3. Consciousness Hacking?
An exploration into the ways that
technology can support physical,
psychological, emotional and spiritual
We are a global community, building a future
where technology is in service to the highest
ideals of humanity_
4. Background
Mikey Siegel
Can technology be a tool to help us realize a profound sense of
peace and wellbeing?
Can the devices around us do more than provide information
and change behavior?
What if our gadgets guided us toward
acceptance and balance, independent of
5. Transformative Technology
Transformative Technologies are science-based
hardware and software that can produce reliable
and positive changes in the human psychological
Transformative Technology seeks to improve the
quality of our lives by moving beyond productivity,
entertainment, and communication. Its using
technology to sustain us, to help us access and
develop our mental and emotional wellbeing so that
we can experience our best-selves day-to-day.
8. Spirituality is the next Tech frontier.
The feelings that Church once gave
us will soon come to smartphones
and wearable tech
~Vishen Lakhiani/ CEO Mindvalley
9. My passion
My passion lies at the cutting edge between
consciousness and computer technology
Creating products & services that contribute to the
consciousness & wellbeing of its users
10. My mission
Bridging the gap between consciousness and
computer technology.
Hacking world views, hacking your sense of Self,
your reality; becoming multidimensional.
Connecting the dots, connecting digital realms
and spiritual dimensions.
Unlocking (y)our limitless potential.
11. CoHack Meetups
Frequent live meetups, throughout NL
Possible content
demos, philosophical/ethical discussions,
showcasing new technologies, support for
new projects & products, networking &
building community, empowering etc.
12. Possible subjects
Virtual Reality
Augmented Reality
Quantified Self
Internet of Things
Serious Gaming
Quantum Physics
App/Web Design
23. The power of attention
Attention is the most powerful tool of the
human spirit.
We can enhance or augment our attention with
practices like meditation and exercise, diffuse it
with technologies like email and Blackberries,
or alter it with pharmaceuticals.
In the end, though, we are fully
responsible for how we choose to
use this extraordinary tool.
27. Thank you!
Special thanks to GetSocial, Boomcast and Project
D竪mos and all who helped promote this event!
Your donation is highly appreciated.
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Hope to see you next time!