerpetual existence like a company
 Non-applicability of The Indian PartnershipNon-applicability of The Indian Partnership
 No requirement of minimum capitalNo requirement of minimum capital
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
Joint VenturesJoint Ventures
 Business agreementBusiness agreement
 Capital contribution by partiesCapital contribution by parties
 Parties agree to develop a new entity for aParties agree to develop a new entity for a
finite timefinite time
 Share Revenues, expenses & assets.Share Revenues, expenses & assets.
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
Major ChallengesMajor Challenges
 Economic Challenges
 Regulatory Challenges
 Technological Challenges
 Human Resource Challenges
 Personal Challenges
V. S. Dastur & Co .V. S. Dastur & Co .
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
Important Statutory RegistrationsImportant Statutory Registrations
 Basic Incorporation documentBasic Incorporation document
 Permanent Account NumberPermanent Account Number
 Tax Deduction Account NumberTax Deduction Account Number
 Service Tax RegistrationService Tax Registration
 Sales Tax RegistrationSales Tax Registration
 Social Security RegistrationSocial Security Registration
 Shops & EstablishmentShops & Establishment
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
TopicTopic SoleSole
CompanyCompany LLPLLP
11 RegistrationRegistration Not RequiredNot Required OptionalOptional Yes, underYes, under
Act, 1956Act, 1956
Yes, underYes, under
Act, 2008Act, 2008
22 SeparateSeparate
Legal EntityLegal Entity
NoNo NoNo YesYes YesYes
33 Law forLaw for
Choice of theChoice of the
Choice ofChoice of
Approval toApproval to
from ROCfrom ROC
Approval toApproval to
from ROCfrom ROC
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
TopicTopic SoleSole
CompanyCompany LLPLLP
44 ForeignForeign
-- Not allowedNot allowed
from Foreignfrom Foreign
AllowedAllowed AllowedAllowed
55 Minimum/MaMinimum/Ma
ximum No ofximum No of
11 2 to 202 to 20 2 to 50 for2 to 50 for
& 7 to& 7 to
for publicfor public
2 to2 to
66 OwnershipOwnership
of Assetsof Assets
OwnerOwner Jointly byJointly by
With theWith the
With theWith the
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
TopicTopic SoleSole
CompanyCompany LLPLLP
77 ResponsibilitResponsibilit
ies /ies /
NoneNone Governed byGoverned by
by the MOAby the MOA
& AOA of& AOA of
by LLPby LLP
88 LiabilityLiability UnlimitedUnlimited
Joint &Joint &
Liability of theLiability of the
Limited toLimited to
the extentthe extent
of unpaidof unpaid
amount ofamount of
the sharesthe shares
Limited toLimited to
the extentthe extent
of theof the
stipulated instipulated in
the LLPthe LLP
99 TransferTransfer -- Not PossibleNot Possible LegallyLegally
Depends onDepends on
V. S. Dastur & Co .V. S. Dastur & Co .
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
TopicTopic SoleSole
CompanyCompany LLPLLP
1010 Basic LegalBasic Legal
NoneNone PartnershipPartnership
1111 Legal ActionLegal Action
for Businessfor Business
Owner can sueOwner can sue
and be suedand be sued
firm can suefirm can sue
third partiesthird parties
can suecan sue
and beand be
LLP canLLP can
sue and besue and be
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
Which entity do I choose?Which entity do I choose?
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
Factors to considerFactors to consider
 Tax MattersTax Matters
 Entrepreneurship Spirit
 Leadership Skill
 Team Member
 Listening Skill
 Team builder
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
Timing IssuesTiming Issues
 How soon do you plan to start yourHow soon do you plan to start your
business? It is generally very easy tobusiness? It is generally very easy to
organize your business as a soleorganize your business as a sole
proprietorship, and you will spendproprietorship, and you will spend
less time preparing and filing theless time preparing and filing the
paperwork than with the other typespaperwork than with the other types
of entities.of entities.
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
Ownership issuesOwnership issues
 Will you own the business yourselfWill you own the business yourself
or with others? Certain businessor with others? Certain business
structures more easily accommodatestructures more easily accommodate
more than a single owner.more than a single owner.
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
 Also keep in mind when you areAlso keep in mind when you are
preparing your organizational documentspreparing your organizational documents
that you should consider the possiblethat you should consider the possible
implications if one of the owner wants toimplications if one of the owner wants to
leave the business. It may seemleave the business. It may seem
uncomfortable (and seem unnecessary)uncomfortable (and seem unnecessary)
to think about this at the beginning, butto think about this at the beginning, but
it can save a lot of stress and expense ifit can save a lot of stress and expense if
these issues are worked out beforehand..these issues are worked out beforehand..
V. S. Dastur & Co .V. S. Dastur & Co .
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
Financing issuesFinancing issues
 How do you intend to finance theHow do you intend to finance the
growth of your business  do yougrowth of your business  do you
anticipate seeking outsideanticipate seeking outside
investments? If so what kinds ofinvestments? If so what kinds of
investors will you target? Differentinvestors will you target? Different
types of business entities are bettertypes of business entities are better
suited to different types of investors.suited to different types of investors.
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
 In general, the simpler legalIn general, the simpler legal
structures are less expensive tostructures are less expensive to
form, and require less money toform, and require less money to
maintain. For example, in case ofmaintain. For example, in case of
companies there are a lot of ROCcompanies there are a lot of ROC
filings to be complied with.filings to be complied with.
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
 You may also wish to consider theYou may also wish to consider the
various recordkeeping requirementsvarious recordkeeping requirements
that are applicable to each type ofthat are applicable to each type of
business entity. Youbusiness entity. Youll need properll need proper
accounting records regardless of theaccounting records regardless of the
type of business entity, buttype of business entity, but
additional legal recordkeepingadditional legal recordkeeping
requirements may vary.requirements may vary.
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
 For example, companies haveFor example, companies have
relatively stringent recordkeepingrelatively stringent recordkeeping
rules (compared to other entityrules (compared to other entity
types), and also have shareholdertypes), and also have shareholder
and annual meeting requirements.and annual meeting requirements.
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
Tax mattersTax matters
 Different entities are affected byDifferent entities are affected by
different tax provisions. In general,different tax provisions. In general,
in a sole proprietorship the profitsin a sole proprietorship the profits
and losses of the business will passand losses of the business will pass
through the ownerthrough the owners individual taxs individual tax
return. This avoids additional layerreturn. This avoids additional layer
of taxation that occurs at theof taxation that occurs at the
corporation level.corporation level.
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants
Food for ThoughtFood for Thought
Decision on the type of entityDecision on the type of entity
to choose is a crucial decision havingto choose is a crucial decision having
far reaching impact and should befar reaching impact and should be
taken after due consultation.taken after due consultation.
Invest time today to saveInvest time today to save
heartburn tomorrow.heartburn tomorrow.
V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co.
Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants

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Legalities of Ventures

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  • 6. V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co. Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants Sole Proprietary Concern Partnership Firm Company Joint Venture Limited Liability Partnership BUSINESS ENTITIES
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  • 11. V. S. Dastur & CoV. S. Dastur & Co Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants Business Entity: CompanyBusiness Entity: Company Public Limited CompaniesPublic Limited Companies Company which isCompany which is notnot a Private Limited Company.a Private Limited Company. Certificate of Commencement of Business to beCertificate of Commencement of Business to be obtained.obtained. Minimum 7 and no bar on Maximum ShareholdersMinimum 7 and no bar on Maximum Shareholders Invitation can be made to public for subscription ofInvitation can be made to public for subscription of shares / debentures/ depositsshares / debentures/ deposits
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  • 14. V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co. Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants Major ChallengesMajor Challenges Economic Challenges Regulatory Challenges Technological Challenges Human Resource Challenges Personal Challenges
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  • 19. V. S. Dastur & Co .V. S. Dastur & Co . Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants ComparisionComparision Sr.Sr. NoNo .. TopicTopic SoleSole ProprietaryProprietary ConcernConcern PartnershipPartnership FirmFirm CompanyCompany LLPLLP 1010 Basic LegalBasic Legal DocumentDocument NoneNone PartnershipPartnership DeedDeed MOA &MOA & AOAAOA LLPLLP AgreementAgreement 1111 Legal ActionLegal Action for Businessfor Business Owner can sueOwner can sue and be suedand be sued OnlyOnly registeredregistered partnershippartnership firm can suefirm can sue third partiesthird parties CompanyCompany can suecan sue and beand be suedsued LLP canLLP can sue and besue and be suedsued
  • 20. V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co. Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants Which entity do I choose?Which entity do I choose?
  • 21. V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co. Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants Factors to considerFactors to consider Mindset/PersonalityMindset/Personality TimingTiming OwnershipOwnership FinancingFinancing CostsCosts Tax MattersTax Matters
  • 22. Mindset/PersonalityMindset/Personality Entrepreneurship Spirit Leadership Skill Team Member Listening Skill Self-centric Team builder
  • 23. V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co. Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants Timing IssuesTiming Issues How soon do you plan to start yourHow soon do you plan to start your business? It is generally very easy tobusiness? It is generally very easy to organize your business as a soleorganize your business as a sole proprietorship, and you will spendproprietorship, and you will spend less time preparing and filing theless time preparing and filing the paperwork than with the other typespaperwork than with the other types of entities.of entities.
  • 24. V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co. Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants Ownership issuesOwnership issues Will you own the business yourselfWill you own the business yourself or with others? Certain businessor with others? Certain business structures more easily accommodatestructures more easily accommodate more than a single owner.more than a single owner.
  • 25. V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co. Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants Also keep in mind when you areAlso keep in mind when you are preparing your organizational documentspreparing your organizational documents that you should consider the possiblethat you should consider the possible implications if one of the owner wants toimplications if one of the owner wants to leave the business. It may seemleave the business. It may seem uncomfortable (and seem unnecessary)uncomfortable (and seem unnecessary) to think about this at the beginning, butto think about this at the beginning, but it can save a lot of stress and expense ifit can save a lot of stress and expense if these issues are worked out beforehand..these issues are worked out beforehand..
  • 26. V. S. Dastur & Co .V. S. Dastur & Co . Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants Financing issuesFinancing issues How do you intend to finance theHow do you intend to finance the growth of your business do yougrowth of your business do you anticipate seeking outsideanticipate seeking outside investments? If so what kinds ofinvestments? If so what kinds of investors will you target? Differentinvestors will you target? Different types of business entities are bettertypes of business entities are better suited to different types of investors.suited to different types of investors.
  • 27. V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co. Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants CostsCosts In general, the simpler legalIn general, the simpler legal structures are less expensive tostructures are less expensive to form, and require less money toform, and require less money to maintain. For example, in case ofmaintain. For example, in case of companies there are a lot of ROCcompanies there are a lot of ROC filings to be complied with.filings to be complied with.
  • 28. V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co. Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants RecordkeepingRecordkeeping You may also wish to consider theYou may also wish to consider the various recordkeeping requirementsvarious recordkeeping requirements that are applicable to each type ofthat are applicable to each type of business entity. Youbusiness entity. Youll need properll need proper accounting records regardless of theaccounting records regardless of the type of business entity, buttype of business entity, but additional legal recordkeepingadditional legal recordkeeping requirements may vary.requirements may vary.
  • 29. V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co. Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants For example, companies haveFor example, companies have relatively stringent recordkeepingrelatively stringent recordkeeping rules (compared to other entityrules (compared to other entity types), and also have shareholdertypes), and also have shareholder and annual meeting requirements.and annual meeting requirements.
  • 30. V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co. Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants Tax mattersTax matters Different entities are affected byDifferent entities are affected by different tax provisions. In general,different tax provisions. In general, in a sole proprietorship the profitsin a sole proprietorship the profits and losses of the business will passand losses of the business will pass through the ownerthrough the owners individual taxs individual tax return. This avoids additional layerreturn. This avoids additional layer of taxation that occurs at theof taxation that occurs at the corporation level.corporation level.
  • 31. V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co. Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants Food for ThoughtFood for Thought Decision on the type of entityDecision on the type of entity to choose is a crucial decision havingto choose is a crucial decision having far reaching impact and should befar reaching impact and should be taken after due consultation.taken after due consultation. Invest time today to saveInvest time today to save heartburn tomorrow.heartburn tomorrow.
  • 32. V. S. Dastur & Co.V. S. Dastur & Co. Chartered AccountantsChartered Accountants THANK YOU and QUESTIONSTHANK YOU and QUESTIONS