Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Ulu Tiram Village, Johor, Malaysia
Taman pelangi indah
Just stuff from the life & mind of Cap'n Shashi
1) I'm 19 years old as of 12/18/2011.
2) I'm in a very serious and happy relationship with my wonderful girlfriend Shanu Krishnan.
3) What I really like:
-guitars(Jackson Guitars <3. I Love SHREDDING and I Play Standard, Drop D and Drop C Tunings Only. Other Than That, I Don't Intend To Fuck My Mind With Other Tunings.)
-hunting & fishing
-screaming and growling
-punk fucking rock (the music & the way of life- true til DEATH!)
-comic books
-guns, knives, whips (basically any sort of killing weapon)
-good chocolate drink or cereals & non-alcoholic St. Pauili Girl or Becks beers.
4) I say exactly what I want, when I
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