I'm unique
Young, and smart,
I'm the type I'm-so-deep-you-won't-know-what-i'm-thinking,
But definitely not the one you want to joke upon..
i like music,
because with it i can express my feelings...
you may think i'm a fashionista..
I'm not..
i just like being BeautifUl..
SoMEtImes I thInk I couLd JuSt Give Up..
BuT i kNow I Have FrieNDs Who i Could RelY On..
wHO wouLd tEll Me Not to GivE up
PeOple WouLD eXpecT me To Fly...
But I woN't jUst Fly,
I'll also Shine..
Don't ThiNK You're Any BetTer Than Me..
JuSt BECause I'm Younger Than AnyOne Of YOu..
JusT because you'Re More PriVileged Than Me..
i'M sMartEr Than I SeeM..
I may not A be A peoPle PerSon..
At LeaST i'm a ReAl Person..